Emphasis - Physician Assistant

B.A. in Allied Health Studies


The B.A. in allied health studies will prepare students for application and admission to nursing and allied health professional schools by providing a strong foundation of coursework important for health care providers. Students must select an emphasis area from the following: Health Care Administration, Physician Assistant, Pre-Dental Hygiene, Pre-Health Info & Information Management, Pre-Histotechnology, Pre-Medical Laboratory Science, Pre-Medical Technology (3+1), Pre-Nursing, Pre-Radiologic Sciences.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 120

General Education Requirements

General Education Requirements are those for the B.A. in the college, with a specific requirement in the sciences.

  • Bisc 206 and 207 Anatomy and Physiology I and II OR Bisc 160/161 and Bisc 162/163

A third science from:

  • Astronomy or Physics
  • Chem 105 (and 115 if required by your health profession)
  • Geology

Course Requirements

The multidisciplinary major in allied health studies requires the following courses as shown in the lists below.

Required Courses:

  • Bisc 210: Microbiology or any Bisc at the 300 level or higher (except for Bisc 492)
  • ES 396: Allied Health Terminology or Clc 201: Medical Terminology
  • NHM 311: Nutrition
  • Spch 102 or 105: Speech
  • One advanced communications course chosen from spch 305, Writ 300, 310, 320, 380, 399, 410

Choose at least five from the following courses:

  • Anth 349: Medical Anthropology
  • GER 310: End of Life Issues
  • GER 344: Aging in the 21st Century
  • GER 390: Special Topics
  • GER 490: Programs and Services in Gerontology
  • IMC/Jour 585: Health Communications
  • MGMT 352: Health Innovation & Information
  • MGMT 353: Healthcare Regulation and Policy
  • NHM 323: Human Growth and Development
  • NHM 325: Family Relations
  • NHM 328: Child Development
  • PH 303: Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
  • PH 312: Behavioral Aspects of Weight Management
  • Phil 321: Ethics
  • Phil/Rel 328: Biomedical Ethics
  • Soc 301 or G St 303: The Family
  • Soc 310: Sociology of Disability
  • Soc 311: Social Problems
  • Soc 333: Sociology of Delinquency
  • Soc 345: Population Trends and Problems
  • Soc 353: Community Development
  • Soc 370/Hon 315: Population Health
  • Soc 413/AAS 413: Race and Ethnicity
  • Soc 427: Social Stratification
  • SW 326: Gerontology
  • Any 300 level or above Bisc course
  • Any 300 level or above Psy course
  • Any 300 level or above ES course

Additional Requirements:

  • Psy 201: General Psychology
  • Psy 301: Developmental Psychology or 311: Abnormal Psychology or NHM 323: Human Growth and Development

Emphasis - Physician Assistant


Physician assistants (PAs) provide health care services under the supervision of physicians.  Although PAs work with the supervision by a physician, they may be the principal care providers in certain practices. In such cases, the PA confers with the supervising physician as needed or required by law. For information on a PAs scope of practice by state, visit the American Medical Association website. PAs are formally trained to provide diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventative health care services, as delegated by a physician.  They take medical histories, examine and treat patients, order and interpret laboratory tests and X-rays, make diagnoses, and prescribe medications.  PAs treat minor injuries by suturing, splinting, and casting.  PAs also may prescribe medications in all 50 states.

Course Requirements

  • [Bisc 206 and Bisc 207] OR [Bisc 310 and Bisc 330]
  • BISC 210. Principles of Microbiology or BISC 333. General Microbiology
  • CHEM 105. General Chemistry I
  • CHEM 106. General Chemistry II

Degree Requirements

The academic regulations for this degree program, as entered in the University of Mississippi Catalog, are in effect for the current or selected academic year and semester. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change rules for registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time.

B.A. in Allied Health Studies

General Education

Requirement Hours Description
First Year Writing I 3 Complete Hon 101, Writ 100 or Writ 101 with a passing grade.
First Year Writing II 3 Complete one of the following courses with a passing grade: Liba 102, Writ 102 or Hon 102.
6 hrs literature survey 6 Complete 6 hours of literature survey with a passing grade. Choose from the following courses: Eng 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, or Eng 226.
6 hrs modern/ancient language 200+ 6 Successfully complete at least 6 hours at the 200 level or above in one modern or ancient language.
6 hrs history 6 Complete 6 hours in History (HST) course work with a passing grade.
3 hrs humanities 3 Successfully complete 3 hours in one of the following areas: African-American studies; classical civilization; environmental studies (Envs 101); gender studies (G St 201, 301, 333, 350); philosophy; religion; Southern studies (S St 101, 102). In addition, gender studies courses that are cross-listed with African American studies, classical civilization, English, modern languages, philosophy, or religion courses will satisfy this requirement.
6 hrs social science 6 Successfully complete 6 semester hours in anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, or sociology.
3 hrs fine arts 3 Complete 3 hours in the area of fine or performing arts. Choose from art history, music, dance, and theatre arts. Studio and workshop courses cannot be used to satisfy this requirement. Acceptable freshman or sophommore-level courses are: AH 101, AH 102, AH 201, AH 202; Music 101, Music 102, Music 103, Music 104, Music 105; Dance 200; Theatre 201 and 202
3 hrs math 100+ 3 Successfully complete 3 hours of Math at the 100 level or above except for Math 245 and Math 246.

General Education II

Requirement Hours Description
Bisc 206 & 207 or Bisc 160/161 & 162/163 8 Complete Bisc 206 & 207 or Bisc 160/161 & Bisc 162/163 with a passing grade.
3 hrs from Astr, Phys, Geol or Chem 105 3 Complete 3 hrs from Astr, Phys, Geol or Chem 105 with a passing grade.

Major Requirements

Requirement Hours Description
Bisc 210 or BISC 300+ 3 Complete Bisc 210 or any Bisc 300+ level (except for Bisc 492) with a passing grade.
ES 396 or CLC 201 3 Complete ES 396 or CLC 201 with a passing grade.
NHM 311 3 Complete NHM 311 with a passing grade.
Spch 102 or Spch 105 3 Complete Spch 102 or Spch 105 with a passing grade.
1 adv communication course 3 Complete one advanced communications course chosen from: Spch 305, Writ 300, 310, 320, 380, 399, 410 with a passing grade.
5 additional courses 15 Complete five courses chosen from the following: * Anth 349: Medical Anthropology * Ger 310: End of Life Issues * Ger 344: Aging in the 21st Century * Ger 390: Special Topics * Ger 490: Programs and Services in Gerontology * IMC/Jour 585: Health Communications * Mgmt 352: Health Innovation & Information * Mgmt 353: Health Care Regulation and Policy * NHM 323: Human Growth and Development * NHM 325: Family Relations * NHM 328: Child Development * PH 303: Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries * PH 312: Behavioral Aspects of Weight Management * Phil 321: Ethics * Phil/Rel 328: Biomedical Ethics * Soc 301 or G St 303: The Family * Soc 310: Sociology of Disability * Soc 311: Social Problems * Soc 333: Sociology of Delinquency * Soc 345: Population Trends and Problems * Soc 353: Community Development * Soc 370/Hon 315: Population Health * Soc 413/AAS 413: Race and Ethnicity * Soc 427: Social Stratification * SW 326: Gerontology * Any 300 level or above Bisc course * Any 300 level or above Psy course * Any 300 level or above ES cours
Resident Major GPA Please contact your academic advisor for grade point requirements.
Overall Major GPA Please contact your academic advisor for grade point requirements.
12 hrs Alld Hlth residency 12 Students must earn at least 12 hours of their major courses in residence.

Major Requirements II

Requirement Hours Description
Psy 201 3 Complete Psy 201 with a passing grade.
Psy 301, Psy 311 or NHM 323 3 Complete Psy 301, Psy 311 or NHM 323 with a passing grade.

Emphasis - Physician Assistant

Requirement Hours Description
Bisc 206/207 or Bisc 310/330 8 Complete Bisc 206 & Bisc 207 or Bisc 310 & Bisc 330 with a passing grade.
Bisc 210 or Bisc 333 4 Complete Bisc 210 or Bisc 333 with a passing grade.
Chem 105 3 Complete Chem 105 with a passing grade.
Chem 106 3 Complete Chem 106 with a passing grade.
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.