B.S. in Dietetics and Nutrition


The program in dietetics and nutrition provides an academic path for students to enter careers or advanced programs in dietetics and nutrition.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 120

Goals/Mission Statement

The mission of the dietetics and nutrition and program is to prepare a diverse community of students who will be prepared academically and professionally to achieve success in postgraduate studies such as dietetic internships, graduate school and/or dietetic-related careers. Students will be able to analyze current academic and research literature, value lifelong learning, participate in community-based service learning activities, and demonstrate professional ethics.

General Education Requirements

See the General Education/Core Curriculum for the School of Applied Sciences. Students in this major, however, must take Bisc 102/103 OR 160/161 OR Bisc 206 to fulfill the "Human Biology w/Lab." Students must also take Bisc 210 OR Bisc 333 for the "Additional Science w/Lab" requirement.

An additional 20 hours are required in the following courses: Chem 105/115, Chem 106/116, GB 370, Spch 102, 105 OR IMC 585 OR Bus 271, Writ 250.

Course Requirements

All B.S.D.N. students require the following 23 hours of credit:

NHM 114 Intro to Nutrition Professions 2
NHM 211 Introduction to Culinary Science 3
NHM 213 Introduction to Culinary Science Lab 1
NHM 311 Nutrition 3
NHM 410 Fundamentals of Nutrition Assessment 3
NHM 414 Professional Development in Nutrition 3
NHM 415 Research in Culinary Science 3
NHM 511 Advanced Nutrition 3
NHM 531 Community Nutrition: Theory and App. 3
NHM 532 Nutrition Edu and Coun: Theory & Practic 3

A minimum grade of C is required in all NHM core courses.

Other Academic Requirements

A verification statement documenting successful completion of all undergraduate course requirements is required for graduates to gain acceptance into accredited dietetic internship programs.


The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.