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The Schools of Nursing and Pharmacy operate on both the Oxford and Jackson campuses. The Schools of Dentistry, Health Related Professionals and Medicine, and the Health Sciences Graduate School, are based in Jackson only. (Additional healthcare programs are available through the School of Applied Sciences on the Oxford campus.) Other than these exceptions, the schools above are on the Oxford campus.

Admission to the University

If you prefer, you may view the admission section on one page.

Freshman Admission

Standard Test Results

Please note that standard test results (ACT or SAT) should be sent directly from the testing service to the admissions office.

College Preparatory Curriculum

Admission of entering freshmen is based on the completion of the College Preparatory Curriculum (CPC) specified below with either a specific minimum grade-point average (GPA) or both a specific GPA and minimum standard test score. Students must submit a high school transcript reflecting satisfactory completion of the following high school course requirements as well as an official graduation date. (Provisional admission may be granted after six semesters of high school provided the transcript indicates that courses to complete the CPC are under way; final admission will require a complete transcript.)

Carnegie Subject Units Contents and Remark
English 4 All must require substantial communication skills components (i.e., reading, writing, listening, and speaking)
Mathematics 3 Includes Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II. A fourth class in higher-level mathematics is highly recommended.
Science 3 Choice of biology, advanced biology, chemistry, advanced chemistry, physics, advanced physics, or any other science course with comparable rigor and content. One Carnegie unit from a rigorous physical science course with content at a level that may serve as introduction to physics and chemistry may be used. Two of the courses chosen must be laboratory based.
Social Studies 3 Courses should include U.S. history (1 unit), world history (1 unit with substantial geography component), government (1/2 unit), and economics (1/2 unit) or geography (1/2 unit).
Advanced electives 2 Requirements may be met by earning 2 Carnegie units from the following areas/courses, one unit of which must be in a foreign language or world geography: foreign language, world geography, 4th year lab-based science, 4th year mathematics
Computer Applications 1/2 Course should emphasize the computer as a productivity tool. Instruction should include the use of application packages, such as word processing and spreadsheets. The course also should include basic computer terminology and hardware operation.
Eighth Grade Units Algebra I or first-year foreign language taken in the eighth grade will be accepted for admission provided the course content is the same as the high school course.

Admission of Mississippi Residents

Regular admission will be granted to the following:

(1) Students completing the College Preparatory Curriculum (CPC) with a minimum 3.20 high school GPA on the CPC.

(2) Students completing the CPC with a minimum 2.50 high school GPA on the CPC and a minimum score of 16 on the composite ACT (or 770 on the SAT).

(3) Students completing the CPC with a class rank in the top 50 percent and a minimum score of 16 on the composite ACT (or 770 on the SAT).

(4) Students completing the CPC with a minimum 2.00 high school GPA on the CPC and a minimum composite score of 18 on the ACT (or 860 on the SAT).

(5) Students who meet full-qualifier certification requirements for the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

Nonresident Admissions

IHL Board policy regarding the admission of nonresident students was changed effective for students applying for summer or fall of 2012 or a subsequent term. The following policy was approved at the March 2011 board meeting:

Any student identified as a nonresident will be qualified for admission to a Mississippi institution of higher learning based on equivalent preparation as determined by the admitting institution.

If, however, an admitting institution determines that anticipated enrollment will exceed the institution’s capacity to adequately serve all prospective students who are otherwise qualified for admission, then the institution may make appropriate admissions decisions from among the pool of otherwise qualified nonresident applicants in light of institutional capacity and consistent with constitutional and other legal requirements, as well as in light of the IHL and the admitting institution’s values, mission, and goals.

Specific admissions criteria for nonresident students can be found at the [Office of Admissions website] ( or by contacting the Office of Admissions.

Admission Requirements for the Professional Program in Pharmacy and Early Entry Nursing

Freshman admission requirements for the professional program in pharmacy and early entry nursing differ from general admission requirements. Please see the pharmacy and health professions sections of the catalog for details.

Minimum Test Scores

Students whose ACT subtest score in reading, English, and/or mathematics is less than 17 (or SAT critical reading and/or mathematics score is less than 400) are required to enroll in an appropriate developmental course during the first semester of enrollment and to remain in the course until receiving a passing grade. Students with ACT subtest scores of 17, 18, or 19 are encouraged to enroll in developmental courses. Those students who enroll in two or more developmental courses also are required to complete two semesters of Developmental Support Lab (see below). Enrollment in developmental courses is limited to students with subtest scores below 20 except with permission of the department. Developmental courses completed at other postsecondary institutions before enrolling at the University of Mississippi may be considered to meet developmental requirements.

Test Score Minimums as Course Prerequisites

Some courses may require a minimum standard test score as a prerequisite. For example, students enrolling in Biology 160/161 must have a 22 subscore on the mathematics portion of the ACT (SAT math score of 510) or have completed College Algebra with a grade of B or higher. Students enrolling in Chemistry 105/106 must have one of the following: a 23 subscore on the mathematics portion of the ACT (SAT score of 590); completed Chemistry 101 with a grade of C or higher; completed Math 125 (Basic Mathematics for Science and Engineering) with a grade of B or higher.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.