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The Schools of Nursing and Pharmacy operate on both the Oxford and Jackson campuses. The Schools of Dentistry, Health Related Professionals and Medicine, and the Health Sciences Graduate School, are based in Jackson only. (Additional healthcare programs are available through the School of Applied Sciences on the Oxford campus.) Other than these exceptions, the schools above are on the Oxford campus.

Philosophy & Religion

Faculty in Philosophy & Religion


Robert William Barnard

Professor of Philosophy
18 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
rwbjr@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5723

Drew William Billings

Instructional Associate Professor of Philosophy & Religion
100 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
billings@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7020

James M Bos

Associate Professor of Religion
022 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
jmbos@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1367


Robert Colin English

Instructional Assistant Professor of Philosophy
13 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
rcenglis@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7020


Aaron Graham

Assistant Professor of Philosophy
14 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
graham@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7302


Fei Lan

Associate Professor of Religion
19 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
flan@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7976

Harrison Lee

Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy & Religion
100 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
jhlee3@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7020


Neil A Manson

Professor of Philosophy
16 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
namanson@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-6713

Shem Thomas Miller

Instructional Associate Professor of Philosophy & Religion
100 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
stmille1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7020

Deborah Mower

Director of the Center for Practical Ethics, Professor of Philosophy, Mr and Mrs Bryant Lectureship in Ethics
017 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
dsmower@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7020


Steven C Skultety

Chair and Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Declaration of Independence Center for the Study of American Freedom
100 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
skultety@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7020

Bryan A Smyth

Instructional Assistant Professor of Philosophy
13 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
basmyth@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7020


Mary F Thurlkill

Professor of Religion
21 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
maryt@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1400


Seth Waite

Instructor in Philosophy and Religion
100 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
spwaite@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7020

Donovan E Wishon

Associate Professor of Philosophy and Graduate Program Coordinator
103 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
dwishon@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7020

Emeritus Faculty


William F Lawhead

Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Religion
wlawhead@olemiss.eduUM Profile


Robert B Westmoreland

Associate Professor Emeritus of Philosophy & Religion
14 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
prrbw@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7302

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