Philosophy & Religion
- Hbr 110: Biblical Hebrew I
- Hbr 111: Biblical Hebrew II
- Hbr 211: Intensive Intermediate Biblical Hebrew
- Phil 101: Introduction to Philosophy
- Phil 102: Introduction to Professional Ethics
- Phil 103: Logic: Critical Thinking
- Phil 104: Contemporary Moral Issues
- Phil 105: Dungeons, Dragons, and Philosophy
- Phil 201: Ultimate Questions
- Phil 204: Intro to Ethical Policy Debate
- Phil 205: AI Ethics
- Phil 209: Asian Philosophy
- Phil 301: History of Philosophy I
- Phil 302: History of Philosophy II
- Phil 307: Topics in Medieval Philosophy
- Phil 308: Buddhism
- Phil 309: Chinese Religions: Confucianism & Daoism
- Phil 310: Socrates and the Sophists
- Phil 311: Plato
- Phil 313: Aristotle
- Phil 314: Kant and the Problems of Philosophy
- Phil 315: Nineteenth Century Philosophy
- Phil 316: Topics in Philosophy in American History
- Phil 318: Existentialism
- Phil 319: Symbolic Logic
- Phil 320: Aesthetics
- Phil 321: Ethical Theory
- Phil 322: Epistemology
- Phil 323: Metaphysics
- Phil 324: History of Analytic Philosophy
- Phil 325: Theories of Truth
- Phil 326: Metaethics
- Phil 328: Biomedical Ethics
- Phil 330: History of Western Political Philosophy
- Phil 331: Political Philosophy
- Phil 332: Personal Identity and the Self
- Phil 333: Philosophy of Language
- Phil 334: Free Will and Responsibility
- Phil 340: Philosophy of Technology
- Phil 342: Philosophy of Mind
- Phil 344: Moral Psychology
- Phil 345: Environmental Ethics
- Phil 347: Advanced Ethical Policy Debate
- Phil 348: Nature and Environment in Asian Religion
- Phil 349: Religious Ethics: Issues and Methods
- Phil 350: Philosophy of Law
- Phil 351: Philosophy of Religion
- Phil 352: Care Ethics
- Phil 353: Consequentialism
- Phil 354: Ethical Leadership
- Phil 355: Philosophy of Film
- Phil 357: Business Ethics
- Phil 360: Philosophical Issues in Science/Religion
- Phil 365: Ethical Disagreement and Dialogue
- Phil 371: Public Policy and Ethics
- Phil 372: Conservative Political Philosophy
- Phil 380: Community-Based Internship
- Phil 390: Feminist Philosophy
- Phil 391: Philosophy of Race
- Phil 395: Topics in Philosophy
- Phil 396: Philosophical Topics in Religion
- Phil 399: Topics in Philosophy Abroad
- Phil 401: Seminar in History of Ancient Philosophy
- Phil 402: Seminar in History of Modern Philosophy
- Phil 421: Seminar in Ethical Philosophy
- Phil 422: Seminar in Epistemology/Metaphysics
- Phil 431: Seminar in Legal/Political Philosophy
- Phil 432: Seminar in Philosophy of Mind/Language
- Phil 460: Seminar: Philosophy of Science/Religion
- Phil 490: Directed Readings in Philosophy
- Phil 491: Honors Thesis
- Phil 499: Philosophy Assessment Exam
- Phil 590: Adv Seminar Epistemology/Metaphysics
- Phil 591: Advanced Seminar in Value Theory
- Phil 592: Advanced Seminar in History of Phil
- Phil 593: Adv Seminar Epistemology/Metaphysics II
- Phil 594: Advanced Seminar in Value Theory II
- Phil 595: Advanced Seminar in History of Phil II
- Phil 599: Professional Development in Philosophy
- Phil 601: Studies in Ancient Philosophy
- Phil 607: Major Western Philosophers
- Phil 608: Studies in Eastern Philosophy
- Phil 609: Studies in Existential Philosophy
- Phil 611: Problems of Metaphysics
- Phil 613: Problems in the Philosophy of Religion
- Phil 614: Kant
- Phil 617: Problems of Epistemology
- Phil 619: Value Theory
- Phil 620: Problems of Aesthetics
- Phil 621: Problems in Ethics
- Phil 622: Studies in Early Modern Philosophy
- Phil 624: Problems in Philosophical Analysis
- Phil 625: Major Figures of Analytic Philosophy
- Phil 628: Problems in Biomedical Ethics
- Phil 630: Studies in the History of Political Phil
- Phil 631: Problems in Political Philosophy
- Phil 632: Problems of Personal Identity
- Phil 633: Philosophy of Language
- Phil 642: Problems in the Philosophy of Mind
- Phil 644: Studies in Moral Psychology
- Phil 645: Problems in Environmental Ethics
- Phil 647: Graduate Ethical Policy Debate
- Phil 650: Problems of Philosophy of Law
- Phil 652: Problems in Care Ethics
- Phil 653: Problems in Consequentialism
- Phil 655: Advanced Symbolic Logic
- Phil 656: Problems in the Philosophy of Film
- Phil 657: Problems in Business Ethics
- Phil 660: Problems of Science and Religion
- Phil 665: Philosophy of Science
- Phil 680: Studies in Feminist Philosophy
- Phil 690: Seminar
- Phil 691: Research
- Phil 692: Special Topics in Ethics
- Phil 693: Special Topics in Metaphysics
- Phil 694: Special Topics in History of Philosophy
- Phil 697: Thesis
- Rel 101: Introduction to Religion
- Rel 102: Introduction to Asian Religions
- Rel 103: Intro to Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- Rel 300: Comparative World Religions
- Rel 307: Topics in Medieval Philosophy
- Rel 308: Buddhism
- Rel 309: The Dead Sea Scrolls
- Rel 310: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
- Rel 312: The New Testament & Early Christianity
- Rel 313: The Book of Job
- Rel 315: Jesus and the Gospels
- Rel 320: Hinduism
- Rel 323: Islam
- Rel 325: Chinese Religions: Confucianism & Daoism
- Rel 326: Saints and Sexuality
- Rel 328: Biomedical Ethics
- Rel 330: Racism and Religion
- Rel 335: Self-Harm in Religion
- Rel 340: Travel and Tourism in Religion
- Rel 342: Jesus and Muhammad
- Rel 345: St. Paul and His Letters
- Rel 350: Jews, Judaism, and Anti-Semitism
- Rel 351: Philosophy of Religion
- Rel 353: Great Books in East Asian Religions
- Rel 358: Religious Implications of the Holocaust
- Rel 360: Philosophical Issues: Science & Religion
- Rel 366: Sex, Gender, and the Bible
- Rel 367: Global Female Prophecy
- Rel 368: Feminism, Women, and Religion
- Rel 370: Topics in Biblical Studies
- Rel 372: Rise of Christianity
- Rel 375: Christianity in America
- Rel 376: Revelation and End Times
- Rel 377: Angels and Afterlife
- Rel 378: Global Christianity
- Rel 380: Community-Based Internship
- Rel 386: Religion and Film
- Rel 387: Religious Ethics: Issues and Methods
- Rel 390: Nature and Environment in Asian Religion
- Rel 395: Topics in Religious Studies
- Rel 396: Philosophical Topics in Religion
- Rel 399: Topics in Religion Abroad
- Rel 490: Directed Readings in Religion
- Rel 491: Honors Thesis
- Rel 497: Advanced Seminar in Religious Studies
- Rel 601: Topics in Religious Studies
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.