Academic Regulations

The regulations published in the Undergraduate Catalog are a digest of the rules of the institution. Changes may be made in the regulations at any time to promote the best interests of the university and its students. Students are responsible for knowing the published regulations, policies, and standards of the university and of their college or school.

Academic Standing

There are five different categories of academic standing based on a student’s academic performance: good standing, academic warning, academic probation, academic suspension, or academic dismissal. Probation, suspension, and dismissal become effective at the end of the semester in which the student fails to attain the GPA specified in the rules following. Although the student will usually receive official notification of such action, notification is not a prerequisite to the student’s being placed on probation, suspended, or dismissed. It is the student’s responsibility to ascertain his or her academic status prior to the beginning of each semester.

Good Standing

A student will be in good standing, and continue in good standing, when his or her resident cumulative GPA is 2.00 or higher.

Academic Warning

A student will be placed on academic warning when his or her resident cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 and is not placed on academic probation.

Academic Probation

A student will be placed on academic probation when his or her resident cumulative GPA falls below an acceptable level as listed below. “Hours attempted” include all credit hours whether attempted in residence or accepted as transfer credit.

Hours Attempted Minimum Resident Cumulative GPA
1-30 1.60
31-60 1.80
61 or more 2.00

A student who is on academic probation will continue on probation until his or her resident cumulative GPA reaches that required for good standing or until the student’s GPA for any semester falls below 2.00.

Academic Suspension

A student on academic probation who fails to earn a GPA of at least 2.00 in any term that he or she is on probation will be suspended. For this calculation, an I mark will be computed as an F. Readmission to the university will be denied for at least one regular semester (not including the summer term). Both the suspension and the readmission will be recorded on the student’s transcript. No student shall be academically suspended unless he or she has been placed on probation for at least one semester.

To continue enrollment without interruption, a student may be readmitted through one of the following options:

  • Attend the University of Mississippi during the summer term and earn a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher on 12 or more hours.
  • Invoke the Forgiveness Policy. This option may allow a student to raise his or her GPA to a point that makes it possible to continue (Policy Directory: Policy Code ACA.AR.200.003).
  • Enroll in the Contractual Readmission Program at least two weeks prior to the first day of classes in the fall or spring semester. A student in the Contractual Readmission Program is required to meet before the first day of classes with a learning specialist in the Center for Student Success and First-Year Experience to arrange an acceptable class schedule of 12 to 16 credit hours and to create a personal academic success plan. A student in the Contractual Readmission Program also is required to enroll in and successfully complete EDHE 202, Fundamentals of Active Learning, and to earn a 2.20 semester GPA or higher in the returning semester. A student who completes the Contractual Readmission Program requirements but who earns a semester GPA of between 2.00 and 2.19 may continue in the program to complete all requirements during the following semester.

    A student will be academically dismissed if the student fails to:

    • Achieve good standing, or
    • Achieve at least a 2.00 semester GPA on 12 or more hours, or
    • Complete all Contractual Readmission Program requirements at the end of the second semester in the program.

Both the suspension and the readmission will be recorded on the student’s permanent transcript. No student shall be academically suspended unless he or she has been placed on probation for at least one semester.

Academic Dismissal

If a student is on probation as a result of having returned from an academic suspension or dismissal and fails to meet the 2.00 GPA retention standard for any semester, then he or she will be academically dismissed for one calendar year. For this calculation, an I mark will be computed as an F. Readmission is automatic for students who have been dismissed only one time and have sat out one calendar year. Students are required to submit an online application for readmission. No student shall be academically dismissed from the university unless he or she has first been previously academically suspended or dismissed.

To continue enrollment without interruption, a student may be readmitted through one of the following options:

  • Appeal. Readmission will be determined by the Committee on Academic Dismissal Appeals.
  • Attend the University of Mississippi during the summer term and earn a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher on 12 or more hours.
  • Invoke the Forgiveness Policy. This option may allow a student to raise his or her GPA to a point that makes it possible to continue (Policy Directory: Policy Code ACA.AR.200.003).

Students who have been suspended or dismissed for longer than 48 months may wish to consider the Academic Restart option described in the Admission to the University section.

Financial Aid Implications

Students should note that their academic standing can be different and is determined separately than their financial aid standing. Per U.S. Department of Education regulations, please note that the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy for federal aid purposes must be at least as strict (or stricter) than the school’s academic standards for students in the same educational program (including those who are not receiving federal funds). Therefore, students approved for continued enrollment and/or readmission to the university are not automatically eligible for financial aid. Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine their eligibility.

Readmitted Students

A student who returns after an academic suspension or dismissal will automatically be on academic probation.

Part-time Students

Part-time students (those carrying fewer than 12 hours, graded and ungraded combined, per semester) on academic probation will stay on probation until they have attempted 12 or more hours. After attempting 12 or more hours, an academic standing will be recalculated as if all the new work had been attempted in a single term.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.


Financial Aid

1-800-891-4596 (toll-free nationwide)

Undergraduate Admissions

662-915-7226 or

1-800-OLE-MISS (toll-free in Mississippi)