
Faculty in Management


Meg Barnes

Instructor in Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
mlbarnes@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

John P Berns

School of Business Fellow and Associate Professor of Management
253 Holman
University, MS 38677
jpberns@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Maria Bailey Berns

Associate Professor of Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
mbgondo@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Danielle Suzette Beu Ammeter

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Instructional Associate Professor of Management
253 Holman
University, MS 38677
dammeter@bus.olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Josie Burks

Instructional Assistant Professor of Management
n/a Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
jaburks@olemiss.eduUM Profile


Stephen Campbell

Adjunct Instructor in Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
smcampb6@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Randall Carroll

Instructional Assistant Professor of Business Law
Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
rcarrol2@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1234

Allyn Cascio

Director of Strategic Partnerships - CIE and Instructional Associate Professor of Management
344 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
awhite2@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Aleta Lynn Crawford

Instructional Assistant Professor of Management
1918 Briar Ridge Road
Tupelo, MS 38801
acrawford@bus.olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-6229

Kristin Cullen-Lester

School of Business Fellow and Associate Professor of Management
Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
kclester@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820


Walter D Davis

William W Gresham Jr Entrepreneurial Professor and Professor of Management
320 Holman
University, MS 38677
wdavis@bus.olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Shu Deng

Assistant Professor of Management
Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
sdeng@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5469

Charles Dibrell

Chair of Entrepreneurial Excellence, Co-Director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Professor of Management
Management Dept
University, MS 38677
ccdibrel@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1986

Janet Dickens

Adjunct Instructor in Management
114 SBDC
University, MS 38677
jlwatkin@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5001


Troy Felver

Instructional Assistant Professor of Business Law
Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
tbfelver@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1234

Christopher Charles Fisher

Instructional Assistant Professor of Management
Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
ccfishe1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1234

David Ernest Flautt

Adjunct Instructor in Criminal Justice & Legal Studies
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
dflautt@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820


Richard John Gentry

Chair and Professor of Management, FNC Founders Chair of Entrepreneurship, and Co-Director of Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
372 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
rjgentry@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Larry Goehrig

Instructional Assistant Professor of Management
Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
goehrig@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1234


Bud Hamilton

Instructional Associate Professor of Management
Yerby Center- Desoto Center
University, MS 38677
bhamilton@bus.olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 342-4765

George Haymans

Adjunct Instructor in Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
colreb@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Ray Hill

Adjunct Instructor in Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
srhill3@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820


Lee Ingram

Adjunct Instructor in Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
wlingram@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820


Aneesha Jennings

Adjunct Instructor in Management and School of Applied Sciences
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
apjenni1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Yankun Jia

Instructional Assistant Professor of Management
Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
yankun@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820


Khristinn Leitch

Adjunct Instructor in Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
kkleitch@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Houston F Lester

Assistant Professor of Management
354 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
hflester@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820


Cynthia Maupin

Assistant Professor of Management
364 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
ckmaupin@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

John Mayo

Adjunct Instructor in Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
jdmayo@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Lou McPhail

Instructional Assistant Professor of Business Law
331 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
lmcphail@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Tong Meng

Instructor and Director of Programs in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
132 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
tmeng@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-2213

Allona Shonta Murry

Instructional Assistant Professor of Management
UM- Desoto Campus
University, MS 38677
asmurry@olemiss.eduUM Profile


Joyce Nabisaalu

Visiting Assistant Professor of Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
jknabisa@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5469


Eugene Paik

Assistant Professor of Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
etpaik@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820


Johnny Reeves

Adjunct Instructor in Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
jrreeve3@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Andrew Hamilton Robertson

Adjunct Instructor in Management
253 Holman
University, MS 38677
ahrobert@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820


Brady Shanklin

Assistant Professor of Management
356 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
bcshankl@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5469


Marc Walker

Adjunst Instructor in Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
mewalke7@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Jason Ware

Instructional Assistant Professor of Business Communication
Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
jasonw@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5469

Mari Peyton Davis Warrington

Adjunct Instructor in Management
253 Holman
University, MS 38677
mdwarrin@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Julia Browning Welch

Instructional Assistant Professor of Communication
Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
jbwelch1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Jennifer Williams

Adjunct Instructor in Management
253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
jhwilli7@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

Hyun Soo Woo

School of Business Fellow and Associate Professor of Management
343 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
hswoo@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1624


Seong Won Yang

Assistant Professor of Management
Holman Hall
University, MS 38677
syang9@olemiss.eduUM Profile

Emeritus Faculty


Mary Ann Connell

Adjunct Professor Emeritus of Leadership & Counselor Education
850 Insight Park Suite 253C
University, MS 38677
mconnell@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-2432


Dwight D Frink

Professor Emeritus of Management
dfrink@bus.olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5834


Milorad Novicevic

Associate Professor Emeritus of Management
245 Holman
University, MS 38677
mnovicevic@bus.olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 380-6012



Professor Emeritus of Management
paolillo@bus.olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7493


Robert K Robinson

Professor Emeritus of Management
brobinson@bus.olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820


Stuart Earl Schafer

Instructor Emeritus in Management
253 Holman
University, MS 38677
sschafer@bus.olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5820

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