Course Index
- Pain 591: Pain Management Advanced Pharmacy Practi
- Pedg 591: Pedagogy Advanced Practice Experience
- Peds 591: Pediatric Clerkship
- Perc 100: Preparatory Percussion Instruments
- Perc 121: Freshman Percussion I
- Perc 122: Freshman Percussion II
- Perc 221: Sophomore Percussion I
- Perc 222: Sophomore Percussion II
- Perc 241: Sophomore Percussion Performance I
- Perc 242: Sophomore Percussion Performance II
- Perc 321: Junior Percussion I
- Perc 322: Junior Percussion II
- Perc 341: Junior Percussion Performance I
- Perc 342: Junior Percussion Performance II
- Perc 421: Senior Percussion I
- Perc 422: Senior Percussion II
- Perc 441: Senior Percussion Performance I
- Perc 442: Senior Percussion Performance II
- Perc 521: Advanced Percussion I
- Perc 522: Advanced Percussion II
- Perc 541: Advanced Percussion Performance I
- Perc 542: Advanced Percussion Performance II
- Perc 590: Secondary Perc Instrs
- Perc 621: Graduate Percussion I
- Perc 622: Graduate Percussion II
- Perc 641: Graduate Percussion Performance I
- Perc 642: Graduate Percussion Performance II
- PH 195: Foundations of Public Health
- PH 300: Environmental Health
- PH 305: Program Planning and Evaluation
- PH 319: Global Health
- PH 352: Basic Epidemiology
- PH 391: Special Topics in Health
- PH 470: Practical Applications in Public Health
- PH 511: Applied Statistics
- PH 528: Public Health Policy
- PH 555: Health Equity
- PH 698: Public Health Practicum
- PH 699: Public Health Capstone
- Phad 390: Professional Communications in Pharmacy
- Phad 391: Pharmacy Administration I
- Phad 392: Pharmacy Administration II
- Phad 393: Learning & Teaching: A Professional Elec
- Phad 394: Intermed. Biostatistics for Pharmacists
- Phad 395: Pharmacy Ethics
- Phad 396: Marketing for Community Pharmacists
- Phad 397: Survey of Medication Nonadherence
- Phad 430: Research Methods for Pharmacists
- Phad 470: Phy & Psychosoc Aspects Women's Health
- Phad 478: History of Pharmacy
- Phad 491: Pharmacy Law
- Phad 492: Current Issues in Health Care
- Phad 493: Pharmacy Management and Business Methods
- Phad 494: Pharmacoecon, Pharmacoepi & Med Safety
- Phad 495: Techniques of Pharmaceutical Sales
- Phad 496: Principles of Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Phad 497: Personal Finance
- Phad 541: Problems in Pharmacy Administration
- Phad 542: Problems in Pharmacy Administration
- Phad 543: Seminar in Current Health Topics
- Phad 544: Seminar in Current Health Topics
- Phad 579: Primary Data Techniques
- Phad 597: Medical Anthropology
- Phad 599: Health Care and Contemporary Society
- Phad 661: Epidemiology and Health Data Management
- Phad 674: Research in Pharmacy Administration
- Phad 675: Health Agency Administration
- Phad 680: General Linear Models
- Phad 681: Applied Multivariate Analysis
- Phad 683: Adv Pharmaceutical Mkting & Patient Beha
- Phad 687: Secondary Data Techniques
- Phad 688: Research Methodology and Techniques
- Phad 689: Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Policy
- Phad 690: Data Management and Statistical Software
- Phad 692: Drug Development and Marketing
- Phad 693: Health Economics
- Phad 694: Pharmacoeconomics
- Phad 695: Special Topics in Pharmacy Administratio
- Phad 696: Pharmacoepidemiology
- Phad 697: Thesis
- Phad 698: Non-thesis Research
- Phad 786: Patient Reported Outcomes
- Phad 797: Dissertation
- Phar 330: Pharmaceutical Calculations
- Phar 331: Basic Pharmaceutics I
- Phar 332: Basic Pharmaceutics II
- Phar 334: Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
- Phar 335: Clinical Laboratory Data Analysis
- Phar 432: Concepts in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Phar 433: Industrial Pharmacy
- Phar 435: Pharmaceutical Stability
- Phar 436: Product Development
- Phar 541: Problems in Pharmaceutics
- Phar 542: Problems in Pharmaceutics
- Phar 543: Seminar in Current Pharm. Topics
- Phar 544: Seminar in Current Pharm. Topics
- Phar 545: Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
- Phar 547: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals
- Phar 630: Pharm. Protein Design and Development
- Phar 635: Analytical Pharmaceutics
- Phar 641: Advanced Pharmaceutics
- Phar 644: Stability of Pharmaceutical Systems
- Phar 649: Product Development
- Phar 650: Formulation Development
- Phar 650: Applied Pharmaceutics
- Phar 651: Regulatory Science I
- Phar 652: Regulatory Science II
- Phar 654: Special Problems in Biopharmaceutics
- Phar 658: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Phar 660: Advanced Pharmacokinetics
- Phar 696: Special Projects
- Phar 697: Thesis
- Phar 797: Dissertation
- Phcg 320: Special Topics in Oceans & Human Health
- Phcg 321: Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
- Phcg 329: Herbal Supplements & Alternative Therapy
- Phcg 422: Natural Product Derived Pharmaceuticals
- Phcg 425: Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms
- Phcg 427: Drug Discovery I
- Phcg 428: Drug Discovery II
- Phcg 450: Career/Achievements in BMS: Nat.Prod.Res
- Phcg 451: Probiotics in Pharmacy
- Phcg 541: Problems in Pharmacognosy
- Phcg 542: Problems in Pharmacognosy
- Phcg 543: Seminar in Natural Products Chemistry
- Phcg 544: Seminar in Natural Products Chemistry
- Phcg 545: Individual Study in Pharmacognosy Res
- Phcg 546: Individual Study in Pharmacognosy Res
- Phcg 620: Selected Topics in Pharmacognosy
- Phcg 627: Natural Product Chemistry
- Phcg 628: Natural Product Chemistry
- Phcg 630: Advanced Topics
- Phcg 631: Analysis of Natural Product Drugs I
- Phcg 632: Analysis of Natural Product Drugs II
- Phcg 633: Analysis of Natural Product Drugs III
- Phcg 634: Biosynthesis of Plant Constituents
- Phcg 635: Introduction to Molecular Cell Biology
- Phcg 636: Fermentation Chemistry
- Phcg 643: Seminar in Natural Products Chemistry
- Phcg 644: Seminar in Natural Products Chemistry
- Phcg 697: Thesis
- Phcg 797: Dissertation
- Phcl 202: Environmental Health Perspectives
- Phcl 340: Animal Cells: Testing New Drugs
- Phcl 341: Human Pathophysiology I
- Phcl 342: Human Pathophysiology II
- Phcl 343: Biochemical Foundations of Therapeutics
- Phcl 344: Physiological Foundation of Therapeutics
- Phcl 345: Nutritional Pharmacology
- Phcl 346: Immunological Basis for Therapeutics
- Phcl 347: Introduction to Environmental Toxicology
- Phcl 348: Principles of Life Science Research
- Phcl 349: Specialized Topics in Environ. Health
- Phcl 351: Drugs and Human Performance
- Phcl 352: Case Studies in Immunology
- Phcl 381: Introduction to Toxicology
- Phcl 382: Fundamentals of Cancer
- Phcl 440: Physiologic Case Study for Therapeutics
- Phcl 441: Pharmacology: Novel Drugs in Clin Trials
- Phcl 442: Clinical Toxicology
- Phcl 443: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology I
- Phcl 444: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology II
- Phcl 445: Nutritional Pharmacology
- Phcl 501: Principles of Life Science Research
- Phcl 503: Lab Meth in Pharmacology & Toxicology I
- Phcl 504: Lab Meth in Pharmacology & Toxicology II
- Phcl 505: Modern Phcl: Novel Drugs Clinical Trials
- Phcl 541: Problems in Pharmacology
- Phcl 547: Introduction to Environmental Toxicology
- Phcl 563: Introductory Pharmacology I
- Phcl 564: Introductory Pharmacology II
- Phcl 569: Drug Abuse Education
- Phcl 581: Introduction to Toxicology
- Phcl 586: Receptors and Channels
- Phcl 611: Teaching in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 612: Teaching in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 641: Unified Lab in Pharm, Tox & Phys Chem
- Phcl 642: Unified Lab in Pharm, Tox & Phys Chem
- Phcl 643: Seminar: Curr Topics in Pharm & Tox
- Phcl 651: Directed Studies in Pharm and Tox
- Phcl 652: Directed Studies in Pharm and Tox
- Phcl 661: Advanced Physiology
- Phcl 662: Advanced Physiology
- Phcl 663: General Pharmacology I
- Phcl 665: Human Neurobiology
- Phcl 668: Externship in Pharmacology
- Phcl 669: Physiological Chemistry
- Phcl 675: Gen Princ of Pharmacology & Toxicology I
- Phcl 676: Gen Princ - Pharmacology & Toxicology II
- Phcl 677: Advanced Topics
- Phcl 679: Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 681: Sel Topics - Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 685: Externship in Toxicology
- Phcl 697: Thesis
- Phcl 797: Dissertation
- Phcy 100: Introduction to Pharmacy
- Phcy 400: Becoming a Pharmacist
- Phcy 401: Foundations of BioMolecular Sciences I
- Phcy 402: Foundations of BioMolecular Sciences II
- Phcy 411: Human Physiology/Pathophysiology I
- Phcy 412: Human Physiology/Pathophysiology II
- Phcy 421: Pharmaceutics and Calculations I
- Phcy 422: Pharmaceutics and Calculations II
- Phcy 431: Social and Administrative Pharmacy I
- Phcy 432: Social and Administrative Pharmacy II
- Phcy 441: Pharmacists' Patient Care Process I
- Phcy 442: Pharmacists' Patient Care Process II
- Phcy 451: Pharmacogenomics
- Phcy 452: Pharmacoimmunology
- Phcy 460: Personal and Professional Development I
- Phcy 461: Interprofessional Collaboration I
- Phcy 501: Infectious Diseases Intensive
- Phcy 502: Integrated Systems: Cardiovascular
- Phcy 503: Integrated Systems: Respiratory
- Phcy 504: Integrated Systems: Renal
- Phcy 505: Integrated Systems: Neuromuscular
- Phcy 506: Integrated Systems: CNS/Psych
- Phcy 507: Integrated Systems: Endocrine System
- Phcy 508: Integrated Systems: GI/Nutrition
- Phcy 509: Integrated Systems: DERM/EENT
- Phcy 550: Integrated Institutional IPPE
- Phcy 560: Personal and Professional Development II
- Phcy 561: Interprofessional Collaboration II
- Phcy 601: Multisystem Complex Patient Care I
- Phcy 602: Hematology/Oncology/Immunology
- Phcy 603: Integrated Genitourinary & Reproductive
- Phcy 604: Pediatrics and Geriatrics
- Phcy 605: Integrated Selective IPPE
- Phcy 606: Population and Rural Health
- Phcy 607: Practice Law Application
- Phcy 608: Multisystem Complex Patient Care II
- Phcy 650: Integrated Comm & Ambulatory IPPE
- Phcy 651: Integrated Inst & Specialty IPPE
- Phcy 660: Personal & Professional Development III
- Phcy 661: Interprofessional Collaboration III
- Phil 101: Introduction to Philosophy
- Phil 102: Introduction to Professional Ethics
- Phil 103: Logic: Critical Thinking
- Phil 201: Ultimate Questions
- Phil 204: Intro to Ethical Policy Debate
- Phil 300: Kant and the Problems of Philosophy
- Phil 301: History of Philosophy I
- Phil 302: History of Philosophy II
- Phil 307: Medieval Philosophy
- Phil 308: Buddhism
- Phil 309: Chinese Religions: Confucianism & Daoism
- Phil 309: Asian Philosophy
- Phil 310: Socrates & Sophistry
- Phil 311: Plato
- Phil 313: Aristotle
- Phil 315: Nineteenth Century Philosophy
- Phil 315: Aquinas
- Phil 316: Whitehead
- Phil 316: Topics in Philosophy in American History
- Phil 318: Existentialism
- Phil 319: Symbolic Logic
- Phil 320: Aesthetics
- Phil 321: Ethics
- Phil 322: Epistemology
- Phil 323: Metaphysics
- Phil 324: Philosophical Analysis
- Phil 325: Theories of Truth
- Phil 326: Bioethics
- Phil 328: Biomedical Ethics
- Phil 329: Medical Humanities
- Phil 330: History of Western Political Philosophy
- Phil 331: Political Philosophy
- Phil 332: Personal Identity and the Self
- Phil 333: Philosophy of Language
- Phil 340: Philosophy & Computer Technology
- Phil 342: Philosophy of Mind
- Phil 344: Moral Psychology
- Phil 345: Environmental Ethics
- Phil 346: Contemporary Moral Issues
- Phil 347: Ethical Policy Debate
- Phil 348: Topics in Religion and the Environment
- Phil 349: Religious Ethics: Issues and Methods
- Phil 350: Philosophy of Law
- Phil 351: Philosophy of Religion
- Phil 352: Care Ethics
- Phil 353: Philosophy of War
- Phil 353: Consequentialism
- Phil 355: Philosophy of Film
- Phil 357: Business Ethics
- Phil 360: Philosophical Issues in Science/Religion
- Phil 370: Philosophy of Leadership
- Phil 371: Public Policy and Ethics
- Phil 372: Conservative Political Philosophy
- Phil 380: Community-Based Internship
- Phil 390: Women & Philosophy
- Phil 395: Topics in Philosophy
- Phil 396: Philosophical Topics in Religion
- Phil 399: Topics in Philosophy Abroad
- Phil 401: Seminar in History of Ancient Philosophy
- Phil 402: Seminar in History of Modern Philosophy
- Phil 421: Seminar in Ethical Philosophy
- Phil 422: Seminar in Epistemology/Metaphysics
- Phil 431: Seminar in Legal/Political Philosophy
- Phil 432: Seminar in Philosophy of Mind/Language
- Phil 460: Seminar: Philosophy of Science/Religion
- Phil 490: Directed Readings in Philosophy
- Phil 491: Honors Thesis
- Phil 497: Senior Seminar
- Phil 499: Philosophy Assessment Exam
- Phil 502: Philosophy in the United States
- Phil 503: Seminar
- Phil 506: Contemporary Political Philosophy
- Phil 511: Philosophy of Science
- Phil 516: Contemporary Ethical Theory
- Phil 518: Contemp Theories: Philosophy of Religion
- Phil 519: Philosophy of Language
- Phil 520: Problems in Environmental Ethics
- Phil 521: Contemporary Philosophy
- Phil 590: Adv Seminar Epistemology/Metaphysics
- Phil 591: Advanced Seminar in Value Theory
- Phil 592: Advanced Seminar in History of Phil
- Phil 593: Adv Seminar Epistemology/Metaphysics II
- Phil 594: Advanced Seminar in Value Theory II
- Phil 595: Advanced Seminar in History of Phil II
- Phil 599: Professional Development in Philosophy
- Phil 600: Kant
- Phil 602: Wittgenstein
- Phil 607: Major Western Philosophers
- Phil 608: Studies in Eastern Philosophy
- Phil 609: Studies in Existential Philosophy
- Phil 611: Problems of Metaphysics
- Phil 613: Problems in the Philosophy of Religion
- Phil 615: Research
- Phil 616: Research
- Phil 617: Problems of Epistemology
- Phil 619: Value Theory
- Phil 620: Problems of Aesthetics
- Phil 621: Problems in Ethics
- Phil 625: Major Figures of Analytic Philosophy
- Phil 628: Problems in Biomedical Ethics
- Phil 630: Studies in the History of Political Phil
- Phil 631: Problems in Political Philosophy
- Phil 632: Problems of Personal Identity
- Phil 644: Studies in Moral Psychology
- Phil 647: Graduate Ethical Policy Debate
- Phil 650: Problems of Philosophy of Law
- Phil 652: Problems in Care Ethics
- Phil 653: Problems in Consequentialism
- Phil 655: Advanced Symbolic Logic
- Phil 656: Problems in the Philosophy of Film
- Phil 657: Problems in Business Ethics
- Phil 680: Studies in Feminist Philosophy
- Phil 692: Special Topics in Ethics
- Phil 693: Special Topics in Metaphysics
- Phil 694: Special Topics in History of Philosophy
- Phil 697: Thesis
- Phys 101: Introduction to Physics I
- Phys 102: Introduction to Physics II
- Phys 107: Physical Science I
- Phys 108: Physical Science II
- Phys 111: Physics of Sound & Music
- Phys 112: Physics of Light, Color, & Art
- Phys 123: Physics of the Atmosphere
- Phys 201: Physics Toolbox
- Phys 211: Physics for Science & Engineering I
- Phys 212: Physics for Science & Engineering II
- Phys 213: General Physics I
- Phys 214: General Physics II
- Phys 215: Physics for Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Phys 221: Lab Physics for Science & Engineering I
- Phys 222: Lab Physics for Science & Engineering II
- Phys 223: Laboratory Physics I
- Phys 224: Laboratory Physics II
- Phys 303: Physical Theory
- Phys 308: Mathematical Physics
- Phys 309: Thermodynamics
- Phys 310: Mechanics
- Phys 313: Physics & Biophysics of Air & Water
- Phys 315: Radiation Science
- Phys 317: Introduction to Modern Physics I
- Phys 318: Introduction to Modern Physics II
- Phys 319: Optics
- Phys 321: Electronics
- Phys 401: Electromagnetic Theory I
- Phys 402: Electromagnetic Theory II
- Phys 413: Introduction to Biophysics
- Phys 415: Radiation Physics Laboratory
- Phys 417: Modern Physics Laboratory
- Phys 422: Digital Electronics & Microprocessors
- Phys 425: Nuclear & Particle Physics Laboratory
- Phys 436: Introduction to Cosmology
- Phys 451: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- Phys 461: Senior Seminar
- Phys 463: Senior Research Project
- Phys 464: Senior Research Project
- Phys 498: Senior Review
- Phys 501: Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory I
- Phys 502: Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory II
- Phys 503: Selected Topics in Physics I
- Phys 507: Directed Research
- Phys 510: Research Seminar
- Phys 521: Acoustics
- Phys 522: Acoustics Laboratory
- Phys 532: Advanced Acoustics Laboratory
- Phys 533: Survey of Topics in Physics I
- Phys 534: Survey of Topics in Physics II
- Phys 540: Introduction to Scientific Computing
- Phys 551: Mathematical Methods of Physics I
- Phys 552: Mathematical Methods of Physics II
- Phys 609: Advanced Mechanics I
- Phys 610: Advanced Mechanics II
- Phys 611: Quantum Mechanics I
- Phys 612: Quantum Mechanics II
- Phys 617: Modern Physics I
- Phys 618: Modern Physics II
- Phys 621: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory I
- Phys 622: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory II
- Phys 623: Introduction to Nuclear Physics I
- Phys 624: Introduction to Nuclear Physics II
- Phys 625: Solid State Physics I
- Phys 626: Solid State Physics II
- Phys 627: Adv Thermodynamics/Statistical Mech I
- Phys 628: Adv Thermodynamics/Statistical Mech II
- Phys 631: Quantum Field Theory I
- Phys 632: Quantum Field Theory II
- Phys 633: Elementary Particle Physics
- Phys 634: Electronics in Research
- Phys 636: Advanced Physical Optics
- Phys 697: Thesis Research in Physics
- Phys 735: Gravitational Physics
- Phys 749: Advanced Topics in Physics I
- Phys 750: Advanced Topics in Physics II
- Phys 797: Dissertation
- Pian 100: Preparatory Piano
- Pian 121: Freshman Piano I
- Pian 122: Freshman Piano II
- Pian 221: Sophomore Piano I
- Pian 222: Sophomore Piano II
- Pian 241: Sophomore Piano Performance I
- Pian 242: Sophomore Piano Performance II
- Pian 321: Junior Piano I
- Pian 322: Junior Piano II
- Pian 341: Junior Piano Performance I
- Pian 342: Junior Piano Performance II
- Pian 421: Senior Piano I
- Pian 422: Senior Piano II
- Pian 441: Senior Piano Performance I
- Pian 442: Senior Piano Performance II
- Pian 521: Advanced Piano I
- Pian 522: Advanced Piano II
- Pian 541: Advanced Piano Performance I
- Pian 542: Advanced Piano Performance II
- Pian 621: Graduate Piano I
- Pian 622: Graduate Piano II
- Pian 641: Graduate Piano Performance I
- Pian 642: Graduate Piano Performance II
- Pkin 591: Pharmacokinetics Clerkship
- Pmtm 591: Pharmacy Medication Therapy Management
- Pois 591: Poison Control Clerkship
- Pol 100: Orientation to the Major
- Pol 101: Introduction to American Politics
- Pol 102: Introduction to Comparative Politics
- Pol 103: Introduction to International Relations
- Pol 251: Intro to Political Science Methods
- Pol 300: Judicial Process
- Pol 303: The American Presidency
- Pol 304: American Legislative Process
- Pol 305: Judicial Behavior
- Pol 306: Const Law I: Supreme Court & Const.
- Pol 307: Const Law II: Civil Lib & Civil Rights
- Pol 308: Voting and Political Participation
- Pol 309: Public Opinion and Political Psychology
- Pol 310: Political Parties
- Pol 311: Political Communication
- Pol 312: Interest Groups
- Pol 316: State and Local Government and Politics
- Pol 317: Mississippi Politics
- Pol 318: Politics of the American South
- Pol 319: Minority Politics
- Pol 320: African American Politics
- Pol 321: Politics of Latin America
- Pol 322: Politics of Western Europe
- Pol 323: Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa
- Pol 324: Politics of China
- Pol 325: Politics of Southeast Asia
- Pol 326: Politics of Russia
- Pol 329: Transitions to Democracy
- Pol 331: International Organization
- Pol 332: Ethnic Conflict and International Terror
- Pol 334: Politics of the World Economy
- Pol 335: Intl. Politics of Nuclear Weapons
- Pol 336: Political Economy of Int'l Dev
- Pol 337: Asia in World Affairs
- Pol 338: Formulation of American Foreign Policy
- Pol 339: International Conflict
- Pol 340: Politics of East Asia
- Pol 341: German Politics
- Pol 342: Politics of Mexico and Central America
- Pol 343: Comparative Democratic Institutions
- Pol 344: Politics of Advanced Industrial Society
- Pol 345: Politics of South America
- Pol 346: Women and World Politics
- Pol 349: Middle East Politics
- Pol 352: Quantitative Methods in Pol Sci
- Pol 361: Strategic Choice in Int'l Relations
- Pol 363: War in World Politics
- Pol 364: Comparative Foreign Policy
- Pol 367: Policy Analysis
- Pol 380: Topics in Political Science Abroad
- Pol 382: Comparative Legislative Behavior
- Pol 383: Comparative Ethnic Politics
- Pol 384: Western Social Movements
- Pol 386: European Political Economy
- Pol 387: Political Economy of East Asia
- Pol 389: Internship in Government
- Pol 390: Honors in Political Science
- Pol 391: Applied Politics
- Pol 398: Special Topics in Political Science
- Pol 399: Readings & Research in Political Science
- Pol 401: Senior Seminar in American Politics
- Pol 421: Senior Seminar in Comparative Politics
- Pol 431: Senior Seminar in International Politics
- Pol 490: Directed Readings in Political Science
- Pol 491: Directed Research in Political Science
- Pol 492: Mock Trial
- Pol 497: Washington Policy Process
- Pol 500: Seminar in American Politics
- Pol 523: Theories of Comparative Pol Analysis
- Pol 531: Seminar in International Relations
- Pol 550: Research in Politics
- Pol 551: Empirical Political Analysis
- Pol 552: Applied Political Research
- Pol 598: Special Topics in Political Science
- Pol 601: Seminar in Judicial Behavior
- Pol 602: Seminar in Judicial Politics
- Pol 603: Seminar in American Legislative Politics
- Pol 604: Seminar in Executive Politics
- Pol 606: Seminar in Media Politics
- Pol 609: Seminar in Southern Politics
- Pol 612: Seminar in American Political Parties
- Pol 613: Seminar in State Politics and Policy
- Pol 614: Seminar in Pol Participation & Voting
- Pol 615: Seminar in Public Opinion & Pol Psy
- Pol 620: Seminar in Advanced Industrial Societies
- Pol 621: Seminar in European Comparative Gov
- Pol 622: Seminar in Pol Dev & Change
- Pol 623: Regime Change and Democratization
- Pol 624: Seminar in Asian Government
- Pol 625: Reform in Post-Communist Countries
- Pol 626: Comparative Bureaucracies
- Pol 627: Comparative Legislatures
- Pol 628: Seminar in Comp Parties & Elections
- Pol 632: Quant. Approaches to Int'l Relations
- Pol 633: Global Strategy and Alliances
- Pol 634: Formulation of American Foreign Policy
- Pol 635: International Conflict
- Pol 636: International Security Law and Policy
- Pol 637: Seminar in Int'l Political Economy
- Pol 639: Int'l Organizations and Cooperation
- Pol 641: Seminar in Latin Amer Comparative Gov
- Pol 642: Quantitive Approaches to Comp Pol
- Pol 653: Advanced Topics in Political Methodology
- Pol 654: Formal Models of Politics
- Pol 691: Seminar in Teaching
- Pol 695: Research Practicum
- Pol 696: Advanced Readings
- Pol 697: Thesis
- Pol 698: Special Topics in Political Science
- Pol 699: Readings/Research
- Pol 729: Political Conflict and Violence
- Pol 730: Comparative Democratic Institutions
- Pol 738: Intrastate War
- Pol 796: Dissertation Prospectus
- Pol 797: Dissertation
- Port 101: Elementary Portuguese I
- Port 102: Elementary Portuguese II
- Port 111: Intensive Elementary Portuguese
- Port 198: Elementary Portuguese Study Abroad
- Port 199: Special Topics in Portuguese
- Port 201: Intermediate Portuguese I
- Port 202: Intermediate Portuguese II
- Port 211: Intensive Intermediate Portuguese
- Port 298: Intermediate Portuguese Study Abroad
- Port 299: Special Topics
- Port 301: Conversation and Composition I
- Port 302: Conversation and Composition II
- Port 309: Portuguese for Spanish Speakers I
- Port 310: Portuguese for Spanish Speakers II
- Port 311: Business Portuguese
- Port 321: Brazilian Culture & Civilization
- Port 331: Intro Brazilian Lit & Literary Analysis
- Port 361: Brazilian Cinema
- Port 398: Advanced Portuguese Study Abroad
- Port 399: Special Topics in Portuguese
- PPL 100: Leadership Perspectives
- PPL 101: Foundations of Public Policy Leadership
- PPL 210: Public Policy & Quantitative Analysis
- PPL 211: Reading Seminar
- PPL 212: Critical Thinking, Comm & Public Policy
- PPL 298: Topics in Public Policy Leadership
- PPL 300: Public Policy and Ethics
- PPL 310: Public Policy Design and Analysis
- PPL 320: Issues in Global Economics
- PPL 328: The Corporation and Public Policy
- PPL 329: Economic Geographies of Globalization
- PPL 330: Global Border Policies
- PPL 331: Political Philosophy
- PPL 340: Philosophical Foundations of Human Right
- PPL 342: Philosophy & Diversity in Public Policy
- PPL 345: Environmental Ethics
- PPL 360: Global Perspectives, Issues, & Policies
- PPL 361: Disaster Policy
- PPL 362: Homeland Security Policy
- PPL 370: Philosophy of Leadership
- PPL 371: Nonprofit Organizations & Grant Writing
- PPL 372: Introduction to Public Administration
- PPL 373: Leadership in Public Policy Setting
- PPL 374: Grant Writing for Nonprofits
- PPL 375: Regional Economic Development
- PPL 376: Policymaking and Governance in China
- PPL 377: Women and Public Policy in the U.S.
- PPL 380: World Regions: Geography and Policy
- PPL 381: Global Environmental Issues
- PPL 382: Geography of Religion and Belief Systems
- PPL 383: Social Policy
- PPL 384: Civic Engagement, Pub Policy & Dem in US
- PPL 385: Food Policy & Agriculture Systems
- PPL 386: Science, Technology and Public Polic
- PPL 387: Education Policy
- PPL 388: Public Policies of European Union
- PPL 389: Policy Response to Poverty in the U.S.
- PPL 390: Health Policy
- PPL 399: Advanced Quantitative Methods
- PPL 401: Directed Readings in PPL
- PPL 402: Thesis I
- PPL 403: Thesis II
- PPL 490: Individual Study
- PPL 491: Topics in Leadership/Organization
- PPL 492: Topics in Domestic Policies
- PPL 493: Topics in International Policies
- PPL 496: Topics in Pub Policy Leadership Abroad
- PPL 497: Washington Policy Process
- PPL 498: Special Topics
- PPL 499: Internship
- Prct 350: Information Skills in Pharmacy Practice
- Prct 353: Practice Skills Laboratory I
- Prct 354: Practice Skills Laboratory II
- Prct 357: Advocacy and Leadership in Pharmacy
- Prct 358: Geriatrics
- Prct 359: Tobacco Cessation Education
- Prct 360: Personal Time Mngment for Pharm Students
- Prct 361: Vaccine-preventable Illnesses/Travel med
- Prct 362: Veterinary Pharmacy
- Prct 363: Pharmacy, Microcontrollers & the Interne
- Prct 375: Distributive Intro Pharmacy Practice Exp
- Prct 376: Selective Intro Pharmacy Practice Exp
- Prct 450: Pharmacy Practice I
- Prct 451: Pharmacy Practice II
- Prct 452: Pharmacy Practice III
- Prct 455: Practice Skills Laboratory III
- Prct 456: Practice Skills Laboratory IV
- Prct 457: Institutional Pharmacy Practice
- Prct 470: Introduction to Nuclear Pharmacy
- Prct 471: Advanced Topics in Cardiology
- Prct 472: Life After Graduation
- Prct 473: Beyond Dispensing
- Prct 474: Advanced Infectious Diseases
- Prct 475: Nutrition Support
- Prct 476: Wellbeing & Resiliency for Student Pharm
- Prct 477: Institutional Pharmacy Practice II
- Prct 478: Community Pharmacy Practice II
- Prct 480: Introduction to Global Health & Pharmacy
- Prct 486: Resiliency in Professional Life
- Prct 488: Advanced Topics in Diabetes Care
- Prct 489: Advanced Topics Critical & Emergent Care
- Prct 520: Case Management I
- Prct 521: Case Management II
- Prct 522: Case Management III
- Prct 523: Case Management IV
- Prct 524: Case Management V
- Prct 525: Case Management VI
- Prct 526: Case Management VII
- Prct 527: Case Management VIII
- Prct 528: Case Management IX
- Prct 529: Case Management X
- Prct 530: Clinical Skills Evaluation I
- Prct 531: Clinical Skills Evaluation II
- Prct 532: Clinical Skills Evaluation III
- Prct 541: Problems in Clinical Pharmacy
- Prct 542: Problems in Clinical Pharmacy
- Prct 543: Community Pharmacy Practice III
- Prct 544: Institutional Pharmacy Practice III
- Prct 545: Specialty Pharmacy Practice Elective
- Prct 551: Information Skills in Pharmacy Practice
- Prct 552: Preventive Medicine and Public Health
- Prct 553: Clinical Externship (community)
- Prct 554: Clinical Externship (institutional)
- Prct 555: Pharmaceutical Care I: Knowledge & Compr
- Prct 556: Pharmaceutical Care I: Problem-Solvin
- Prct 557: Pharmaceutical Care I: Group
- Prct 558: Pharmaceutical Care II:Knowledge & Comp
- Prct 559: Pharmaceutical Care II: Problem-Solving
- Prct 560: Pharmaceutical Care II: Group
- Prct 561: Pharmaceutical Care III:Knowledge & Comp
- Prct 562: Pharmaceutical Care III: Problem-Solving
- Prct 563: Pharmaceutical Care III: Group
- Prct 564: Pharmaceutical Care IV: Knowledge & Comp
- Prct 565: Pharmaceutical Care IV: Problem-Solving
- Prct 566: Seminar Skills Dev for Health Prof
- Prct 567: Seminar Skills Dev for Health Prof II
- Prct 568: Pharmacy Biomedical Ethics
- Prct 568: Pediatric Pharmacotherapy
- Prct 569: Pharmaceutical Care IV: Group
- Prct 570: Patient-Caregiver-Provider Education
- Prct 577: Practice Skills Laboratory V
- Prct 586: Adult Medicine Clerkship
- Prct 587: Ambulatory Care Clerkship
- Prct 591: Elective Clerkship
- Prct 592: Elective Clerkship
- Prct 593: Elective Clerkship
- Prct 599: Clinical Trials Skills
- PRM 194: Foundations of Leisure and Recreation
- PRM 200: Park & Recreation Program Leadership
- PRM 262: Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation
- PRM 301: Planning & Evaluation in PRM
- PRM 302: Program Planning & Development
- PRM 332: Outdoor Recreation
- PRM 371: Camp Leadership
- PRM 372: Procedures and Techniques in Therapeutic
- PRM 375: Recreational Sports Programming
- PRM 380: Current Issues in Travel & Tourism Mgmt.
- PRM 391: Practicum in Park and Recreation Mgmt. I
- PRM 392: Practicum in Park & Recreation Mgmt. II
- PRM 400: Professional Development
- PRM 401: Internship in Parks and Recreation Mgmt.
- PRM 425: Design and Maintenance of Facilities
- PRM 471: Admin. of Park & Recreation Programs
- PRM 473: Supervision and Administration of Therap
- PRM 490: Independent Study
- PRM 497: Cooperative Field Practicum
- PRM 498: Cooperative Field Practicum
- PRM 499: Cooperative Field Practicum
- PRM 510: Entrepreneurial Recreation
- PRM 539: Outdoor Resources Management
- PRM 569: Strategies & Applications in Outdoor Edu
- PRM 574: Current Trends in Therapeutic Recreation
- PRM 600: Issues & Trends in Park & Recreation Pro
- PRM 601: Park & Recreation Program Dev & Promotio
- PRM 602: Assessment & Evalua. of Park & Rec. Prog
- PRM 625: Research Design and Evaluation
- PRM 627: Internship
- PRM 650: Seminar in Community & Rural Tourism
- PRM 651: Advanced Independent Study
- PRM 652: Advanced Independent Study
- PRM 653: Independent Research
- PRM 654: Directed Event Programming
- PRM 671: Park & Recreation Program Admin
- PRM 680: Leisure Programming for Senior Adults
- PRM 691: Principles & Practices of Leisure & Recr
- PRM 697: Thesis
- Psy 100: Orientation to the Major
- Psy 110: Seminar in Psychology
- Psy 200: Research Internship
- Psy 201: General Psychology
- Psy 202: Elementary Statistics
- Psy 203: Self Management for Your Personal Life
- Psy 204: Research Methods in Psychology
- Psy 215: Psychology of Instructional Technology
- Psy 301: Developmental Psychology
- Psy 303: Intermed. Statistical Methods for Psy
- Psy 308: Industrial Psychology
- Psy 309: Learning
- Psy 311: Abnormal Psychology
- Psy 313: Experimental Analysis of Behavior
- Psy 315: Personality
- Psy 317: Tests and Measurements
- Psy 319: Brain and Behavior
- Psy 320: Cognitive Psychology
- Psy 321: Social Psychology
- Psy 322: Drugs and Behavior
- Psy 323: Applied Behavior Analysis
- Psy 324: Science of Emotion
- Psy 326: Sensation and Perception
- Psy 327: Psychology and Law
- Psy 340: Multicultural Psychology
- Psy 344: Moral Psychology
- Psy 350: Ecopsychology and International Youth
- Psy 365: Environmental Psychology
- Psy 390: Lab in Psy: Behavioral Neuroscience
- Psy 392: Lab in Psy: Experimental Social Psy
- Psy 394: Lab in Psy: Cognition and Perception
- Psy 396: Laboratory in Psychology
- Psy 401: Undergraduate Internship in Psychology
- Psy 402: Psychology Teaching Internship I
- Psy 403: Psychology Teaching Internship II
- Psy 404: Teaching Experience
- Psy 405: Minor Research Problems
- Psy 406: Research Problems II
- Psy 410: Health Psychology
- Psy 415: Introduction to Clinical Psychology
- Psy 417: Disasters and Mental Health
- Psy 419: Psychology of Parenting
- Psy 420: Special Topics
- Psy 421: Readings and Research in Psychology II
- Psy 425: Advanced Abnormal Behavioral Psych & Lit
- Psy 451: History and Systems of Psychology
- Psy 455: Special Topics in Psychology
- Psy 456: Integrative Special Topics
- Psy 460: Psychology of Human Sexuality
- Psy 465: Psychology of Gender
- Psy 470: Children and Families: Community Work
- Psy 475: Topics in Psychology Abroad
- Psy 505: Conditioning and Learning
- Psy 511: The Neural Basis of Learning & Memory
- Psy 519: Group Dynamics
- Psy 530: Single Subject & Sm Grp Research Design
- Psy 531: Sensation and Perception
- Psy 532: Attention and Consciousness
- Psy 541: Intellectual Disability & Dev. Disorders
- Psy 553: Theories of Learning
- Psy 561: Cross-Cultural Training
- Psy 575: Psychosocial Aspects of Aging
- Psy 601: Seminar
- Psy 603: Quantitative Methods in Psychology I
- Psy 604: Quantitative Methods in Psychology II
- Psy 605: Advanced Statistics
- Psy 606: Method and Theory in Program Evaluation
- Psy 607: Cognitive Psychology
- Psy 609: Behavior Modification
- Psy 610: Techniques of Assess I: Cognitive Tests
- Psy 611: Personality Assessment
- Psy 612: Social Psychology
- Psy 614: Behavior Therapy
- Psy 615: Physiological Psychology
- Psy 616: Psychopharmacology
- Psy 617: Individual Experimental Research
- Psy 618: Advanced Developmental Psychology
- Psy 619: Tests and Measurements
- Psy 621: Seminar
- Psy 622: Clinical Assessment Practicum
- Psy 623: Clinical Practicum I
- Psy 624: Clinical Practicum II
- Psy 625: Clinical Practicum III
- Psy 626: Clinical Practicum IV
- Psy 627: Theories of Personality
- Psy 628: Clinical Practicum V: Field Placement
- Psy 629: Advanced Abnormal Psychology
- Psy 631: Theories of Psychotherapy
- Psy 633: Behavior Problems in Children
- Psy 635: Seminar on College Teaching
- Psy 637: Seminar in Clinical Psychology
- Psy 641: Issues & Ethics in Human Res & Prof Psy
- Psy 647: Problems in Psychology
- Psy 648: Research Design
- Psy 651: History and Systems of Psychology
- Psy 653: Human Physiological Recording
- Psy 655: Psychology Colloquium
- Psy 659: Clinical-Disaster Psychology
- Psy 690: Clinical Staffing
- Psy 697: Thesis
- Psy 708: Advanced Multicultural Psychology
- Psy 709: Advanced Conditioning and Learning
- Psy 713: Advanced Social Cognition
- Psy 730: Evidence-based Clinical Intervention
- Psy 740: Adv Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention
- Psy 797: Dissertation
- Psy 798: Psychology Internship
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.