UM Course Prefix Glossary
| Aas | African American Studies | Liberal Arts | | Accy | Accountancy | Patterson Accountancy | | AH | Art History | Liberal Arts | | Ambc | Ambulatory Care | Pharmacy | | Anth | Anthropology | Liberal Arts | | Arab | Arabic | Liberal Arts | | Ared | Art Education | Liberal Arts | | Art | Art | Liberal Arts | | AS | Aerospace Studies | Liberal Arts | | ASL | American Sign Language | Applied Sciences | | Astr | Astronomy | Liberal Arts | | AT | Athletic Training | Applied Sciences | | Bari | Bariatric Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Biot | Biotechnical Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Bisc | Biological Science | Liberal Arts | | BME | Biomedical Engineering | Engineering | | BMS | Biomolecular Sciences | Pharmacy | | Brtn | Baritone | Liberal Arts | | Bssn | Bassoon | Liberal Arts | | Bus | Business | Business | | C E | Civil Engineering | Engineering | | C OP | Co-op (engineering) | Engineering | | C&H | Croft and Honors | Graduate School | | Card | Cardiac Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | CEL | Community Engaged Leadership | University Programs | | Ch E | Chemical Engineering | Engineering | | Chem | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Liberal Arts | | Chin | Chinese | Liberal Arts | | Cine | Cinema | Liberal Arts | | CIS | Computer and Information Science | Engineering | | CJ | Criminal Justice | Applied Sciences | | Clar | Clarinet | Liberal Arts | | Clc | Classics | Liberal Arts | | Comm | Community Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Coun | Counselor Education | Education | | Cp E | Computer Engineering | Engineering | | CR | Court Reporting | Applied Sciences | | Crit | Critical Care Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Csci | Computer and Information Science | Engineering | | CSD | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Applied Sciences | | Danc | Dance | Liberal Arts | | Dinf | Drug Information Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | DMS | Digital Media Studies | Liberal Arts | | DRCT | | Pharmacy | | DS | Developmental Studies | University Programs | | ECE | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Engineering | | Econ | Economics | Liberal Arts | | Edae | Adult and Continuing Education | Education | | Edav | Educational Technology | Education | | Edba | Applied Behaviour Analysis | Education | | Edci | Curriculum and Instruction | Education | | Edde | Driver’s Education | Education | | Edec | Early Childhood Education | Education | | Edel | Elementary Education | Education | | Edfd | Foundations of Education | Education | | Edhe | Higher Education | Education | | Edld | Educational Leadership | Education | | Edle | Field and Laboratory Experiences | Education | | Edls | Library Science | Education | | Edlt | Literacy Education | Education | | Edrd | Reading Education | Education | | Edrs | Educational Research | Education | | Edse | Secondary Education | Education | | Edsp | Special Education | Education | | Educ | Education | Education | | Edwp | Wellness and Physical Education | Education | | EL | Exercise and Leisure Activities | Applied Sciences | | El E | Electrical Engineering | Engineering | | Emer | Emergency Medical Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Eng | English | Liberal Arts | | Engr | Engineering | Engineering | | Engs | Engineering Science | Engineering | | Ent | Entrepreneurship | Business | | Envs | Environmental Studies | Liberal Arts | | ES | Exercise Science | Applied Sciences | | Fin | Finance | Business | | Flut | Flute | Liberal Arts | | Fr | French | Liberal Arts | | Frhn | French Horn | Liberal Arts | | FS | Freedom Studies | Liberal Arts | | G E | Geological Engineering | Engineering | | G St | Gender Studies | Liberal Arts | | GB | General Business | Business | | Geog | Geography | Liberal Arts | | Geol | Geology | Engineering | | Gera | Geriatric Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Germ | German | Liberal Arts | | GLS | Global Studies | University Programs | | Gr | Greek | Liberal Arts | | Grad | Graduate School | Graduate School | | HK | Health and Kinesiology | Applied Sciences | | Home | Home Infusion Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Hon | Honors | University Programs | | HP | Health Promotion | Applied Sciences | | Hrps | Harpsichord | Liberal Arts | | Hst | History | Liberal Arts | | IDS | Interdisciplinary Studies | Liberal Arts | | IE | Intensive English | Liberal Arts | | IMC | Integrated Marketing Communications | Meek Journalism | | Inad | Institutional Administration | Pharmacy | | Indy | Pharmaceutical Industry Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Infd | Infectious Disease Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Info | Informatics Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Inop | Institutional Out-Patient Practice | Pharmacy | | Inst | International Studies | Liberal Arts | | ISS | Intelligence and Security Studies | University Programs | | Ital | Italian | Liberal Arts | | Japn | Japanese | Liberal Arts | | Jour | Journalism | Meek Journalism | | Kor | Korean | Liberal Arts | | LA | Paralegal Studies | Applied Sciences | | Lat | Latin | Liberal Arts | | Law | Law | Law | | Ldrs | Leadership | University Programs | | Lead | Leadership in Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Liba | Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | | Lin | Linguistics | Liberal Arts | | Ling | Linguistics | Liberal Arts | | M E | Mechanical Engineering | Engineering | | Manc | Managed Care Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Manf | Manufacturing | Engineering | | Math | Mathematics | Liberal Arts | | MBA | Business Administration Masters coursework | Business | | MCOM | | Meek Journalism | | MDS | Multi-Discipilinary Studies | University Programs | | Medc | Medicinal Chemistry | Pharmacy | | METP | Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program | Education | | Mgmt | Management | Business | | MHA | Health Care Administration Masters coursework | Business | | MIS | Management Information Systems | Business | | Mktg | Marketing | Business | | Mlll | Modern Languages, Literature and Linguistics | Liberal Arts | | Msl | Military Science and Leadership | Liberal Arts | | Msm | Systems Management Masters | Business | | Mspe | Medication Safety Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Mus | Music | Liberal Arts | | Muse | Museum Studies | Liberal Arts | | Neon | Neonatology Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Neu | Neuroscience | Liberal Arts | | Neur | Neurology Clerkship | Pharmacy | | NHM | Nutrition and Hospitality Management | Applied Sciences | | Nsc | Naval Science | Liberal Arts | | Nucl | Nuclear Medicine | Pharmacy | | Nutr | Nutrition Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Oboe | Oboe | Liberal Arts | | Oncl | Oncology Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Orgn | Organ | Liberal Arts | | Pain | Pain Management | Pharmacy | | Pedg | Pedagogy Practice | Pharmacy | | Peds | Pediatric Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Perc | Percussion | Liberal Arts | | PH | Public Health | Applied Sciences | | Phad | Pharmacy Administration | Pharmacy | | Phar | Pharmaceutics | Pharmacy | | Phcg | Pharmacognosy | Pharmacy | | Phcl | Pharmacology | Pharmacy | | Phcy | Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Phil | Philosophy | Liberal Arts | | Phys | Physics | Liberal Arts | | Pian | Piano | Liberal Arts | | Pkin | Pharmacokinetics Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Pmtm | Pharmacy Medication Therapy Management | Pharmacy | | Pois | Poison Control Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Pol | Political Science | Liberal Arts | | Port | Portuguese | Liberal Arts | | PPL | Public Policy Leadership | Liberal Arts | | Prct | Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Psy | Psychology | Liberal Arts | | Psyc | Psychiatry Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Pubh | Public Health | Pharmacy | | Rel | Religion | Liberal Arts | | Rhet | Rhetoric | Liberal Arts | | Rsch | Research Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Russ | Russian | Liberal Arts | | S St | Southern Studies | Liberal Arts | | SA | Sport Analytics | Applied Sciences | | SAS | Applied Sciences | Applied Sciences | | Saxn | Saxophone | Liberal Arts | | SBOP | State Board of Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | SM | | Applied Sciences | | Soc | Sociology | Liberal Arts | | SOHE | Society and Health | Liberal Arts | | Span | Spanish | Liberal Arts | | Spch | Speech | Liberal Arts | | Spec | | Pharmacy | | SRA | Sport and Recration Administration | Applied Sciences | | Stbs | String Bass | Liberal Arts | | Surg | Surgery | Pharmacy | | SW | Social Work | Applied Sciences | | Swa | Swahili | Liberal Arts | | TC | Telecommunications | Engineering | | TESL | Teaching English as a Second Language | Liberal Arts | | Thea | Theatre Arts | Liberal Arts | | TOCP | Transitions of Care Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Tran | Transplant Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Trbn | Trombone | Liberal Arts | | Trpt | Trumpet | Liberal Arts | | Tuba | Tuba | Liberal Arts | | US | University Studies | University Programs | | Vcel | Violoncello | Liberal Arts | | Vetp | Veterinary Medicine Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Vila | Viola | Liberal Arts | | Viln | Violin | Liberal Arts | | Voic | Voice | Liberal Arts | | Womh | Women’s Health | Pharmacy | | Writ | Writing and Rhetoric | Liberal Arts |