Chemistry & Biochemistry

Faculty in Chemistry & Biochemistry


Safo Aboaku

Instructional Associate Professor and Associate Coordinator of Undergraduate Laboratories of Chemistry & Biochemistry
333 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
saboaku@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-4038


Abby Boyd

Assistant Professor of Chemistry
322 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
eaboyd@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301


Saumen Chakraborty

Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
305 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
saumenc@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301

James V Cizdziel

Chair and Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
380 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
cizdziel@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1814

Kensha Marie Clark

Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
322 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
kmclark8@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301


Amal Dass

Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
352 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
amal@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301


Ryan Clifton Fortenberry

Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
322 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
r410@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5340


Nathan I Hammer

Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
180 Coulter
University, MS 38677
nhammer@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-3989


Jonah Wesley Jurss

Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
379 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
jwjurss@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301


Penghao Li

Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
penghao@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301

Jinchao Lou

Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
407 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
jlou@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301


Daniell L Mattern

Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
411 Coulter
University, MS 38677
mattern@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5335


Susan Diane Pedigo

Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
179 Coulter
University, MS 38677
spedigo@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5328


Sujay Ray

Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
452 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
sray1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1939

Jason E Ritchie

Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
309 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
jritchie@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301

Amy Lynn Rosen

Instructor and Associate Coordinator of Undergraduate Laboratories
223 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
alrosen@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301

Emily Bretherick Rowland

Instructional Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
117 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
erowland@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301

Gerald Bobby Rowland

Instructional Associate Professor in Chemistry & Biochemistry
105 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
rowland@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301


Kerri D Scott

Associate Chair, Instructional Professor, and Associate Coordinator of Forensic Chemistry
307 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
kscott@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5334

Vig Sundaresan

Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
322 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
vsundare@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5340


Eden Tanner

Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
179 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
eetanner@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1165


Randy Mack Wadkins

Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
409 Coulter
University, MS 38677
rwadkins@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7732

John Franklin Wiginton

Instructional Professor and Coordinator of Undergraduate Laboratories
223A Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
jfwigint@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1553

Emeritus Faculty


Walter E Cleland

Associate Chair Emeritus and Associate Professor Emeritus of Chemistry & Biochemistry
311 Coulter
University, MS 38677
cleland@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5422


Steven R Davis

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry & Biochemistry
322 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
davis@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301


Charles L Hussey

Associate Dean Emeritus for Research & Graduate Education and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Coulter Hall Room 413
University, MS 38677
chclh@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301


John C Matthews

Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology and Research Professor Emeritus in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
322 Coulter Hall
University, MS 38677
pljcm@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7301

Mike Mossing

Associate Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry
mmossing@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5339

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