Emphasis - Gender Studies

Ph.D. in Music


The program leading to the Ph.D. in music with emphasis in music education is designed for students who wish to pursue advanced study in preparation for university teaching, research, and other leadership roles in music education. The program is individualized to fit each student’s interest and background and includes a 9-credit elective area in music or music education.

Area of Concentration:

The Ph.D. degree in music is offered with an emphasis in 1). music education or 2) music education and gender studies.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 57

Goals/Mission Statement

The Ph.D. in music with an emphasis in music education is designed to give the student advanced training in research and methodology appropriate for teaching at the university level.

Course Requirements

  • Research - 12 credits Must include courses in experimental research, qualitative research, observation research, and statistics:
  • Music Education Methods - 6 credits Two courses selected from Mus 536: Kodaly Music Education in America; Mus 551: Orff Level I; Mus 523: Advanced Instrumental Directing; Mus 524: Advanced Techniques of Choral Directing.
  • Music Education Foundations - 6 credits Mus 548-Psychology of Music MUS 620 Introduction to Research in Music Education
  • Musicology or Ethnomusicology - 3 credits
  • Music Theory - 3 credits
  • Elective Area - 9 credits May include applied pedagogy, music theory, composition, musicology, literature, ethnomusicology, or music education.
  • Dissertation - 18 credits Mus 797

Other Academic Requirements

A minimum of 57 hours beyond the master’s degree is required. Prerequisites: MUS 520: Introduction to Music Research, and MUS 619: Foundations of Music Education, or their equivalent, are required at the master’s level, and, if the student has not had these or similar courses, he or she must enroll in them before completion of the Ph.D.

Written and Oral Comprehensive Examinations: At or near the completion of the course work, the student will take the comprehensive exams. The exams will cover the course work for the degree. All members of the music education faculty will serve as the committee for the comprehensive exam. All questions on the written comprehensives will be evaluated using a five-point scale. Students will prepare two research projects (according to specific instructions), a syllabus for an undergraduate music education course, and a 15 minute teaching presentation. Approximately two weeks later, the oral exams will be scheduled. At the oral exams, the student will be questioned further. Additionally, at this time the student and committee will discuss possible dissertation topics. Please consult the Department of Music graduate program coordinator for rubrics for the comprehensive exams.

Dissertation Requirements: A minimum registration of 18 semester hours is required for the dissertation. After passing the comprehensive examinations, taken at or near the completion of the course work, the student must submit a project topic suitable for a doctoral dissertation in the form known as the prospectus. The prospectus must be approved by the advisory committee. The advisory committee is composed of three graduate faculty members (two from the area of music education and the third from the elective area). Once the prospectus is approved, a fourth committee member, a faculty member from outside the music department is added. Please consult the graduate coordinator for these procedures.

Emphasis - Gender Studies


The Gender Studies Concentration (GSC) is designed to provide doctoral students in music with a rigorous grounding in gender studies methods and theory.

Course Requirements

Students completing the GSC must fulfill 18 hours of coursework in gender/sexuality, including the 12 hours of required core Gender Studies courses (GST 600, GST 601, GST 605, GST 641). Students should consult their graduate coordinator to determine additional electives.

Other Academic Requirements

Ph.D. candidates with a concentration in gender studies will complete all requirements of the Ph.D. in their home department and will ensure that one of their committee members has gender studies expertise. The comprehensive exam will include material related to gender studies, and the dissertation must have a significant focus on gender/sexuality. Students should consult their graduate coordinator to determine the procedure for completing these requirements.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.


Financial Aid

1-800-891-4596 (toll-free nationwide)


Undergraduate Admissions

662-915-7226 or

1-800-OLE-MISS (toll-free in Mississippi)
