Credits & Grades

The regulations published in the Undergraduate Catalog are a digest of the rules of the institution. Changes may be made in the regulations at any time to promote the best interests of the university and its students. Students are responsible for knowing the published regulations, policies, and standards of the university and of their college or school.

Credit by Examination

A student may be granted college level credit for the following types of learning, examinations, or experiences. The total number of hours one may earn through credit-by-examination (Advanced Placement (AP), Cambridge International, College Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate, Advanced Standing Exams, and military credit) is no more than half of the total hours required for the degree program. The grade of Z is granted for these courses which count as transfer credit. The credits will be posted to a student’s academic record upon enrollment.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Students who participate in the College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Program and earn appropriate scores on the AP examination will receive the following academic credit:

Examination Score UM Course Hours
African American Studies 3-5 AAS 201 3
Art History 3-5 AH 1xx 3
Biology 3-5 Bisc 160, 161 4
Chemistry 3-5 Chem 105, 115 4
Chinese Language and Culture 3 Chin 102 3
Chinese Language and Culture 4-5 Chin 201, 202 6
Computer Science A 3-5 Csci 111 3
Computer Science AB 4-5 Csci 112 3
Computer Science Principles 3-5 Csci 1XX 3
Economics: Macro 3-5 Econ 203 3
Economics: Micro 3-5 Econ 202 3
English Language & Composition 3-5 Writ 101 3
English Literature & Composition 3-5 Eng 22x 3
Environmental Science 3-5 Bisc 104, 105 4
European History 3-5 Hst 121 3
French Language and Culture 3 Fr 102 3
French Language and Culture 4-5 Fr 211 6
German Language and Culture 3 Germ 102 3
German Language and Culture 4-5 Germ 211 6
Government and Politics: Comparative 3-5 Pol 102 3
Government and Politics: United States 3-5 Pol 101 3
Human Geography 3-5 Geog 101 3
Italian Language and Culture 3 Ital 102 3
Italian Language and Culture 4-5 Ital 201, 202 6
Japanese Language and Culture 3 Japn 102 3
Japanese Language and Culture 4-5 Japn 201, 202 6
Latin 3 Lat 299 3
Latin 4-5 Lat 299 6
Mathematics: Statistics 3-5 Math 115 3
Mathematics: Calculus AB 3-5 Math 261 3
Mathematics: Calculus BC 3-5 Math 261, 262 6
Music Theory 3-5 Mus 105 3
Physics 1 3-5 Phys 213, 223 4
Physics 2 3-5 Phys 214, 224 4
Physics C: Mechanics 3 Phys 2xx 4 (lab)
Physics C: Mechanics 4-5 Phys 211, 221 4
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 3 Phys 2xx 4 (lab)
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 4-5 Phys 212, 222 4
Pre-Calculus 3-5 Math 125 3
Psychology 3-5 Psy 201 3
Research 3-5 US 102 3
Seminar 3-5 US 101 3
Spanish Language 3 Span 102 3
Spanish Language 4-5 Span 211 6
Spanish Literature 3-5 Span 201 3
Studio Art: 2-D Design 3-5 Art 101 3
Studio Art: 3-D Design 3-5 Art 103 3
Studio Art: Drawing 3-5 Art 111 3
U.S. History 3-5 Hst 1xx 3
World History 3-5 Hst 1xx 3

Cambridge International

Students who participate in the Cambridge Assessment International Education program and earn appropriate scores on the exam will receive the following academic credit:

Examination Minimum Score UM Course Hours
Arabic Language AS E Arab 1xx 3
Arabic Level A E Arab 111 6
Art & Design A E check with department 3
Art & Design AS E check with department 3
Biology A E Bisc 160, 161, 162, 163 8
Biology AS E Bisc 1xxL 4
Chemistry A E Chem 105, 115 4
Chemistry AS E Chem 101 4
Chinese Language AS E Chin 101 3
Chinese Level A E Chin 111 5
Classical Studies A E Clc 101 + 102 6
Classical Studies AS E Clc 1xx 3
Computer Science A E Csci 111 + Csci 1xx 6
Digital Media & Design A E Art 1xx 6
Digital Media & Design AS E Art 1xx 3
Economics A E Econ 202, 203 6
Economics AS E Econ 101 3
English Language & Literature AS E Eng 1xx 3
English Language A E Writ 101 + 102 6
English Language AS E Writ 101 3
English Literature A E Eng 22x 3
English Literature AS E Eng 103 3
Environmental Management AS E Envs 1xx 3
French Language AS E Fr 101 3
French Level A E Fr 111 6
French Literature AS E Fr 199 3
Further Mathematics A E Math 261, 262, 319 9
Further Mathematics AS E Math 125. See department 3
Geography A E Geog 101 3
Geography AS E Geog 1xx 3
German Language AS E Germ 101 3
German Level A E Germ 111 6
Global Perspectives A E Inst 1xx 3
Hinduism A E Rel 2xx 3
Hinduism AS E Rel 1xx 3
History A E Hst 1xx 3
History AS E UM 1xx 3
Islamic Studies A E Rel 2xx 3
Islamic Studies AS E Rel 1xx 3
Japanese Language AS E Japn 101 3
Marine Science A E Bisc 2xxL, 2xxL 8
Marine Science AS E Bisc 2xxL 4
Mathematics A E Math 261, 262 6
Mathematics AS E Math 125 3
Media Studies E Jour 1XX 3
Music A E Mus 102 + 103 6
Music AS E Mus 103 3
Physics A E Phys 213, 214, 223, 224 8
Physics AS E Phys 213, 223 4
Portuguese A E Port 111 6
Portuguese Language AS E Port 101 3
Portuguese Literature AS E Port 199 3
Psychology A E Psy 201 3
Psychology AS E UM 1xx 3
Sociology A E Soc 101 3
Sociology AS E Soc 1xx 3
Spanish Language AS E Span 101 3
Spanish Level A E Span 111 6
Spanish Literature AS E Span 199 3
Thinking Skills A E Phil 101 + 103 6
Thinking Skills AS E Phil 101 3

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Receiving CLEP credit in a specific degree program requires the approval of the dean and department chair concerned prior to taking the examination.

Students who earn appropriate scores on selected CLEP examinations will receive the following academic credit:

Examination Minimum Score UM Course Credit Hours
American Government 50 Pol 101 3
Biology 50 Bisc 102 3
Calculus 50 Math 261 3
Chemistry 50 Chem 105, 106* 6
CLEP Precalculus 50 Math 125 3
College Algebra 50 Math 121 3
College Composition 50 Writ 101 3
Financial Accounting 50 Accy 201 3
French Language 50 Fr 111 6
French Language 63 Fr 111, 211 12
German Language 50 Germ 111 6
German Language 63 Germ 111, 211 12
Human Growth and Development 50 Psy 301 3
Humanities 50 Liba 202 3
Introductory Business Law 50 Bus 250 3
Introductory Psychology 50 Psy 201 3
Introductory Sociology 50 Soc 101 3
Natural Sciences 50 Liba 205 3
Principles of Accounting 50 Accy 201, 202 6
Principles of Macroeconomics 52 Econ 203 3
Principles of Microeconomics 53 Econ 202 3
Social Sciences and History 50 Liba 201 3
Spanish Language 50 Span 111 6
Spanish Language 63 Span 111, 211 12
U.S. History I: Early Colonization to 1877 50 Hst 130 3
U.S. History II: 1865 to the Present 50 Hst 131 3
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 50 Hst 120 3
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present 50 Hst 121 3

* Credit is granted in chemistry only if the student also submits a passing score on the American Chemical Society Test administered by the university’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. No credit is granted for chemistry lab courses.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

Students who participate in the International Baccalaureate program and earn appropriate scores on the exam will receive the following academic credit:

Examination Minimum Score UM Course Hours
Biology SL 4 Bisc 102, 103 4
Biology HL 4 Bisc 102, 103, 104, 105 8
Biology HL 6 Bisc 160, 161, 162, 163 8
Business Management SL 4 Bus 1xx 3
Business Management HL 4 Bus 1xx 3
Chemistry SL 4 Chem 103, 113 4
Chemistry HL 4 Chem 101 4
Chemistry HL 5 Chem 105, 115, Chem 1xx 7
Chemistry HL 7 Chem 105, 115, 106, 116 8
Classical Languages SL 4 Lat 201, 202 or Gr 201, 202 6
Classical Languages HL 4 Lat 201, 202 or Gr 201, 202 6
Computer Science SL 4 Csci 103, Csci 1xx 3 + 1
Computer Science HL 4 Csci 103, Csci 1xx 3 + 1
Dance HL 4 Danc 1xx 2
Economics SL 4 Econ 101 3
Economics HL 4 Econ 202, 203 6
English Literature SL 4 Eng 103 3
English Literature HL 4 Eng 22x 3
English Language & Lit SL 4 Writ 1xx 3
English Language & Lit HL 4 Writ 101 3
Environmental Systems and Societies SL 4 Bisc 104 3
Film SL 4 Thea 2xx 3
Film HL 4 Cine 1xx 3
Geography SL 4 Geog 101 3
Geography HL 4 Geog 101 3
Global Politics SL/HL 4 Pol 1xx 3
History SL 4 Hst 1xx 3
History of Africa and the Middle East HL 4 Hst 1xx 3
History of Africa and the Middle East HL 5 Hst 1xx 6
History of Asia and Oceania HL 4 Hst 1xx 3
History of Asia and Oceania HL 5 Hst 1xx 6
History of Europe HL 4 Hst 1xx 3
History of Europe HL 5 Hst 1xx 6
History of the Americas HL 4 Hst 1xx 3
History of the Americas HL 5 Hst 1xx 6
Language A: Language and Literature SL/HL 4 Contact Department of Modern Languages max of 12
Language A: Literature SL/HL 4 Contact Department of Modern Languages max of 12
Language ab initio SL/HL 4 Contact Department of Modern Languages 3
Language B SL 4 Contact Department of Modern Languages 3
Language B SL 5 Arab or Kor 112 5
Language B SL 5 Germ, Fr, Russ, Span 111; Chin, Ital, Japn, Port 101, 102 6
Language B HL 4 Arab or Kor 112 5
Language B HL 4 Germ, Fr, Russ, Span 111; Chin, Ital, Japn, Port 101, 102 6
Language B HL 5 Arab 112, 212 or Kor 112, 212 10
Language B HL 5 Germ, Fr, Russ, Span 111, 211; Chin, Ital, Japn, Port 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Language B SL/HL 4 any other language, Contact Department of Modern Languages max of 12
Literature and Performance SL 4 Thea 2xx 3
Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches SL 4 Math 267 3
Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches HL 4 Math 261 3
Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches HL 5 Math 261 + 262 6
Mathematics: Applications & Interpretation SL 4 Math 115 3
Mathematics: Applications & Interpretation HL 4 Math 115 3
Mathematics: Applications & Interpretation HL 5 Math 115 + Math 1xx 6
Music SL/HL 4 Contact Department of Music 3
Philosophy SL/HL 4 Phil 101 3
Physics SL 4 Phys 213, 223 4
Physics HL 4 Phys 213, 223 4
Physics HL 5 Phys 213, 223, 214, 224 8
Psychology SL 4 Psy 201 3
Psychology HL 4 Psy 201, Psy 2xx 6
Social and Cultural Anthropology SL/HL 4 Anth 101 3
Theatre SL/HL 4 Thea 201 3
Theory of Knowledge 4 Phil 1xx, 101 3
Visual Arts SL/HL 4 Art 101 3
World Religions SL 4 Rel 101 3

As students present transcripts for other International Baccalaureate courses taken at the Higher Level (HL), then the appropriate department will review the course/exam and decide the appropriate University of Mississippi credit.

Seal of Biliteracy

The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, district, or state in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. The UM Department of Modern Languages provides the following course credit or requires a placement exam to determine any final credit.

Language Seal Placement Exam UM Credit Granted Hours
Arabic Silver Necessary* Arabic 111, 112 10
Arabic Gold Necessary* Arabic 111, 112, 211 15
Chinese Silver Chinese 111, 112 10
Chinese Gold Chinese 111, 112, 211 15
French Silver French 111 6
French Gold French 111, 211 12
German Silver German 111 6
German Gold German 111, 211 12
Italian Silver Italian 101, 102 or 111 6
Italian Gold Italian 101, 102 or 111; 202, 203 or 211† 12
Japanese Silver Necessary* Japanese 101/103, 102/104, 201/203 12
Japanese Gold Necessary* Japanese 101/103, 102/104, 201/203, 202/204 16
Korean Silver Korean 111 5
Korean Gold Korean 111, 211 10
Portuguese Silver Portuguese 101, 102 6
Portuguese Gold Portuguese 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Russian either Necessary* Determined by examination
Spanish Silver Spanish 111 6
Spanish Gold Spanish 111, 211 12
Swahili Silver Swahili 101, 102 6
Swahili Gold Swahili 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Other Languages Silver MLLL 1xx 6
Other Languages Gold MLLL 2xx 12

*Some languages may provide an examination for student placement in a more advanced course. In these instances, the student would receive credit through the placement exam. Students need approval from the Chair of the Department of Modern Languages, who will arrange the exam.

†Depending upon what is taught.

Advanced Standing Examination

An advanced standing examination is taken by a student who has had the equivalent of a UM course content. A student enrolled in the advanced course who is approved to take an examination for credit should be given the examination prior to the beginning of the semester or no later than the last day to add classes as published in the academic calendar during the term in which the student enrolls. Students who previously completed the same course at UM are not eligible for this credit. Students may attempt an advanced standing examination in a given course only one time and there is no appeal process.

An Application for Advanced Standing Examination form, provided by the registrar, must be approved by the instructor and department chair of the course, the dean of the course, and the student’s academic dean (if different). A fee is assessed for an advanced standing examination.

Placement Examination

Some departments may provide an examination for student placement in a more advanced course. In these instances, the student would not receive credit through the placement examination. Students need approval from the departmental chairperson who will arrange the examination.

Credit for Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces

Credit toward a degree may be granted to those students who submit to the Office of the Registrar a certified copy of either D.D. Form 295 or D.D. Form 214, which indicates an honorable discharge and a period of continuous active duty for at least 90 days. Four semester hours in one of the university ROTC programs, or as physical education or elective credit, will be granted for basic training or its equivalent. Upon successful completion of 18 months with the Army National Guard/Active Army Reserve, an additional 6 hours will be awarded in the Army ROTC program. An additional 12 semester hours of credit in one of the ROTC programs may be granted to students who earned a commission while in service.

Credit for training in formal service schools will be granted on the basis of recommendations published in A GUIDE TO THE EVALUATION OF EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES IN THE ARMED SERVICES or the recommendations of the Commission on Accreditation of Service Experiences to the extent that the recommended credit can be evaluated as equivalent to a specific university course. Additional credit may be granted for military training and experience. Academic departments determine equivalencies for courses that the department teaches by using the IHL Guidebook for Evaluating Military Learning for Academic Credit. The maximum credit allowed from these sources is 40 semester hours.

Credit also may be granted for correspondence courses completed through a United States Armed Forces Institute program up to the maximum of 33 semester hours for credit from all correspondence courses. Credit is not granted for correspondence courses administered by the armed services.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.