B.A.Ed. in Elementary Education


The B.A.E. with a major in elementary education with a special education endorsement option prepares graduates to be eligible for certification in Mississippi to teach in grades K-6 and provides an endorsement to teach special education (mild/moderate disabilities). Graduates may also teach grades 7-12 with supplemental endorsements in subject areas. (See an advisor for more information.)

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 124

General Education Requirements

The core/general education requirements for the B.A.E. degree are as follows: 6 hours of English composition (Engl 101, Engl 102 or Liba 102); 6 hours of American or English literature; Math 121 or higher; a 3-4 hour biological science course with laboratory; a 3-4 hour physics, astronomy, or physical science II course with laboratory; a 3-4 hour course in geology, chemistry, or physical science I; one additional 3- hour course in mathematics or science; a 3-hour course in fine arts (appreciation or history of); one additional 3-hour course in fine arts; 6 hours of history; 3 hours of humanities (from among classics, modern languages, philosophy, religion, literature, history, Southern studies, gender studies, linguistics, or African American studies); Psy 201.

Note: The Core Requirements are subject to change due to mandates from the Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL) and the Mississippi Department of Education. Therefore, it is important for all students to meet with School of Education advisers in the dean’s office for the most recent information on the Core.

Course Requirements

Requirements for the B.A.E. with a major in elementary education include Math 245, 246 (6 hours); Engl 250 (3 hours); Ared 361 (3 hours); Mus 329 (3 hours); Geog 101 (3 hours); HP 191 (3 hours); Spch 102 (3 hours); Edrd 355 (6 hours); Edsp 308 (3 hours); professional education common core courses Edci 352, 353, Edrd 400 (12 hours); professional education elementary education courses Edel 401, 402, 403, 404, Edrd 414, Edle 417, 464, and Edci 419 (30 hours, including 9 hours of Edle 464); elective and/or areas of concentration hours to reach the 124-hours requirement. Elementary education majors should select two areas of concentration among English (18 hours), fine arts (18 hours), modern or ancient languages (18 hours in one language), mathematics (18 hours), science (18 hours), and social studies (18 hours).

Note: A minimum grade of C is required in all professional education courses, content courses, and related courses. If this minimum of C is not met, the course(s) must be retaken before enrolling in the next level of professional education courses.

Other Academic Requirements

Admission to Phase II: Professional Education Core

Students who wish to enter a teacher education degree program must submit a formal application for admission to Phase II to the Office of the Dean of the School of Education. Requirements for admission to teacher education are as follows:

  1. Completion of 45 semester hours. Students are responsible for submitting grades to the Office of the Dean for courses taken at other institutions.

  2. A grade-point average of 2.75 or above on the 45 semester hours described above.

  3. Appropriate scores on the Praxis 1: Pre-Professional Skills Tests (PPST) or SAT or ACT scores (see below):

- PPST scores required: Reading-170; Writing-172; Math-169. - Students who provide proof of an SAT composite score of at least 860 or an ACT score of at least 21 with no subtest score below 18 may be admitted to the teacher education program without PPST scores. ACT or SAT scores must be from tests taken prior to admission to a college or university.

  1. A formal application for admission to Phase II must be filed in the Office of the Dean by the deadline date announced.

  2. Approval by the Teacher Education Committee. Criteria for acceptance include requirements 1-4.

Admission to Phase III: Student Teaching

Applications are available on the advising link of the School of Education's Web site https://www.olemiss.edu/depts/educ_school2. Fall student teaching (music only) applications are due the spring semester prior to fall student teaching.

To be admitted to student teaching, a student must meet the following requirements:

  1. Admission to Phase II: Professional Education Core.
  2. A minimum grade of C in professional education courses, content courses, and related courses. If this minimum of C is not met, the course(s) must be retaken before enrolling in the next level of professional education courses.
  3. Completion of 15 hours in residency at The University of Mississippi (includes Tupelo and DeSoto campus centers).
  4. Correspondence courses in education are not accepted.
  5. Evidence of professional liability insurance.
  6. Completion of required background check administered prior to any field experience.


The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.