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The Schools of Nursing and Pharmacy operate on both the Oxford and Jackson campuses. The Schools of Dentistry, Health Related Professionals and Medicine, and the Health Sciences Graduate School, are based in Jackson only. (Additional healthcare programs are available through the School of Applied Sciences on the Oxford campus.) Other than these exceptions, the schools above are on the Oxford campus.

B.A. in Media Communication

Degree Requirements

The academic regulations for this degree program, as entered in the University of Mississippi Catalog, are in effect for the current or selected academic year and semester. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change rules for registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time.

B.A. in Media Communication

General Education

Requirement Hours Description
First Year Writing I 3 Successfully complete one of the following courses: Writ 100 or Writ 101.
First Year Writing II 3 Successfully complete one of the following courses: Liba 102, Writ 102, or Hon 102.
3 hrs of Math 3 Complete Math 115, 120, 121, 123, 125, 261, 267, or 268 with a passing grade.
6 hrs science 6 Complete 6 hrs of science chosen from: astronomy, physics, physical science, biology, chemistry, or geology with a passing grade.
3 hrs humanities 3 Successfully complete 3 hours in one of the following areas: African American Studies; classical civilization; philosophy; religion; Southern Studies 101, 102; University Honors 101, 102; Gender Studies 103, 201, 311, 390, or DMS 101.
3 hrs fine arts 3 Complete 3 hours in the area of fine or performing arts. Choose from art history, music, dance, and theatre arts. Studio and workshop courses cannot be used to satisfy this requirement. Acceptable freshman or sophommore-level courses are: AH 101, AH 102, AH 201, AH 202; Music 101, Music 102, Music 103, Music 104, Music 105; Dance 200; and Theatre 201.
3 hrs social science 3 Successfully complete 3 semester hours in anthropology, economics, political science, psychology or sociology.
6 hrs modern/ancient language 6 Students must additionally complete 6 hours of foreign language. They may choose to do so within the same language or not.
Oral Communication 3 Students must complete 3 hours of oral Communication by taking SPCH 102, 105, 314; 107-8 or 207; or PPL 212
Diversity Requirement 3 This course is in addition to any course used to fulfill the humanities requirement. Any African American Studies, Gender Studies, Religion, or Southern Studies; Anth 101, 301, 303, 307; Soc 313, 325, or 413; Jour 345, 513; 3 hours from an approved study abroad experience.

Major Requirements

Requirement Hours Description
Jour 101 - C min 3 Complete Jour 101 with a grade of C or better.
Jour 102 or IMC 205 - C min 3 Complete Jour 102 or IMC 205 with a grade of C or better.
Jour 103 - C min 3 Complete Jour 103 with a grade of C or better.
Jour 369 - C min 3 Complete Jour 369 with a grade of C or better.
3 add'l hrs - C min 3 Complete 3 add'l hours with a grade of C or better chosen from the following: IMC 404: Integrated Marketing Communications Research, IMC 325: Data Literacy, OR JOUR 551: Research in Mass Communications
18 hrs electives - C min 18 Students will choose six additional elective courses (18 hours) with any MCOM course as well as list of approved IMC or Jour courses offered regularly and in rotation. In addition, students may count up to 3 hours of Spch or Writ at the 200+ level toward fulfillment of the major.
Semester Project - C min 3 Students are required to engage in a semester-long project that helps them investigate and understand a contemporary or emerging media/communication issue. They may fulfill this requirement through an approved internship, senior thesis, or enrollment in MCOM 480.
Enroll in a minor Students are required to take at least 18 hours outside of the School of Journalism and New Media, which can be satisfied with a minor, double major, dual degree, or set of courses that comprise a secondary focus. Student who choose to fulfill this secondary emphasis with a set of courses not formally recognized as a minor, double major, or dual degree are required to obtain official approval from the department chair.

Major Requirements II

Requirement Hours Description
18 hours electives 18 Students are required to take at least 18 hours outside of the School of Journalism and New Media, which can be satisfied with a minor, double major, dual degree, or set of courses that comprise a secondary focus. Student who choose to fulfill this secondary emphasis with a set of courses not formally recognized as a minor, double major, or dual degree are required to obtain official approval from the department chair.

Accelerated Law (3+3)

Requirement Hours Description
Law 501 3 Complete Law 501 with a passing grade
Law 502 4 Complete Law 502 with a passing grade.
Law 503 3 Complete Law 503 with a passing grade.
Law 504 4 Complete Law 504 with a passing grade.
Law 507 3 Complete Law 507 with a passing grade.
Law 514 3 Complete Law 514 with a passing grade.
Law 515 3 Complete Law 515 with a passing grade.
Law 568 3 Complete Law 568 with a passing grade.
Law 590 3 Complete Law 590 with a passing grade.

Specialization - Fashion Promo & Media

Requirement Hours Description
IMC 314 - C min 3 Complete IMC 314 with a grade of C or better.
IMC 315 or Mktg 361 - C min 3 IMC 315 or Mktg 361 -C min (IMC-FPM)
3 additional hrs - C min 3 Complete 3 additional hours with a C or better chosen from: IMC 309, 376, a preapproved 3-credit fashion-themed course or a preapproved 3-credit fashion-themed internship.

Specialization - Health Communication

Requirement Hours Description
IMC 585 3 Complete IMC 585 with a passing grade.
IMC 355 3 Complete IMC 355 with a passing grade.
1 interdisciplinary course 3 Complete one of the following interdisciplinary courses with a passing grade: PHAD 395, PHIL 328, REL 363, REL 388, PSY 301, PSY 311, PSY 321, PSY 410, PSY 417, PSY 460, GST 460, PSY 465[565], GST 465, SW 427, SOC 301, SOC 310, SOC 311, SOC 345, SOC 370, HON 315, SOC 413, SOC 427, SOC 455, ANTH 349, IMC 585, JOUR 585, NHM 311, NHM 323, NHM 328, NHM 417, LA 411, SOHE 301, SOHE 302, SOHE 329, SOHE 495, SOHE 497.

Specialization - Media Sales and Mgmt

Requirement Hours Description
Jour 386 - C min 3 Complete Jour 386 with a grade of C or better.
Jour 388 - C min 3 Complete Jour 388 with a grade of C or better.
3 hrs media sales elective 3 Complete one of the following with a passing grade: IMC 355, Spch 314, or an approved 3-credit sales internship (internship must be approved before it starts).

Specialization - Public Relations

Requirement Hours Description
Jour 102 - C min 3 Successfully complete Jour 102
IMC 491 - C min 3 Complete IMC 491 with a grade of C or better.
3 hrs MC Pub Rel Elective 3

Specialization - Social Media

Requirement Hours Description
Jour 310 - C min 3
6 hrs of SM Emph Courses -C min 6

Specialization - Sports Comm & Promotion

Requirement Hours Description
3 hrs sports course 3
IMC 587 3 Complete IMC 587 with a passing grade.
IMC 586 3 Complete IMC 586 with a passing grade.

Specialization - Visual Design

Requirement Hours Description
IMC 305 3 Complete IMC 305 with a passing grade.
6 hrs IMC 349, 473, 524 6 Complete two of the following courses with a passing grade: IMC 349, IMC 473, or IMC 524.
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.