- Eng 103: Appreciation of Literature
- Eng 198: Topics in Intro to Creative Writing
- Eng 199: Introduction to Creative Writing
- Eng 220: Survey in Literary History
- Eng 221: Survey of World Literature to 1650
- Eng 222: Survey of World Literature since 1650
- Eng 223: Survey of American Lit to the Civil War
- Eng 224: Survey of American Lit since Civil War
- Eng 225: Survey of British Lit to 18th Century
- Eng 226: Survey of Brit Lit since Romantic Period
- Eng 298: Intro to Form, Craft, and Influence
- Eng 299: Introduction to Literary Studies
- Eng 301: Poetry Workshop
- Eng 302: Fiction Workshop
- Eng 303: Nonfiction Workshop
- Eng 304: Screenwriting Workshop
- Eng 305: Advanced Creative Writing Workshop
- Eng 306: History of the English Language
- Eng 307: Intro to Literary Criticism and Theory
- Eng 308: Editing, Writing, and Digital Publishing
- Eng 309: Studies in Genre
- Eng 310: Introduction to Cinema Studies
- Eng 311: Studies in Cinema/Media Genres
- Eng 312: Studies in Cinema/Media History
- Eng 313: Introduction to World Cinema
- Eng 314: The Cinematic South
- Eng 315: Studies in Black Film
- Eng 316: Introduction to Medieval Studies
- Eng 317: Chaucer
- Eng 318: Medieval Romance
- Eng 319: Medieval Drama
- Eng 320: The Heroic Age
- Eng 321: Literature of Medieval Europe
- Eng 322: Studies in Medieval Literature
- Eng 324: Shakespeare
- Eng 326: Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
- Eng 327: Early Modern Genres and Forms
- Eng 328: Studies in Early Modern Literature
- Eng 330: Studies in 18th Century Literature
- Eng 332: 18th Century Genres and Forms
- Eng 333: Studies in Early American Literature
- Eng 334: Early American Genres and Forms
- Eng 335: Studies in Transatlantic Lit to 1900
- Eng 337: Studies in Romanticism
- Eng 338: Studies in Victorian Literature
- Eng 339: Victorian Genres and Forms
- Eng 340: Studies in Antebellum American Lit
- Eng 341: Studies in American Lit 1860-1900
- Eng 343: Studies in 19th Century Literature
- Eng 344: 19th Century Genres and Forms
- Eng 346: Studies in 20th & 21st Cent. British Lit
- Eng 347: Studies in 20th & 21st Cent. US Lit
- Eng 348: Transatlantic Lit, 1900-Present
- Eng 349: Modern/Contemporary Genres
- Eng 350: Studies in Modernism
- Eng 351: Literary Conversation
- Eng 352: Studies in Contemporary Literature
- Eng 353: YA Literature
- Eng 354: Survey of Southern Literature
- Eng 355: Studies in Southern Literature
- Eng 357: Women in the South
- Eng 359: Survey of Native American Literature
- Eng 361: African American Lit Survey to 1920
- Eng 362: African American Lit Survey Since 1920
- Eng 363: African American Genres
- Eng 364: Studies in African American Lit
- Eng 365: Literature in Prison
- Eng 366: African American Science Fiction Lit
- Eng 367: Blues Tradition in American Literature
- Eng 370: Studies in World Literatures
- Eng 371: Studies in Anglophone Literature
- Eng 372: Survey of 20th & 21st c. Irish Lit
- Eng 373: Studies in 20th & 21st c. Comp Black Lit
- Eng 374: Survey of Caribbean Literature
- Eng 375: Survey of 20th and 21st c. African Lit
- Eng 376: Studies in Asian Literature
- Eng 377: Studies in National Counter-Canons
- Eng 378: Studies in Postcolonial Literature
- Eng 380: Studies in Literary Criticism & Theory
- Eng 382: Intro to Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Eng 383: Studies in Gender and Feminism
- Eng 384: Studies in Gay & Lesbian Lit/Theory
- Eng 385: Women in Literature
- Eng 386: Gender on Film
- Eng 387: Creative Writing on Location
- Eng 388: Studies in British Environmental Lit
- Eng 389: Studies in American Environmental Lit
- Eng 391: Environmental Genres and Forms
- Eng 392: Directed Research Assistantship I
- Eng 393: Studies in Popular Culture
- Eng 394: Internship-Editing, Writing, Publishing
- Eng 395: Studies in Literature
- Eng 396: Studies in Diverse Perspectives
- Eng 397: Studies on Location
- Eng 398: Studies Abroad
- Eng 399: Internship
- Eng 400: Advanced Poetry Workshop
- Eng 401: Advanced Fiction Workshop
- Eng 402: Advanced Nonfiction Workshop
- Eng 403: Advanced Screenwriting Workshop
- Eng 404: Special Topics in Creative Writing
- Eng 405: Nature Writing
- Eng 407: Special Topics in Literary Theory
- Eng 409: Special Topics in Genre
- Eng 411: Special Topics Cinema/Media Studies
- Eng 412: Sp Topics Cinema/Media Theory, History
- Eng 413: Special Topics in Media/Cultural Studies
- Eng 414: Special Topics in the Cinematic South
- Eng 417: Early Middle English
- Eng 418: Advanced Studies in Chaucer
- Eng 419: 14th Century English Literature
- Eng 420: Medieval Lit of the North Atlantic
- Eng 421: Literature of Medieval Europe
- Eng 422: Literature of Medieval Piety
- Eng 423: Special Topics in Medieval Literature
- Eng 424: Medieval Forms and Genres
- Eng 426: Seminar on Shakespeare
- Eng 427: Shakespeare on Film
- Eng 428: Special Topics Early Modern Literature
- Eng 431: Special Topics in 18th Century Lit
- Eng 434: Special Topics Early American Lit
- Eng 435: Transatlantic Lit to 1900
- Eng 438: Special Topics in Romanticism
- Eng 439: Special Topics in Victorian Lit
- Eng 442: Antebellum American Literature
- Eng 443: Special Topics American Lit 1860-1900
- Eng 445: Special Topics in 19th Century Lit
- Eng 448: Sp Topics 20 & 21st Cent. British Lit
- Eng 450: Sp Topics 20 & 21st Cent. American Lit
- Eng 452: Transatlantic Lit 1900 to Present
- Eng 454: Special Topics in Modernism
- Eng 457: Special Topics in Contemporary Lit
- Eng 458: Southern Environmental Literature
- Eng 460: Faulkner
- Eng 461: Special Topics in Southern Literature
- Eng 462: Special Topics in the Global South
- Eng 465: Special Topics in Native American Lit
- Eng 468: Major African American Writers
- Eng 469: Special Topics in African American Lit
- Eng 472: Seminar in Diverse Perspectives
- Eng 473: Prison & the Literary Imagination
- Eng 474: Special Topics in World Literature
- Eng 476: Special Topics in Anglophone Literature
- Eng 478: Special Topics in Irish Literature
- Eng 479: Special Topics Comparative Black Lit
- Eng 481: Special Topics in Caribbean Literature
- Eng 483: Special Topics in African Literature
- Eng 486: Special Topics in Postcolonial Studies
- Eng 488: Special Topics Gender/Sexuality Studies
- Eng 489: Power, Knowledge, and Gender
- Eng 490: Special Topics in Queer Theory
- Eng 491: Special Topics in Gender and Literature
- Eng 492: Directed Research Assistantship II
- Eng 493: Special Topics in Race and Ethnicity
- Eng 494: Special Topics in Environmental Studies
- Eng 495: Literature and the Nonhuman
- Eng 496: Directed Reading
- Eng 497: English Study Abroad
- Eng 498: Thesis Workshop
- Eng 499: Senior Thesis
- Eng 500: Studies on Location
- Eng 501: Studies Abroad
- Eng 502: Directed Reading
- Eng 506: Old English I
- Eng 507: Old English II
- Eng 508: Advanced History of the English Language
- Eng 513: Old Norse
- Eng 514: Studies in Faulkner
- Eng 515: Non Fiction Workshop
- Eng 516: Fiction Workshop
- Eng 517: Poetry Workshop
- Eng 518: Writing Theory
- Eng 519: Teaching English Grammar
- Eng 520: Teaching Writing for Thinking
- Eng 521: Topics for English Teachers
- Eng 522: Special Topics in English
- Eng 600: Intro to Graduate Study
- Eng 615: Fundamentals of Applied Linguistics
- Eng 617: Teaching First-year Composition
- Eng 677: Graduate Creative Nonfiction Workshop
- Eng 678: Graduate Screenwriting Workshop
- Eng 679: Form, Craft, and Influence: Poetry
- Eng 680: Graduate Fiction Workshop I
- Eng 681: Graduate Fiction Workshop II
- Eng 682: Graduate Poetry Workshop
- Eng 683: Form, Craft, and Influence: Fiction
- Eng 684: Directed Reading in Creative Writing
- Eng 686: Studies in Genre
- Eng 693: Directed Reading in English Literature
- Eng 695: Directed Reading in American Literature
- Eng 696: Directed Research
- Eng 697: MA Thesis
- Eng 698: MFA Thesis
- Eng 703: Studies in Early English Literature
- Eng 705: Studies in Middle English
- Eng 706: Studies in Chaucer
- Eng 710: Studies in Early Modern Literature
- Eng 711: Studies in Shakespeare
- Eng 714: Milton
- Eng 715: British Lit of Restoration 18th Century
- Eng 717: 18th Century Studies
- Eng 720: Studies in the Romantic Period
- Eng 721: Studies in the Victorian Period
- Eng 725: Studies in Modern British Literature
- Eng 727: Studies in Modern & Contemporary Lit
- Eng 730: Textual Studies and History of the Book
- Eng 731: Studies in Literary Genres
- Eng 732: Studies in the Lyric
- Eng 733: Studies in Drama
- Eng 735: Studies in the Novel
- Eng 736: Theory and Criticism of Poetry
- Eng 737: Studies in Film
- Eng 738: Special Topics in Film Study
- Eng 740: Studies in Critical Theory
- Eng 741: Cultural Studies
- Eng 742: Studies in Gender
- Eng 743: Studies in Literature & the Environment
- Eng 745: Studies in World Literature
- Eng 746: Postcolonial Lit, Culture, and Criticism
- Eng 747: Studies in African and African Diasporic
- Eng 760: Studies in Early American Literature
- Eng 762: Studies in 19th Century American Lit
- Eng 763: Studies in Modern American Lit
- Eng 765: Modern American Drama
- Eng 766: Studies in Contempory American Literatur
- Eng 767: Studies in Major American Writers
- Eng 768: Studies in the American Novel
- Eng 770: Studies in Faulkner
- Eng 775: Studies in American Literary Regionalism
- Eng 776: Studies in Southern Literature
- Eng 781: Studies in Composition and Rhetoric
- Eng 782: Research in Composition
- Eng 790: The Modernist Colloquium
- Eng 791: Internship Seminar in College English
- Eng 796: Doctoral Essay
- Eng 797: Dissertation
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.