Course Index
- Econ 101: Introduction to Economics
- Econ 202: Principles of Microeconomics
- Econ 203: Principles of Macroeconomics
- Econ 230: Economic Statistics I
- Econ 302: Economic Statistics II
- Econ 303: Money and Banking
- Econ 305: Current Economic Topics
- Econ 307: Managerial Economics
- Econ 308: Operations Research
- Econ 310: Engineering Economy
- Econ 312: Law and Economics
- Econ 320: Current Global Economic Issues
- Econ 324: Experimental Economics
- Econ 335: An Economic History of the South
- Econ 398: Intermediate Microeconomics
- Econ 399: Intermediate Macroeconomics
- Econ 401: Government and Business
- Econ 402: Econometrics
- Econ 403: Mathematical Economics
- Econ 406: Natural Resource Economics
- Econ 410: Financial Economics
- Econ 411: Asset Pricing
- Econ 412: Financial Econometrics
- Econ 417: Labor Economics
- Econ 422: Economic Growth and Development
- Econ 490: Directed Readings in Economics
- Econ 491: Directed Research in Economics
- Econ 504: Economic Issues in American History
- Econ 505: Public Finance
- Econ 506: Public Finance Administration
- Econ 510: International Trade & Commercial Policy
- Econ 513: History of Economic Thought
- Econ 520: Special Topics in Economics
- Econ 525: Economics of High-Tech Industries
- Econ 540: Seminar in Economics
- Econ 545: Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
- Econ 581: Collective Bargaining
- Econ 583: Labor Relations
- Econ 601: Industrial Organization
- Econ 602: Managerial Economics
- Econ 603: Business Conditions Analysis
- Econ 604: Statistical Methods for Bus & Economics
- Econ 605: Microeconomic Theory
- Econ 606: Macroeconomic Theory
- Econ 607: Seminar
- Econ 609: Methods of Mathematical Analysis
- Econ 610: Public Choice
- Econ 612: Operations Research
- Econ 614: Advanced Microeconomics
- Econ 615: Public Finance
- Econ 616: Economic Development
- Econ 617: Labor Economics
- Econ 619: Monetary Theory
- Econ 620: Public Policy Analysis
- Econ 621: Theory of International Trade
- Econ 623: International Macroeconomics
- Econ 624: Economics of Human Resources
- Econ 625: Labor & Manpower Policies & Problems
- Econ 628: Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis
- Econ 629: Statistical Methods for Economics & Fin
- Econ 630: Econometrics I
- Econ 631: Econometrics II
- Econ 643: Microeconomics Research Seminar
- Econ 645: Macroeconomics Research Seminar
- Econ 647: Econometrics Research Seminar
- Econ 650: Research Colloquium in Econ & Finance
- Econ 697: Thesis
- Econ 797: Dissertation
- Edav 427: Educational Technology
- Edav 573: Org. & Direct. of Instruct. Media Center
- Edav 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edav 652: Advanced Individual Study
- Edav 676: The Use of Graphic Materials in Teaching
- Edav 697: Thesis
- Edav 767: Field Study
- Edav 797: Dissertation
- Edba 602: Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis
- Edba 603: Single Case Experimental Design
- Edba 604: Applied Behavior Analysis Methods & Asse
- Edba 605: Applied Behavior Analysis Methods & Inte
- Edba 606: Ethics in Applied Behavior Analysis
- Edba 607: Supervision and Training in Applied Beha
- Edba 610: Practicum Experience in Applied Behavior
- Edba 611: Independent Research in Applied Behavior
- Edci 096: English as a Second Language Course A
- Edci 097: English as a Second Language Course B
- Edci 098: English as a Second Language Course C
- Edci 099: English as a Second Language Course D
- Edci 101: Introduction to Teaching in STEM
- Edci 201: American Sign Language I
- Edci 202: American Sign Language II
- Edci 300: Career Education
- Edci 303: Design of Instruction; Effective Teach.
- Edci 310: Introduction to Museum Education
- Edci 317: Diag & Rem Read Dis
- Edci 320: Service Projects in Science Ed: K-12
- Edci 352: Education, Society, & the K-12 Learner
- Edci 353: Planning & Teaching Strategies for Effec
- Edci 403: Introduction to Classroom Assessment
- Edci 419: Effective Classroom Mgmt & Assesment Pra
- Edci 443: Spec Meth I
- Edci 500: Assessing Student Learning
- Edci 501: Effective Teaching & Classroom Practices
- Edci 502: Diversity of the Adolescent Learner
- Edci 503: Msmt. & Eval. for the Classroom Teacher
- Edci 504: Teachers as Leaders
- Edci 505: Classroom Facilitation and Management
- Edci 520: Service Projects in Science Ed: K-12
- Edci 526: The Middle Years School
- Edci 557: Computer Concepts and App. for Educators
- Edci 558: Integrating the Internet in Education
- Edci 600: Advanced Methods
- Edci 601: Advanced Curriculum Theory and Practice
- Edci 602: Curriculum Construction
- Edci 604: Theoretical Models& Processes of Reading
- Edci 605: Exploration& Application of Trends& Curr
- Edci 606: Comp. Wellness Physical Activity Ele Cla
- Edci 607: Theory & Practice in Ele Science Ed
- Edci 608: Curricular Issues in Elementary Mathemat
- Edci 613: Lesson Planning & Assessing Student Lear
- Edci 616: Science Technology Society in Classroom
- Edci 617: Effective Tech Integration in Secondary
- Edci 625: Writing, Thinking, and Reading
- Edci 627: Historical Look at Diversity in Children
- Edci 630: Capstone Research Project
- Edci 635: Reflective Teaching
- Edci 647: Theory and Practice in Geographic Educat
- Edci 648: Seminar in Geographic Education
- Edci 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edci 657: Information Tech. for Prof. Educators
- Edci 658: Trends and Issues in Teaching
- Edci 674: Cul Dimen Sec Lang Acq
- Edci 675: Teaching With Film
- Edci 680: ESL Program Administration
- Edci 697: Applied Linguistics in TESOL
- Edci 700: Doctoral Seminar I: Investigation
- Edci 701: Advanced Curriculum Theory and Practice
- Edci 702: Directed Studies in Collaborative Resear
- Edci 703: Seminar on the Learner and Learning
- Edci 705: Directed Studies in Higher Ed Teaching
- Edci 706: Directed Studies in Collaborative Writin
- Edci 727: Internship
- Edci 731: Assessment and Differentation
- Edci 757: Improvement Science
- Edci 787: Dissertation in Practice
- Edci 790: Doctoral Seminar II
- Edci 797: Dissertation
- Edde 406: Intro Driver & Highway Safety Education
- Edde 407: Highway Safety & Driver Education
- Edde 408: Driver Simulation
- Edde 507: Safety Education
- Edec 300: Curric & Theory for Early Childhood Educ
- Edec 301: Experiences in Early Childhood Education
- Edec 302: Orientation to Early Childhood Educ
- Edec 303: Science and Numbers
- Edec 304: Action Lab Infant and Toddler Settings
- Edec 312: Action Lab ECE Child Guidance/Classroom
- Edec 320: Early Childhood Methods
- Edec 321: Early Childhood Development I
- Edec 323: Special Ed for Early Childhood Dev
- Edec 324: Early Language and Literacy
- Edec 326: Socio-Emotional Competencies
- Edec 327: Social Studies in Early Childhood Educat
- Edec 328: Infant & Toddler Development and Program
- Edec 400: STEAM in Early Childhood Education
- Edec 401: Integrating Arts into the Curriculum
- Edec 402: Action Lab Placement in ECE Preschool
- Edec 404: Assessment for Early Childhood
- Edec 500: Introduction to Early Childhood Educ
- Edec 551: Sci & Num Concepts in Early Child Educ
- Edec 553: Lang Concepts & Lit in Early Child Educ
- Edec 555: Art & Music in Early Childhood Education
- Edec 557: Seminar: Social Living in Early Ch Educ
- Edec 570: Program Dev & Admin in Early Ch Educ
- Edec 600: Child Development: Prebirth to Age 8
- Edec 601: Lang & Lit Development in Young Child
- Edec 602: Theoretical Found. of Early Child Curr.
- Edec 603: Sci, Tech, Engin & Math (STEM) in ECE
- Edec 604: Function & Theory of Play in ECE
- Edec 605: Integrating Arts in Early Childhood Ed
- Edec 606: Social Contexts in Early Childhood Ed
- Edec 607: Issues & Trends in Early Childhood Ed
- Edec 608: Diverse Needs in Early Childhood Ed
- Edec 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edec 652: Advanced Individual Study
- Edec 661: Practicum I
- Edec 662: Practicum II
- Edec 663: Practicum III
- Edec 664: Practicum IV
- Edec 665: Practicum V
- Edec 667: Early Childhood Education Seminar
- Edec 697: Thesis
- Edec 767: Field Study
- Edel 303: Applications in Elem Science Classrooms
- Edel 305: Child Development
- Edel 361: Art for the Elementary Classroom
- Edel 401: Social Studies in the Elementary School
- Edel 402: Art of Teaching Literacy in the Elem Sch
- Edel 403: Mathematics for the Elementary School
- Edel 404: Science in the Elementary School
- Edel 416: Mathematics & Science in the Elem. Sch.
- Edel 519: Tech. and Prin. for Class. Management
- Edel 520: Books and Related Materials
- Edel 531: Differentiated Instruction
- Edel 601: Child Growth and Development
- Edel 615: Prob. & Invest. Teach. Elem. Sch. Sci
- Edel 617: Nature & Structure of Lang. Arts
- Edel 620: Literacy Connections in the Elem. School
- Edel 621: Brain/Mind Theories & Thematic Approach
- Edel 623: Problems in Teaching Social Studies
- Edel 625: Problems in Teaching Mathematics I
- Edel 627: Problems of Teaching Mathematics II
- Edel 629: Clinical and Diagnostic Proc. in Math
- Edel 630: Clinical Projects
- Edel 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edel 652: Advanced Individual Study
- Edel 653: Seminar in Elementary Education
- Edel 661: Practicum in Elementary Education
- Edel 697: Thesis
- Edel 700: Seminar in Elementary Education
- Edel 727: Internship
- Edel 767: Field Study
- Edel 797: Dissertation
- Edfd 209: Foundations of American Education
- Edfd 507: Cont. Issues in American Education
- Edfd 521: Recent Developments in Educ. Practice
- Edfd 603: Advanced Educational Psychology
- Edfd 607: The Professional Philosophy
- Edfd 609: The Cultural Context of Education
- Edfd 611: Comparative Education
- Edfd 613: Education and Social Interaction
- Edfd 709: Cultural Context of Education
- Edhe 101: Academic Skills for College
- Edhe 105: Freshman Year Experience
- Edhe 106: Advancing the First-Year Experience
- Edhe 202: Fundamentals of Active Learning
- Edhe 301: Career and Life Planning
- Edhe 303: Academic Skills for Transfer Students
- Edhe 305: Transfer Student Experience
- Edhe 333: Special Topics in Higher Education
- Edhe 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edhe 656: Student Services in Higher Education
- Edhe 657: Comparative Higher Education
- Edhe 658: Org/Governance of Higher Ed
- Edhe 659: Finance of Higher Education
- Edhe 660: History of Higher Education
- Edhe 661: The Community College
- Edhe 662: College Teaching
- Edhe 663: Curriculum in Higher Education
- Edhe 664: The Law and Higher Education
- Edhe 665: Contemporary Issues of Higher Education
- Edhe 667: Practicum in Student Personnel Services
- Edhe 668: Practicum in Student Personnel Services
- Edhe 669: Human Resources in Higher Education
- Edhe 670: Topics in Higher Education
- Edhe 671: The College and the Student
- Edhe 721: Recent Developments in Educ. Practice
- Edhe 757: Comparative Higher Education
- Edhe 759: Finance of Higher Education
- Edhe 760: Advanced Education Policy Analysis
- Edhe 761: The Community College
- Edhe 762: College Teaching
- Edhe 763: Curriculum in Higher Education
- Edhe 764: Law of Higher Education
- Edhe 767: Fellowship in Higher Education
- Edhe 770: Topics in Higher Education
- Edhe 780: History of Higher Education
- Edhe 781: Ind., Rel., and Collective Identities
- Edhe 797: Dissertation
- Edld 110: Chancellor's Leadership Class I
- Edld 111: Chancellor's Leadership Class II
- Edld 120: Introduction to Leadership Studies
- Edld 201: Career Decision Making
- Edld 220: Foundations of Leadership Studies
- Edld 320: The Univ. of MS Service Organ Leaders
- Edld 420: Exercising Leadership: Mobilizing Group
- Edld 500: Perspectives on Educational Admin
- Edld 501: The Effective Principal
- Edld 504: Instructional Improvement
- Edld 505: School Law Seminar
- Edld 600: Special Topics in Educational Leadership
- Edld 610: Mission, Vision, and Core Values
- Edld 611: Ethics and Prof. Norms for Ed. Leaders
- Edld 612: Equity and Cultural Leadership
- Edld 613: Instructional Leadership
- Edld 614: Community and External Leadership
- Edld 615: Human Resources Leadership
- Edld 616: Data-informed Leadership
- Edld 617: School Law and Leadership
- Edld 618: Operations and Management of Leadership
- Edld 619: School Turnaround
- Edld 623: Fiscal Management in Schools
- Edld 630: Organization-Environment Interaction
- Edld 631: Facility Planning and Management
- Edld 641: Law and Ethics of Education
- Edld 642: Managing Operations for Learning
- Edld 643: Human Resource Administration
- Edld 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edld 652: Advanced Individual Study
- Edld 656: Administrative Internship
- Edld 671: Leading Quality Instruction
- Edld 672: Common Ground: School and Community
- Edld 673: Organization and Management
- Edld 674: Developing Quality Teaching
- Edld 675: Pol, Int, Eth, Leg, Pol. Issues
- Edld 676: Leading Change in Educational Org.
- Edld 692: Proposal Wrtg/Grants
- Edld 693: Statewide Control/Coor in Higher Ed
- Edld 694: Human Resource Development
- Edld 697: Thesis
- Edld 700: Administrative Theory
- Edld 721: Leadership and Management
- Edld 727: Internship in Admin. & Higher Education
- Edld 730: Multidisciplinary Persp on Leadership
- Edld 741: Advanced Educational Law and Ethics
- Edld 750: Organizational Improvement
- Edld 756: Internship in Educational Administration
- Edld 767: Field Study
- Edld 774: Applied Curriculum Instruction & Account
- Edld 797: Dissertation
- Edld 798: Graded Dissertation
- Edle 417: Senior Practicum
- Edle 463: Student Teaching: Early Childhood
- Edle 464: Student Teaching: Elementary Education
- Edle 467: Student Teaching: Exceptional Students
- Edle 471: Student Teaching: Art Education
- Edle 473: Student Teaching: Music Education
- Edle 480: Student Teaching: Secondary Education
- Edle 483: Student Teaching: Foreign Languages
- Edls 101: Introduction to Libr. Rsch. & Elec. Res.
- Edls 301: Children's Literature, K-8
- Edls 432: Special Methods: Library Science
- Edlt 601: Literacy Foundations: Theory History
- Edlt 602: Early Literacy Development
- Edlt 603: Expanding Literacy Development
- Edlt 604: Effective Literacy Assess and Intervent
- Edlt 605: Content Area Literacy
- Edlt 606: Literature for Children and Adolescents
- Edlt 607: Literacy Leadership
- Edlt 608: Literacy Internship I
- Edlt 609: Literacy Internship II
- Edrd 090: Developmental Reading
- Edrd 100: Indiv Rdg Improvement
- Edrd 300: Foundations of Reading instruction
- Edrd 317: Diag. & Remediation of Reading Disa.
- Edrd 355: Early Literacy Instruction I and II
- Edrd 400: Reading Instruction in the Elementary Sc
- Edrd 414: Reading Diagnosis and Intervention
- Edrd 415: Met & Mats for Teaching Read in Elem Sch
- Edrd 429: Reading in the Secondary School
- Edrd 500: Basic Skills in Reading
- Edrd 615: Mat & Meth of Rdg in the Elem. School
- Edrd 616: Diagnostic and Remedial Reading
- Edrd 617: Clinical Diag. & Correction of Rdg Prob.
- Edrd 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edrd 652: Advanced Individual Study
- Edrs 405: Introduction to Educational Research
- Edrs 501: Educational Statistics I
- Edrs 557: Computers and Education
- Edrs 604: Foundations of Qualitative Research Meth
- Edrs 605: Educational Research I
- Edrs 606: Program Evaluation I
- Edrs 607: Program Evaluation II
- Edrs 608: Survey Research
- Edrs 633: Special Topics in Educational Research
- Edrs 673: Data Led Curriculum and Assessment
- Edrs 699: Internship in Program Evaluation
- Edrs 700: Models of Inquiry and Literature Review
- Edrs 700: Models of Inquiry and Literature Review
- Edrs 701: Educational Statistics II
- Edrs 702: Instit Research & Planning in Higher Edu
- Edrs 703: Advanced Methods of Applied Research
- Edrs 704: Foun. of Qualitative Research Method
- Edrs 705: Educational Research II
- Edrs 706: Applications of Qualitative Research
- Edrs 710: Design of Experiments
- Edrs 733: Special Topics in Educational Research
- Edse 400: Principles of Education
- Edse 401: Seminar on Current Issues
- Edse 410: Seminar in Secondary Education
- Edse 442: Special Methods I: English
- Edse 443: Special Methods: Foreign Language
- Edse 444: Spc Meth-Voc Home Ec
- Edse 445: Special Methods I: Mathematics
- Edse 446: Special Methods I: Science
- Edse 447: Special Methods I: Social Studies
- Edse 448: Spc Meth-Speech
- Edse 452: Special Methods II: English
- Edse 453: Special Methods II: Foreign Language
- Edse 455: Special Methods II: Mathematics
- Edse 456: Special Methods II: Science
- Edse 457: Special Methods II: Social Studies
- Edse 525: Literature for Today's Teenagers
- Edse 610: National and State Issues in Education
- Edse 625: Trends and Issues in Secondary Education
- Edse 626: Trends Teaching & Learning of Sec Math
- Edse 627: Reflections on Teaching/Field Experience
- Edse 631: Curriculum Planning for Art Education
- Edse 633: Music in the Secondary School
- Edse 636: Teaching Secondary School Science
- Edse 642: Advanced Methods of Teaching English
- Edse 644: Adv. Meth. of Teach Vocational Home Econ
- Edse 645: Advanced Meth. of Teaching Mathematics
- Edse 646: Advanced Methods of Teaching Science
- Edse 647: Adv. Methods of Teaching Social Studies
- Edse 648: Advanced Methods of Teaching Speech
- Edse 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edse 652: Advanced Individual Study
- Edse 653: Workshop in Home Economics Education
- Edse 655: Trends in Young Adult Literature
- Edse 657: Seminar in Music Education
- Edse 665: Use of Technology in Secondary Math
- Edse 690: Masters Seminar in Secondary Education
- Edse 697: Thesis
- Edse 700: Sem.: Contemporary Issues in Sec. Educ
- Edse 725: Adolescent Lit: A Critical Analysis
- Edse 727: Internship in Secondary Education
- Edse 742: Teaching English in the Secondary School
- Edse 757: Tech Concepts, Apps, Trends for Educator
- Edse 758: Trends and Issues in Teaching
- Edse 767: Field Study
- Edse 797: Dissertation
- Edsp 308: Introduction to Special Education
- Edsp 317: Action Lab Seminar
- Edsp 327: Nature & Needs with Mild/Mod Disability
- Edsp 329: Nature & Needs with Severe Disabilities
- Edsp 335: Assessment of Exceptional Students
- Edsp 339: Oral Lang Meth & Mater w/Excep Students
- Edsp 401: Collaboration and Conference Strategies
- Edsp 402: Organization & Administration of Spec Ed
- Edsp 403: Instr Strat for Students with Severe Dis
- Edsp 405: Instr Strat for Students Mild/Mod Dis
- Edsp 407: Survey of Exceptional Students
- Edsp 410: Seminar Instruction
- Edsp 411: Seminar in Selected Spec Ed Topics
- Edsp 452: Practicum & Field Exp w/Excep Children
- Edsp 541: Educational Assessment, Meth & Mat I
- Edsp 543: Educational Assessment Meth/Mat II
- Edsp 545: Educational Assessment Meth/Mat III
- Edsp 552: Prac. & Field Exper. with Excep. Child
- Edsp 585: Education of Gifted Students
- Edsp 590: Methods & Materials for the Gifted
- Edsp 595: Differentiated Instruction Atypical Gift
- Edsp 601: Exceptional Students in the Secondary Cl
- Edsp 628: Rehabilitation Techniques
- Edsp 631: Organization of Special Education
- Edsp 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edsp 652: Advanced Individual Study
- Edsp 653: Practicum and Field Experience with Exce
- Edsp 670: Issues & Trends in Multicultural Ed
- Edsp 674: Seminar in Special Problems
- Edsp 676: Educ. & Psy. of Emotionally Disturbed
- Edsp 678: Educ. Proc. for the Emotion. Disturbed
- Edsp 680: Adv. Meth. & Manag. for the Emot. Dist
- Edsp 683: Readings in Research with Excep. Child
- Edsp 686: Educ. & Psy. of Child with Spc. Lrn. Dis
- Edsp 688: Educ. & Psy. of the Mentally Retarded
- Edsp 690: Curriculum and Program Development
- Edsp 697: Thesis
- Edsp 701: Directed Studies in Higher Ed Teaching
- Edsp 702: Directed Studies in Collaborative Resear
- Edsp 703: Directed Studies in Collaborative Writin
- Edsp 727: Internship in Special Education
- Edsp 767: Field Study
- Edsp 797: Dissertation
- Educ 110: METP Fellows Class
- Educ 111: METP Fellows Class
- Educ 333: Special Topics in Education
- Educ 523: Group Study of Prob. In School Systems
- Educ 555: Special Topics in Education
- Educ 556: Special Topics in Education
- Educ 557: Special Topics in Education
- Educ 691: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy
- Educ 692: Current Trends & Issues in Diversity Edu
- Educ 693: Exploring Diversity Through Writing
- Educ 694: Gender in Education
- Educ 696: Religious Diversity in Education
- Edwp 240: Introduction to Health and Physical Educ
- Edwp 241: Movement Fundamentals/Applied Motor Lear
- Edwp 340: Music and Movement in Elementary
- Edwp 341: Wellness Integration at Elementary Level
- Edwp 342: Methods - Wellness & Physical Activity
- Edwp 343: Classroom Implementation of Wellness
- Edwp 344: Physical Literacy: Lifetime Fitness, Exe
- Edwp 345: Ed Dance, Gymnastics, & Mindful Movement
- Edwp 346: Teaching Fitness, Outdoor & Adventure Ed
- Edwp 347: Inclusive Physical Education
- Edwp 440: Elementary Physical Education Methods
- Edwp 441: Secondary Physical Education Methods
- Edwp 442: Coordinated Health and PE Programs CSPAP
- Edwp 444: Senior Practicum
- Edwp 445: Assessment & Evaluation in Health and PE
- Edwp 446: Student Teaching:Ele and Sec Health & PE
- EL 100: Wilderness Living Techniques
- EL 103: Ropes Courses and Climbing Basics
- EL 105: Self Defense Activities
- EL 111: Cycling
- EL 117: Volleyball
- EL 118: Beginning Fencing
- EL 119: Archery
- EL 120: Intro to Lifetime Leisure Activities
- EL 124: Racquetball
- EL 129: Body Contouring and Conditioning
- EL 132: Canoeing
- EL 133: Backpacking
- EL 134: Kayaking
- EL 137: Bowling
- EL 139: Golf
- EL 142: Open Water Scuba Diving
- EL 147: Tennis
- EL 151: Weight Lifting
- EL 153: Sports Conditioning
- EL 154: Coaching Soccer
- EL 155: Walking I
- EL 156: Jogging
- EL 158: Low Impact Aerobics
- EL 159: High Impact Aerobics
- EL 169: Aqua Exercise
- EL 170: Beginning Swimming
- EL 171: Intermediate Swimming
- EL 172: Advanced Swimming
- EL 173: Lifeguarding
- EL 174: Water Safety Instructor
- EL 175: Lifeguarding Instructor
- EL 200: Teaching Techniques for Land-Based Adven
- EL 217: Advanced Volleyball
- EL 218: Advanced Fencing
- EL 219: Advanced Archery
- EL 224: Advanced Racquetball
- EL 229: Advanced Body Contouring & Conditioning
- EL 231: Teaching Techniques for Small Craft
- EL 233: Sports Officiating I
- EL 234: Sports Officiating II
- EL 237: Advanced Bowling
- EL 239: Advanced Golf
- EL 242: Advanced Open Water Scuba Diving
- EL 247: Advanced Tennis
- EL 251: Advanced Weight Lifting
- EL 253: Advanced Sports Conditioning
- EL 255: Coaching Tennis
- EL 269: Advanced Aqua Exercise
- EL 342: Master Diver
- EL 352: Coaching Football
- EL 353: Advanced Sports Conditioning
- EL 354: Coaching Basketball
- EL 355: Coaching Baseball-Softball
- EL 357: Coaching Volleyball
- EL 359: Coaching Track and Field
- EL 442: Dive Supervisor
- EL 453: Advanced Sports Conditioning
- El E 100: Introduction to Electrical Engineering
- El E 101: Survey of the Electrotechnology
- El E 235: Principles of Digital Systems
- El E 236: Digital Systems Laboratory I
- El E 237: Electrical Engineering Tools and Toys
- El E 301: Applied Electronics
- El E 302: Applied Communication Systems
- El E 322: Electric Circuit II
- El E 331: Linear Systems
- El E 337: Digital Systems Laboratory II
- El E 340: Electrical Engineering Analysis I
- El E 341: Theory of Fields
- El E 351: Models and Circuits I
- El E 352: Models and Circuits II
- El E 353: Electronics Laboratory
- El E 354: PC-Based Instrumentation Laboratory
- El E 357: Electrical Engineering Problems I
- El E 358: Electrical Engineering Problems II
- El E 367: Computer-Aided Design in Electrical Engr
- El E 385: Advanced Digital Systems
- El E 386: Advanced Digital Systems Laboratory
- El E 391: Random Signals
- El E 431: Theory of Control Systems
- El E 432: Robotics Laboratory
- El E 433: High Frequency and Microwave Laboratory
- El E 434: Fiber Optics Laboratory
- El E 436: Systems Laboratory
- El E 441: Electromagnetic Theory I
- El E 442: Electromagnetic Theory II
- El E 443: Network Analysis and Synthesis
- El E 447: Modulation, Noise, and Communications
- El E 449: Analog Communications Laboratory
- El E 450: Digital Communications Laboratory
- El E 451: Electrical Energy Conversion
- El E 452: Electric Power Transformer Laboratory
- El E 453: Solid State Devices
- El E 461: Sr. Design in Electrical Engineering I
- El E 462: Sr. Design in Electrical Engineering II
- El E 481: Fund. Low Power Dig. VLSI Design
- El E 482: Digital CMOS VLSI Design
- El E 485: Microprocessor Systems Engineering
- El E 486: Microprocessor Systems Engr Lab
- El E 487: Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
- El E 521: Electrical Engineering Projects I
- El E 522: Electrical Engineering Projects II
- El E 523: Microwave Engineering
- El E 525: Introduction to Antennas
- El E 533: Electronic Properties of Materials
- El E 536: Introduction to Quantum Computing
- El E 561: Microwave Circuit Design
- Eng 103: Appreciation of Literature
- Eng 199: Introduction to Creative Writing
- Eng 220: Survey in Literary History
- Eng 303: Nonfiction Workshop
- Eng 308: Editing, Writing, and Digital Publishing
- Eng 309: Studies in Genre
- Eng 311: Studies in Cinema/Media Genres
- Eng 312: Studies in Cinema/Media History
- Eng 314: The Cinematic South
- Eng 317: Chaucer
- Eng 318: Medieval Romance
- Eng 319: Medieval Drama
- Eng 320: The Heroic Age
- Eng 321: Literature of Medieval Europe
- Eng 327: Early Modern Genres and Forms
- Eng 328: Studies in Early Modern Literature
- Eng 330: Studies in 18th Century Literature
- Eng 332: 18th Century Genres and Forms
- Eng 333: Studies in Early American Literature
- Eng 334: Early American Genres and Forms
- Eng 335: Studies in Transatlantic Lit to 1900
- Eng 338: Studies in Victorian Literature
- Eng 339: Victorian Genres and Forms
- Eng 340: Studies in Antebellum American Lit
- Eng 341: Studies in American Lit 1860-1900
- Eng 343: Studies in 19th Century Literature
- Eng 344: 19th Century Genres and Forms
- Eng 346: Studies in 20th & 21st Cent. British Lit
- Eng 347: Studies in 20th & 21st Cent. US Lit
- Eng 348: Transatlantic Lit, 1900-Present
- Eng 349: Modern/Contemporary Genres
- Eng 350: Studies in Modernism
- Eng 355: Studies in Southern Literature
- Eng 363: African American Genres
- Eng 364: Studies in African American Lit
- Eng 365: Literature in Prison
- Eng 366: African American Science Fiction Lit
- Eng 370: Studies in World Literatures
- Eng 371: Studies in Anglophone Literature
- Eng 373: Studies in Comparative Black Lit
- Eng 377: Studies in National Traditions
- Eng 380: Studies in Literacy Criticism & Theory
- Eng 382: Intro to Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Eng 383: Studies in Gender and Feminism
- Eng 386: Gender on Film
- Eng 391: Environmental Genres and Forms
- Eng 392: Directed Research Assistantship I
- Eng 394: Internship-Editing, Writing, Publishing
- Eng 395: Studies in Literature
- Eng 396: Studies Counter-Canon & Critical Issues
- Eng 401: Advanced Fiction Workshop
- Eng 404: Special Topics in Creative Writing
- Eng 409: Special Topics in Genre
- Eng 412: Sp Topics Cinema/Media Theory, History
- Eng 413: Special Topics in Media/Cultural Studies
- Eng 417: Early Middle English
- Eng 419: 14th Century English Literature
- Eng 420: Anglo-Saxon and Celtic Literature
- Eng 421: Literature of Medieval Europe
- Eng 422: Literature of Medieval Piety
- Eng 423: Special Topics in Medieval Literature
- Eng 431: Special Topics in 18th Century Lit
- Eng 435: Transatlantic Lit to 1900
- Eng 443: Special Topics American Lit 1860-1900
- Eng 445: Special Topics in 19th Century Lit
- Eng 452: Transatlantic Lit 1900 to Present
- Eng 454: Special Topics in Modernism
- Eng 457: Special Topics in Contemporary Lit
- Eng 462: Special Topics in the Global South
- Eng 465: Special Topics in Native American Lit
- Eng 469: Special Topics in African American Lit
- Eng 474: Special Topics in World Literature
- Eng 476: Special Topics in Anglophone Literature
- Eng 481: Special Topics in Caribbean Literature
- Eng 483: Special Topics in African Literature
- Eng 488: Special Topics Gender/Sexuality Studies
- Eng 492: Directed Research Assistantship II
- Eng 493: Special Topics in Race and Ethnicity
- Eng 496: Directed Reading
- Eng 497: English Study Abroad
- Eng 710: Studies in Early Modern Literature
- Eng 727: Studies in Modern & Contemporary Lit
- Engl 211: Introduction to Creative Writing
- Engl 221: Survey of World Literature to 1650
- Engl 222: Survey of World Literature since 1650
- Engl 223: Survey of American Lit to the Civil War
- Engl 224: Survey of American Lit since Civil War
- Engl 225: Survey of British Lit to 18th Century
- Engl 226: Survey of Brit Lit since Romantic Period
- Engl 250: Applied Writing
- Engl 300: Internship in English
- Engl 301: Survey of Roman Literature
- Engl 303: Greek and Roman Tragedy
- Engl 304: Greek and Roman Comedy
- Engl 305: Topics in Classical Mythology
- Engl 307: Survey of Greek Literature
- Engl 309: Greek and Roman Epic
- Engl 310: Women in the South
- Engl 311: Beginning Fiction Workshop
- Engl 312: Beginning Screenwriting Workshop
- Engl 313: Introduction to Linguistic Science
- Engl 314: Phonology
- Engl 315: Morphology
- Engl 316: Syntax
- Engl 317: Beginning Poetry Workshop
- Engl 320: Advanced Writing for Majors
- Engl 322: Afro American Lit Survey to 20th Century
- Engl 323: Afro Amer Lit Survey of the 20th Century
- Engl 324: Blues Tradition in American Literature
- Engl 325: Survey of Native American Literature
- Engl 333: Poetry and Politics at Rome
- Engl 340: Renaissance Epic
- Engl 341: Renaissance Drama Excl of Shakespeare
- Engl 343: African American Science Fiction Lit
- Engl 351: Topics in Contemporary Literature
- Engl 352: Selected Topics in Popular Literature
- Engl 353: Introduction to Film
- Engl 354: Topics in Medieval Literature & Culture
- Engl 355: Sociolinguistics
- Engl 356: Landscape in Medieval Literature
- Engl 358: Power, Knowledge, and Gender
- Engl 359: Sex and Gender in Medieval Literature
- Engl 360: Women in Literature
- Engl 361: Introduction to World Cinema
- Engl 362: American Environmental Lit 1850-Present
- Engl 364: Studies in Early American Literature
- Engl 365: Gay and Lesbian Literature and Theory
- Engl 368: Survey of Southern Literature
- Engl 370: Literature and Empire
- Engl 371: African Literature
- Engl 372: South Asian Literature
- Engl 373: Caribbean Literature
- Engl 374: Irish Literature
- Engl 375: Medieval Studies
- Engl 376: Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
- Engl 378: Origins of the Eighteenth Century Novel
- Engl 380: British Lit of the Romantic Period
- Engl 385: Shakespeare
- Engl 390: Jr Seminar: Major Authors of British Lit
- Engl 391: Jr Seminar: Major Authors of Amer Lit
- Engl 392: Jr Seminar: Major Authors of World Lit
- Engl 393: Literature on Location I
- Engl 395: Topics in English Abroad I
- Engl 396: Junior Seminar: Drama
- Engl 397: Junior Seminar: Poetry
- Engl 398: Junior Seminar: Literary Criticism
- Engl 399: Special Topics
- Engl 401: Advanced English Grammar
- Engl 402: Greek Tragedy in English Translation
- Engl 403: American Lit Culture since 1800 I
- Engl 404: American Lit Culture since 1800 II
- Engl 405: Chaucer
- Engl 406: Studies in Medieval Literature
- Engl 408: Shakespeare on Film
- Engl 409: Greek Drama in English Translation
- Engl 410: The Novel
- Engl 412: 20th Century Poetry in English
- Engl 414: Renaissance Poetry
- Engl 415: Approaches to Discourse
- Engl 418: Writing Expository Prose
- Engl 419: Advanced Poetry Workshop
- Engl 420: Contemporary Literary Theory
- Engl 421: Queer Theory
- Engl 423: Advanced Screenwriting Workshop
- Engl 425: Modern American Drama
- Engl 426: Modern British Drama
- Engl 427: Medieval Drama
- Engl 430: Pragmatics
- Engl 431: History of the English Language I
- Engl 434: Dialects of American English
- Engl 435: Major Author of the 18th Century
- Engl 436: Major Author of the 19th Century
- Engl 437: Major Author of the 20th Century
- Engl 438: Language and Gender
- Engl 439: Seminar on Shakespeare
- Engl 440: Studies in the Romantic Period
- Engl 441: Comparative Black Literatures
- Engl 442: Latina and Latino Literatures
- Engl 447: Animals in Literature
- Engl 448: Nature Writing
- Engl 449: Studies in Environmental Literature
- Engl 450: 20th Century British Literature
- Engl 451: Contemporary British Fiction
- Engl 452: 18th Century Literature and Culture
- Engl 454: Studies in Gothic Literature
- Engl 455: Studies in Victorian Literature
- Engl 456: Studies in the Victorian Novel
- Engl 457: Restoration and 18th Cent. British Lit
- Engl 458: Restoration and 18th Century Brit Drama
- Engl 459: Topics in Early American Literature
- Engl 460: American Fiction 1919 to 1940
- Engl 461: Studies in Contemporary American Fiction
- Engl 462: American Novel to 1920
- Engl 463: Writers of the American Renaissance
- Engl 465: Major African American Writers
- Engl 466: Faulkner
- Engl 467: The South in Film
- Engl 468: Topics in Film Studies
- Engl 471: The Idea of the Postcolonial
- Engl 473: Studies in Irish Literature
- Engl 475: Southern Environmental Writing
- Engl 476: Studies in Southern Literature
- Engl 480: Studies in a Major Author of Renaissance
- Engl 481: Special Topics in Renaissance Literature
- Engl 482: Renaissance Women Writers
- Engl 483: Renaissance Lit and the Environment
- Engl 490: Counter-Canons and Critical Issues
- Engl 493: Literature on Location II
- Engl 494: Seminar on Literature & Gender
- Engl 495: Topics in English Abroad II
- Engl 496: Directed Reading
- Engl 497: Comprehensive Examination Project
- Engl 498: Seminar in English
- Engl 499: Senior Thesis
- Engl 501: Descriptive Grammar
- Engl 502: Historical Linguistics
- Engl 503: Old English I
- Engl 504: Old English II
- Engl 505: History of the English Language II
- Engl 506: Semantics
- Engl 507: Teaching English Grammar
- Engl 510: Old Norse
- Engl 520: Teaching Writing for Thinking
- Engl 521: Non Fiction Writing
- Engl 535: Fiction workshop
- Engl 536: Poetry Seminar
- Engl 566: Faulkner Studies
- Engl 580: World Englishes
- Engl 588: Writing Theory
- Engl 592: Modern English Grammar
- Engl 595: Seminar in Linguistics
- Engl 598: Topics for English Teachers
- Engl 599: Special Topics in English
- Engl 600: Intro to Graduate Study
- Engl 601: Professional Issues in Graduate Study
- Engl 603: Studies in Early English Literature
- Engl 605: Middle English
- Engl 606: Chaucer
- Engl 607: Studies in Middle English Literature
- Engl 608: Bibliographical Tools and Methods
- Engl 609: Studies in 16th Century Literature
- Engl 611: Studies in Shakespeare
- Engl 613: Studies in English Drama
- Engl 615: Fundamentals of Linguistic Science
- Engl 617: Teaching College English
- Engl 619: Studies in African and African Diasporic
- Engl 620: Postcolonial Lit, Culture, and Criticism
- Engl 625: Modern American Drama
- Engl 631: Milton
- Engl 633: 17th Century Studies
- Engl 640: British Lit of Restoration 18th Century
- Engl 641: 18th Century Studies
- Engl 643: The English Lyric
- Engl 645: Studies in the English Novel
- Engl 653: The Study of Film
- Engl 654: Special Topics in Film Study
- Engl 655: Studies in the Romantic Period
- Engl 657: Studies in the Victorian Period
- Engl 658: Studies in Modern British Literature
- Engl 659: Studies in Contemporary Literature
- Engl 661: Faulkner
- Engl 663: Studies in Major American Writers
- Engl 665: Studies in Composition and Rhetoric
- Engl 666: Research in Composition
- Engl 667: Studies in the American Novel
- Engl 668: Studies in Early American Literature
- Engl 669: Studies in 19th Century American Lit
- Engl 670: Studies in Modern American Lit
- Engl 675: Studies in American Literary Regionalism
- Engl 676: Studies in Southern Literature
- Engl 679: Form, Craft, Influence for Poets
- Engl 680: Graduate Fiction Seminar I
- Engl 681: Graduate Fiction Seminar II
- Engl 682: Graduate Poetry Seminar
- Engl 683: Form, Craft, and Influence: Fiction
- Engl 684: Directed Reading in Creative Writing
- Engl 685: Theory and Criticism of Poetry
- Engl 686: Studies in Genre
- Engl 687: Studies in Literature & the Environment
- Engl 689: Studies in Genre II
- Engl 690: The Modernist Colloquium
- Engl 691: Studies in Critical Theory
- Engl 692: Cultural Studies
- Engl 693: Directed Reading in English Literature
- Engl 694: Studies in Gender Theory
- Engl 695: Directed Reading in American Literature
- Engl 696: Directed Research
- Engl 697: Thesis
- Engl 698: MFA Thesis Hours: Indep Study & Writing
- Engl 717: Internship Seminar in College English
- Engl 796: Doctoral Essay
- Engl 797: Dissertation
- Engr 100: Introduction to Engineering
- Engr 102: Principles of Engineering
- Engr 196: Special Topics in Engineering Science
- Engr 197: Special Topics in Engineering Science
- Engr 207: Graphics I
- Engr 208: Graphics II
- Engr 296: Special Topics in Engineering Science
- Engr 297: Special Topics in Engineering Science
- Engr 301: Environmental Engineering Lab I
- Engr 302: Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
- Engr 307: Technical Communications
- Engr 309: Statics
- Engr 310: Engineering Analysis I
- Engr 311: Intermediate Mechanics
- Engr 312: Mechanics of Materials
- Engr 313: Introduction to Materials Science
- Engr 314: Materials Science Laboratory
- Engr 321: Thermodynamics
- Engr 322: Transport Phenomena
- Engr 323: Fluid Mechanics
- Engr 330: Engineering Systems Analysis and Design
- Engr 340: Engineering Geology
- Engr 351: Socio-Technology I
- Engr 352: Socio-Technology II
- Engr 360: Electric Circuit Theory
- Engr 361: Electric Circuit Laboratory
- Engr 362: Introductory Electric Circuit Theory
- Engr 363: Introductory Electric Circuit Laboratory
- Engr 390: Professional Communication for Engineers
- Engr 396: Special Topics in Engineering Science
- Engr 397: Special Topics in Engineering Science
- Engr 400: Leadership & Professionalism in Engineer
- Engr 401: Environmental Engineering Lab II
- Engr 402: Engineering Fundamentals
- Engr 407: Legal and Moral Aspects of Engineering
- Engr 410: Engineering Analysis II
- Engr 415: Engineering Acoustics I
- Engr 420: Engineering Analysis III
- Engr 450: Product Design and Development
- Engr 453: Prob and Stat Analyses in Engr Design
- Engr 496: Special Topics in Engineering Science
- Engr 497: Special Topics in Engineering Science
- Engr 501: Fundamentals of Computer Science
- Engr 502: Software Systems
- Engr 515: Acoustics
- Engr 537: Environmental Engineering II
- Engr 551: Engineering Thermodynamics
- Engr 553: Heat Transfer
- Engr 555: Field Testing & Insr. in Geotech. Engr.
- Engr 558: Vibration Analysis
- Engr 559: Elements of Robotics
- Engr 571: Service Learning in Water Treatment
- Engr 572: Advanced Sanitary Analysis
- Engr 573: Environmental Remediation
- Engr 577: Geophysics I
- Engr 579: Geophysics II
- Engr 581: Applications in Geophysics
- Engr 582: Interdisciplinary Field Projects
- Engr 585: Mechanics of Composite Materials I
- Engr 590: Finite Element Analysis I
- Engr 591: Engineering Analysis I
- Engr 592: Engineering Analysis II
- Engr 593: Approximate Methods of Engr Analysis I
- Engr 594: Approximate Methods of Engr Analysis II
- Engr 596: Special Projects in Engineering Science
- Engr 597: Special Projects in Engineering Science
- Engr 598: Special Projects in Engineering Science
- Engr 600: Advanced Geochemistry
- Engr 601: Compressible Flow
- Engr 602: Lithostratigraphy
- Engr 603: Fluid Mechanics I
- Engr 604: Fluid Dynamics II
- Engr 605: Convective Heat and Mass Transfer
- Engr 606: Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
- Engr 607: Statistical Thermodynamics
- Engr 608: Physical Gas Dynamics
- Engr 609: Time Series Analysis
- Engr 610: Data Communications Protocols
- Engr 611: Aeroacoustics
- Engr 612: Aeroelasticity
- Engr 613: Exp Method in Aerodynamics/Aeroacoustics
- Engr 614: Geometrics
- Engr 615: Analytical Petroleum Geology
- Engr 616: Isotope Hydrogeology
- Engr 617: Continuum Mechanics
- Engr 618: Coding for Error Code
- Engr 618: Vadose Zone Hydrology
- Engr 619: Advanced Microwave Measurements
- Engr 620: Advanced Remote Sensing
- Engr 621: Advanced Electrodynamics
- Engr 622: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
- Engr 623: Passive Microwave Circuits
- Engr 624: Active Microwave Circuits
- Engr 625: Antennas
- Engr 625: Adv. Topics in Computational Mechanics
- Engr 626: Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics
- Engr 627: Ray Methods in Electromagnetics
- Engr 628: Adv Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic
- Engr 629: Televisions Systems II
- Engr 630: Unit Process & Oper in Env Eng I
- Engr 631: Unit Process & Oper in Env Eng II
- Engr 632: Sludge Treatment and Disposal
- Engr 633: Process Dynamics and Control I
- Engr 634: Treatment & Disposal of Industrial Waste
- Engr 635: Optimization
- Engr 636: Groundwater Mechanics
- Engr 637: Groundwater Modeling
- Engr 638: Hazardous Waste Management
- Engr 639: Environmental Systems Engineering
- Engr 640: Stream and Estuarine Analysis
- Engr 641: Clay Petrology
- Engr 642: X-Ray Diffraction Analysis
- Engr 643: Advanced Geomorphology
- Engr 644: Carbonate Petrology
- Engr 645: Contaminant Transport
- Engr 646: Advanced Stratigraphy
- Engr 647: Pavement Management Systems
- Engr 648: Numerical Modeling in Geoscience & Engr
- Engr 649: Advanced Foundation Engineering
- Engr 650: Radar Remote Sensing
- Engr 652: Advanced Compiler Design
- Engr 653: Computer Structures
- Engr 654: Information Systems Principles
- Engr 656: Operating Systems Design Concepts
- Engr 657: Timesharing Computer Systems
- Engr 659: Advanced Information Retrieval
- Engr 660: Software Engineering II
- Engr 661: Computer Networks II
- Engr 662: Advanced Artificial Intelligence
- Engr 663: Advanced Rate and Equilibrium Processes
- Engr 664: Theory of Concurrent Programming
- Engr 665: Thermodynamics of Chemical Systems
- Engr 666: Fault Tolerant Computing
- Engr 667: Mass Transfer I
- Engr 669: Chemical Reaction and Reactor Analysis I
- Engr 670: Chemical Reaction & Reactor Analysis II
- Engr 671: Elasticity
- Engr 672: Viscoelasticity
- Engr 673: Plasticity
- Engr 674: Fracture Mechanics
- Engr 677: Plates and Shells
- Engr 678: Elasticstability
- Engr 679: Wave Propagation
- Engr 680: Advanced Acoustics
- Engr 683: Advanced Physical Metallurgy
- Engr 684: Advanced Mechanical Metallurgy
- Engr 685: Mechanics of Composite Materials II
- Engr 686: Multimedia Technologies II
- Engr 687: Special Functions for Applications
- Engr 688: Current Issues in Telecommunications
- Engr 689: Control of Robotics Manipulators
- Engr 690: Finite Element Analysis II
- Engr 691: Special Topics in Engineering Science I
- Engr 692: Special Topics in Engineering Science II
- Engr 693: Research Topics in Engineering Science I
- Engr 694: Research Topics in Eng. Science II
- Engr 695: Seminar
- Engr 696: Seminar in Environmental Engineering
- Engr 697: Thesis
- Engr 699: Special Topics in Engineering Science
- Engr 702: Finite Element Analysis of Fluid Flows
- Engr 706: Adv Waste Treat Proc in Sanitary Eng
- Engr 711: Turbulence
- Engr 712: Statistical Theory Turbulent Diffusion
- Engr 713: Hydrodynamic Stability
- Engr 714: Coastal Hydrodynamics
- Engr 715: Applied Hydro- and Aeromechanics I
- Engr 716: Applied Hydro- and Aeromechanics II
- Engr 717: Special Topics in Thermal Science
- Engr 720: Advanced Turbulence
- Engr 729: Special Topics in Electromagnetic Theory
- Engr 749: Special Topics in Soil Science
- Engr 779: Special Topics in Solid Mechanics
- Engr 797: Dissertation
- Engs 501: Geospatial Primer
- Engs 504: Remote Sensing Fundamentals
- Engs 523: Sensors and Platforms
- Engs 603: Analysis of Algorithms
- Engs 606: Computer Networks
- Engs 610: Telecommunication Network Engineering
- Engs 611: Geospatial Science Primer
- Engs 612: Remote Sensing Fundamentals
- Engs 613: Introduction to Remote Sensing Systems
- Engs 614: Remote Sensing and Digital Images
- Engs 620: Geospatial Information Technology
- Engs 621: Orbital Mechanics
- Engs 624: Introduction to Digital Image Processing
- Engs 626: Community Growth
- Engs 627: Applied Probability Modeling
- Engs 633: Microwave Filters
- Engs 671: Digital Topographic Mapping
- Engs 672: Remote Sensing and the Environment
- Engs 673: Advanced Digital Image Processing
- Engs 674: Geospatial Data Synthesis and Modeling
- Engs 675: Microwave Data
- Engs 681: Advanced Sensor Systems Data Collection
- Engs 682: Remote Sensing to Ecological Modeling
- Engs 683: Land Use and Land Cover Applications
- Engs 684: Agricultural Applications Remote Sensing
- Engs 685: Business Geographics
- Ent 101: Social Entrepreneurship
- Ent 321: Entrepreneurial Pitching
- Ent 331: Social Influencing in Sport
- Ent 356: Quickbooks
- Ent 380: Topics in Entrepreneurship Abroad
- Ent 381: Arts Entrepreneurship
- Ent 386: Digital Marketing
- Ent 387: Digital Marketing II
- Ent 388: e-Commerce Strategy for Entrepreneurs
- Ent 395: Honors Thesis in Entrepreneurship
- Ent 411: Project Management for PMI Certification
- Ent 426: Venture Ideas
- Ent 436: Business Strategy and Modeling
- Ent 446: Corporate Innovation
- Ent 499: Venture Accelerator
- Ent 651: Business Planning and Entrepreneurship
- Ent 652: Addressing Your Market
- Ent 653: Innovation, and Design Thinking
- Envs 101: Humanities and the Environment
- Envs 385: Environmental Studies Internship
- Envs 397: Topics in Environmental Studies Abroad
- Envs 399: Special Topics in Environmental Studies
- ES 100: Introduction to Exercise Science
- ES 104: Sports in the Ancient World
- ES 319: Sport and Society
- ES 338: Motor Learning and Control
- ES 344: Aging in the 21st Century
- ES 346: Kinesiology
- ES 347: Kinesiology Lab
- ES 348: Physiology of Exercise
- ES 349: Physiology of Exercise Laboratory
- ES 350: Research Methods in HESRM
- ES 351: Measurement & Statistics in Exercise Sci
- ES 391: Trends & Topics in Exercise Science
- ES 394: Therapeutic Exercise and Fitness
- ES 396: Allied Health Terminology
- ES 402: Exercise Leadership
- ES 440: Behavioral Aspects of Exercise
- ES 446: Biomechanics of Human Movement
- ES 447: Biomechanics Laboratory
- ES 456: Exercise Testing & Prescription
- ES 457: Exercise Testing & Prescription Lab
- ES 471: Mgmt. of Health, Fitness and Sport Progr
- ES 473: Practicum
- ES 490: Independent Study
- ES 493: Internship
- ES 503: Data Analytics and Methodologies
- ES 511: Applied Statistics
- ES 512: Foundations of Biomechanics
- ES 514: Applied Electromyography
- ES 515: Stress and the Brain
- ES 542: Sports Psychology
- ES 544: The American Woman in Sports
- ES 548: Biomechanics of Injury
- ES 574: Selected Problems in Special Populations
- ES 603: Data Analytics Methodologies
- ES 606: Ethics and Human Subjects Research
- ES 608: Methods & Procedures of Graded Exercise
- ES 609: Motor Behavior
- ES 610: Internship in Exercise Science
- ES 611: Exercise Physiology I
- ES 612: Instrumentation & Analysis in Biomechani
- ES 613: Health Aspects of Physical Activity
- ES 614: Cardiovascular Physiology
- ES 615: Physiological Aspects of Aging
- ES 616: Exercise Physiology II
- ES 618: Advanced Muscle Physiology
- ES 620: Selected Topics in Exercise Science
- ES 625: Research Design and Evaluation
- ES 626: Statistical Analysis I
- ES 632: Advanced Structural Kinesiology
- ES 644: Control of Human Voluntary Movement
- ES 650: Seminar In Exercise Science
- ES 651: Advanced Individual Study
- ES 652: Advanced Individual Study
- ES 653: Independent Research
- ES 655: Problems in PE/Health Education
- ES 697: Thesis
- ES 750: Advanced Seminar in Exercise Science
- Espr 797: Dissertation
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.