- NHM 101: Introduction to Food Studies
- NHM 114: Introduction to Nutrition Professions
- NHM 150: Introduction to the FCS Profession
- NHM 208: Nutrition Science Laboratory
- NHM 209: Nutrition Science
- NHM 211: Principles of Food Preparation
- NHM 212: Meal Management
- NHM 213: Principles of Food Preparation Lab
- NHM 214: Introduction to Dietetics
- NHM 215: Introduction to Hospitality Management
- NHM 216: Foundations of the Event Industry
- NHM 221: Foundations of Tourism and Travel
- NHM 222: Hospitality Applied Experience
- NHM 268: Culture, Cuisine, & Global Citizenship
- NHM 309: Menu Planning and Analysis
- NHM 310: Hospitality Industry Accounting
- NHM 311: Nutrition
- NHM 312: Event Management
- NHM 313: Honors Recitation
- NHM 314: Event Management II
- NHM 319: Foundations in Sports Nutrition
- NHM 323: Human Development Across the Lifespan
- NHM 325: Family Relations
- NHM 327: Topics in Human Development
- NHM 328: Child Development
- NHM 329: Gender and Families
- NHM 331: Micro Environments
- NHM 360: Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry
- NHM 361: Front Office Administration
- NHM 363: Foodservice Procurement
- NHM 368: Topics in Nutrition & Hospitality Abroad
- NHM 370: The Hospitalized Child
- NHM 373: Consumer Economics
- NHM 376: Hospitality Information Technology
- NHM 403: New York Tour
- NHM 410: Medical Nutrition Therapy I
- NHM 411: Medical Nutrition Therapy II
- NHM 412: Medical Nutrition Therapy III
- NHM 414: Professional Development in Nutrition
- NHM 415: Experimental Food Study
- NHM 417: Community Nutrition
- NHM 418: First Choice Purchasing
- NHM 422: Administration of Child Development Prog
- NHM 425: Adolescents and Families
- NHM 427: Aging and Families
- NHM 441: Hospitality Systems Management
- NHM 444: Strategic Issues in Hospitality
- NHM 451: Parenting Across the Life Span
- NHM 461: Foodservice Systems Management I
- NHM 462: Quantity Food Production and Service
- NHM 464: Marketing in the Hospitality Industry
- NHM 465: Foodservice Systems Management II
- NHM 466: Human Resource Development in Services
- NHM 467: Hospitality Services Financial Mgmt
- NHM 468: Nutrition/Hospitality Mgmt Study Tour
- NHM 469: Orientation to Child Nutrition Managemen
- NHM 471: Quality Service Management
- NHM 472: Quantity Food Production and Service Lab
- NHM 473: Family Life Education
- NHM 474: Study Tour in Human Development
- NHM 481: Merchandising Internship
- NHM 482: Practicum in Child and Family Life
- NHM 483: Applied Experiences in Dietetics
- NHM 484: Internship in Hospitality
- NHM 493: Individual / Group Study
- NHM 513: Demonstration Techniques
- NHM 515: Nutrition in Weight Mgmt & Eating Disord
- NHM 516: Nutrition in Aging
- NHM 521: Family Seminar
- NHM 523: Early Childhood Education
- NHM 525: Sem-Sci / Nbr Concepts
- NHM 527: Sem-Art / Music-Early Childhood
- NHM 531: Community Nutrition: Theory and App
- NHM 532: Nutrition Edu and Coun: Theory & Practic
- NHM 533: Foodservice Management: Theory and App
- NHM 534: Medical Nutrition Therapy: Theory and Ap
- NHM 535: Human Sexuality
- NHM 543: Management of Family Financial Problems
- NHM 550: Seminar in Entrepreneurship
- NHM 571: Marriage and Family Therapy
- NHM 593: Individual Study
- NHM 595: International Study Tour
- NHM 606: Ethics and Human Subjects Research
- NHM 611: Advanced Nutrition
- NHM 612: Nutrition & Exrcs in Hlth & Disease Mgmt
- NHM 613: Theoretical Application for Nutrtnl. Ed
- NHM 614: Foundations in Child Nutrition Managemen
- NHM 615: Advanced Financial Mgt. in Hospitality
- NHM 617: Health Facilities Management
- NHM 618: Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition
- NHM 619: Sports Nutrition
- NHM 621: Advanced Human Development
- NHM 622: Nutrition Policy
- NHM 623: Nutritional Epidemiology
- NHM 625: Research Design and Evaluation
- NHM 628: Organizational Behavior in Hospitality
- NHM 647: Seminar Home Management
- NHM 662: Advanced Lodging
- NHM 671: Hospitality Services Management
- NHM 676: Adv. Hospitality Information Technology
- NHM 691: Special Topics in Nutrition and Hospital
- NHM 693: Directed Independent Research
- NHM 697: Thesis
- NHM 698: Introduction to Dietetics Practice
- NHM 699: Supervised Practice
- NHM 701: Graduate Seminar
- NHM 702: Elements of Academic Development
- NHM 711: Nutritional Biochemistry
- NHM 712: Community Food Systems
- NHM 714: Advanced Child Nutrition Management
- NHM 719: Adv. Assess. and App. in Sport Nutrition
- NHM 721: Micronutrients
- NHM 725: Research II - Advanced Research Methods
- NHM 726: Applied Regression Analysis in NHM
- NHM 728: Advanced Survey Data Analysis
- NHM 740: Consumer Behavior in the Hospitality Ind
- NHM 741: Strategic Mgmt in Hosp. & Serv. Ind
- NHM 791: Special Topics in Nutrition and Hospital
- NHM 797: Dissertation
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.