
Faculty in Classics


Aileen Ajootian

Professor of Classics & Art
27 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
ajootian@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1152


Elizabeth Baxter

Instructional Assistant Professor of Classics
103 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
ehbaxter@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7020


Brad L Cook

Professor of Classics
029 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
blcook@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-6644


Jonathan Brian Fenno

Associate Professor of Classics
31 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
jfenno@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1153


Kerri J. Hame

Instructional Assistant Professor of Classics
103 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
kjhame@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7020


John A Lobur

Professor of Classics
30 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
jalobur@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1151


Molly Pasco-Pranger

Chair and Professor of Classics
Bryant 103 Bryant Hall
University, MS 38677
mpranger@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7097

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