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The Schools of Nursing and Pharmacy operate on both the Oxford and Jackson campuses. The Schools of Dentistry, Health Related Professionals and Medicine, and the Health Sciences Graduate School, are based in Jackson only. (Additional healthcare programs are available through the School of Applied Sciences on the Oxford campus.) Other than these exceptions, the schools above are on the Oxford campus.

UM Course Prefix Glossary

| Aas | African American Studies | Liberal Arts | | Acad | Academia Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Accy | Accountancy | Patterson Accountancy | | AH | Art History | Liberal Arts | | Ambc | Ambulatory Care | Pharmacy | | Anth | Anthropology | Liberal Arts | | Arab | Arabic | Liberal Arts | | Ared | Art Education | Liberal Arts | | Art | Art | Liberal Arts | | AS | Aerospace Studies | Liberal Arts | | ASL | American Sign Language | Applied Sciences | | Astr | Astronomy | Liberal Arts | | AT | Athletic Training | Applied Sciences | | Bari | Bariatric Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Biot | Biotechnical Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Bisc | Biological Science | Liberal Arts | | BME | Biomedical Engineering | Engineering | | BMS | Biomolecular Sciences | Pharmacy | | Brtn | Baritone | Liberal Arts | | Bssn | Bassoon | Liberal Arts | | Bus | Business | Business | | C E | Civil Engineering | Engineering | | C OP | Co-op (engineering) | Engineering | | C&H | Croft and Honors | Graduate School | | Card | Cardiac Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | CEL | Community Engaged Leadership | University Programs | | Ch E | Chemical Engineering | Engineering | | Chem | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Liberal Arts | | Chin | Chinese | Liberal Arts | | Cine | Cinema | Liberal Arts | | CIS | Computer and Information Science | Engineering | | CJ | Criminal Justice | Applied Sciences | | Clar | Clarinet | Liberal Arts | | Clc | Classics | Liberal Arts | | Cmty | | Pharmacy | | Coun | Counselor Education | Education | | Cp E | Computer Engineering | Engineering | | CR | Court Reporting | Applied Sciences | | Crit | Critical Care Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Csci | Computer and Information Science | Engineering | | CSD | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Applied Sciences | | Danc | Dance | Liberal Arts | | Dinf | Drug Information Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | DMS | Digital Media Studies | Liberal Arts | | DS | Developmental Studies | University Programs | | ECE | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Engineering | | Econ | Economics | Liberal Arts | | Edae | Adult and Continuing Education | Education | | Edav | Educational Technology | Education | | Edba | Applied Behaviour Analysis | Education | | Edci | Curriculum and Instruction | Education | | Edde | Driver’s Education | Education | | Edec | Early Childhood Education | Education | | Edel | Elementary Education | Education | | Edfd | Foundations of Education | Education | | Edhe | Higher Education | Education | | Edld | Educational Leadership | Education | | Edle | Field and Laboratory Experiences | Education | | Edls | Library Science | Education | | Edlt | Literacy Education | Education | | Edrd | Reading Education | Education | | Edrs | Educational Research | Education | | Edse | Secondary Education | Education | | Edsp | Special Education | Education | | Educ | Education | Education | | Edwp | Wellness and Physical Education | Education | | EL | Exercise and Leisure Activities | Applied Sciences | | El E | Electrical Engineering | Engineering | | Emer | Emergency Medical Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Eng | English | Liberal Arts | | Engr | Engineering | Engineering | | Engs | Engineering Science | Engineering | | Ent | Entrepreneurship | Business | | Envs | Environmental Studies | Liberal Arts | | ES | Exercise Science | Applied Sciences | | Fin | Finance | Business | | Flut | Flute | Liberal Arts | | Fr | French | Liberal Arts | | Frhn | French Horn | Liberal Arts | | FS | Freedom Studies | Liberal Arts | | G E | Geological Engineering | Engineering | | G St | Gender Studies | Liberal Arts | | GB | General Business | Business | | Geog | Geography | Liberal Arts | | Geol | Geology | Engineering | | Ger | Gerontology | Applied Sciences | | Gera | Geriatric Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Germ | German | Liberal Arts | | GLS | Global Studies | University Programs | | Gr | Greek | Liberal Arts | | Grad | Graduate School | Graduate School | | Hbr | | Liberal Arts | | HK | Health and Kinesiology | Applied Sciences | | Home | Home Infusion Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Hon | Honors | University Programs | | HP | Health Promotion | Applied Sciences | | Hrps | Harpsichord | Liberal Arts | | Hst | History | Liberal Arts | | IDS | Interdisciplinary Studies | Liberal Arts | | IE | Intensive English | Liberal Arts | | IMC | Integrated Marketing Communications | Journalism | | Inad | Institutional Administration | Pharmacy | | Indy | Pharmaceutical Industry Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Infd | Infectious Disease Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Info | Informatics Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Inop | Institutional Out-Patient Practice | Pharmacy | | Inst | International Studies | Liberal Arts | | ISS | Intelligence and Security Studies | University Programs | | Ital | Italian | Liberal Arts | | Japn | Japanese | Liberal Arts | | Jour | Journalism | Journalism | | Kor | Korean | Liberal Arts | | LA | Paralegal Studies | Applied Sciences | | Lat | Latin | Liberal Arts | | Law | Law | Law | | Ldrs | Leadership | University Programs | | Lead | Leadership in Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Liba | Liberal Arts | Liberal Arts | | Lin | Linguistics | Liberal Arts | | M E | Mechanical Engineering | Engineering | | Manc | Managed Care Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Manf | Manufacturing | Engineering | | Math | Mathematics | Liberal Arts | | MBA | Business Administration Masters coursework | Business | | MCOM | | Journalism | | MDS | Multi-Discipilinary Studies | University Programs | | Medc | Medicinal Chemistry | Pharmacy | | METP | Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program | Education | | Mgmt | Management | Business | | MHA | Health Care Administration Masters coursework | Business | | MIS | Management Information Systems | Business | | Mktg | Marketing | Business | | Mlll | Modern Languages, Literature and Linguistics | Liberal Arts | | Msl | Military Science and Leadership | Liberal Arts | | Msm | Systems Management Masters | Business | | Mspe | Medication Safety Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Mus | Music | Liberal Arts | | Muse | Museum Studies | Liberal Arts | | Neon | Neonatology Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Neu | Neuroscience | Liberal Arts | | Neur | Neurology Clerkship | Pharmacy | | NHM | Nutrition and Hospitality Management | Applied Sciences | | Nsc | Naval Science | Liberal Arts | | Nucl | Nuclear Medicine | Pharmacy | | Nutr | Nutrition Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Oboe | Oboe | Liberal Arts | | Oncl | Oncology Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Orgn | Organ | Liberal Arts | | Pain | Pain Management | Pharmacy | | Peds | Pediatric Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Perc | Percussion | Liberal Arts | | PH | Public Health | Applied Sciences | | Phad | Pharmacy Administration | Pharmacy | | Phar | Pharmaceutics | Pharmacy | | Phcg | Pharmacognosy | Pharmacy | | Phcl | Pharmacology | Pharmacy | | Phcy | Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | Phil | Philosophy | Liberal Arts | | Phys | Physics | Liberal Arts | | Pian | Piano | Liberal Arts | | Pkin | Pharmacokinetics Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Pmtm | Pharmacy Medication Therapy Management | Pharmacy | | Pois | Poison Control Clerkship | Pharmacy | | Pol | Political Science | Liberal Arts | | Port | Portuguese | Liberal Arts | | PPL | Public Policy Leadership | Liberal Arts | | Prct | Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Psy | Psychology | Liberal Arts | | Psyc | Psychiatry Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Pubh | Public Health | Pharmacy | | Rel | Religion | Liberal Arts | | Rhet | Rhetoric | Liberal Arts | | Rsch | Research Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Russ | Russian | Liberal Arts | | S St | Southern Studies | Liberal Arts | | SA | Sport Analytics | Applied Sciences | | SAS | Applied Sciences | Applied Sciences | | Saxn | Saxophone | Liberal Arts | | SBOP | State Board of Pharmacy | Pharmacy | | SM | | Applied Sciences | | Soc | Sociology | Liberal Arts | | SOHE | Society and Health | Liberal Arts | | Span | Spanish | Liberal Arts | | Spch | Speech | Liberal Arts | | Spec | | Pharmacy | | SRA | Sport and Recration Administration | Applied Sciences | | Stbs | String Bass | Liberal Arts | | Surg | Surgery | Pharmacy | | SW | Social Work | Applied Sciences | | Swa | Swahili | Liberal Arts | | TESL | Teaching English as a Second Language | Liberal Arts | | Thea | Theatre Arts | Liberal Arts | | TOCP | Transitions of Care Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Tran | Transplant Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Trbn | Trombone | Liberal Arts | | Trpt | Trumpet | Liberal Arts | | Tuba | Tuba | Liberal Arts | | US | University Studies | Liberal Arts | | Vcel | Violoncello | Liberal Arts | | Vetp | Veterinary Medicine Pharmacy Practice | Pharmacy | | Vila | Viola | Liberal Arts | | Viln | Violin | Liberal Arts | | Voic | Voice | Liberal Arts | | Womh | Women’s Health | Pharmacy | | Writ | Writing and Rhetoric | Liberal Arts |

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.