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B.F.A. in Creative Writing

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 120

General Education Requirements

General education requirements for the B.F.A. in creative writing include the following:

Courses Credit Hours
Writ 100 or Writ 101 and Writ 102 or Liba 102 6
English literature survey at the 200 level* 6
Natural science with lab, chosen from biology, chemistry, geology, astronomy or physics, or Liba 150, 151, 205, 205L, 315, 315L. 6-8
History. 6
Social science, chosen from anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, sociology, or Liba 203, 313. 6
Mathematics (Math at the 100 level or higher, except for Math 245/246) 3
Additional humanities, chosen from African American studies,classics (any Clc); environmental studies (Envs 101); gender studies (G St 201, 202, 301, 304, 333, 350, 353, 391, 402); philosophy; religious studies; Southern studies (S St 201, 202); Liba 202, 312. In addition, gender studies courses that are cross-listed with African American studies, classics, English, modern languages, philosophy, or religious studies courses will satisfy this requirement 3
Fine & performing arts appreciation (chosen from AH; Mus 101, 102, 103, 104, 105; Liba 130, 204; Danc 200; or Thea 201, 202) 3

*English Literature Survey. The literature survey courses that satisfy this requirement are 6 hours of Eng 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, and 22x. (Eng 103, 198, 199, and 299 do not satisfy this requirement.) Eng courses at the 300, 400, or 500 level may not be used to satisfy this requirement.

**In addition, gender studies courses that are cross-listed with African American studies, classics, English, modern languages, philosophy, or religious studies courses will satisfy this requirement.

Course Requirements

A major in creative writing for the B.F.A. degree consists of 53 hours of English classes and 9 hours of Advanced Interdisciplinary Histories, Practices, and Theories of Art.

Literary History Core (18 hours total; at least 6 hours at the 400+ level):

  • Eng 299
  • One course from Medieval and Early Modern Literatures list
  • One course from 18th/19th Century Literatures list
  • One course from Diverse Perspectives list
  • Two courses (6 hours) of literature electives chosen from 300+ Eng literature courses

Creative Writing Core (21 hours):

  • Eng 198, 199. or 300. Intro to Creative Writing
  • Eng 298. Intro to Form, Craft, and Influence
  • Eng 301. Poetry Workshop
  • Eng 302. Fiction Workshop
  • Eng 308. Editing, Writing, and Digital Publishing
  • Eng 400. Advanced Poetry Workshop
  • Eng 401. Advanced Fiction Workshop

Creative Writing Electives (6 hours) chosen from:

  • Eng 303. Nonfiction Workshop
  • Eng 304. Screenwriting Workshop
  • Eng 305. Advanced Creative Writing
  • Eng 387. Creative Writing on Location
  • Eng 402. Advanced Nonfiction Workshop
  • Eng 403. Advanced Screenwriting Workshop
  • Eng 404. Special Topics in Creative Writing
  • Eng 405. Nature Writing
  • Eng 515. Nonfiction Workshop
  • Eng 516. Fiction Workshop
  • Eng 517. Poetry Workshop

Creative Writing Thesis (8 hours)

Successful completion of a B.F.A. creative writing thesis includes completion and submission of a creative writing thesis; an oral defense of the thesis; and participation in a public reading or showcase of theses.

  • Eng 499: Thesis (final two semesters)
  • Eng 498: Thesis Workshop (1 credit hour; co-requisite with Eng 499 for B.F.A. students)

Other Academic Requirements

Advanced Interdisciplinary Histories, Practices, and Theories of Art (9 hours at the 300+ level)

See the department website's program page to determine courses that satisfy this requirement. In addition to the courses below, students may count other courses toward this requirement with the approval of the director of the B.F.A. in creative writing.

African American Studies Program*

  • AAS 337. Anthropology of Blues Culture
  • AAS 395. Survey of Black American Art
  • AAS 412. Studies in Black Popular Culture
  • *AAS courses cross-listed with Eng cannot count

Center for the Study of Southern Culture

  • S St 533. Fieldwork and Oral History
  • S St 534. Documentary Photography
  • S St 537. Documenting the South in Film
  • S St 540. Photographing Place in the U.S. South

Department of Art and Art History

  • Any 300-level or above AH or Art course

Department of Classics

  • Clc 303. Greek and Roman Tragedy
  • Clc 304. Greek and Roman Comedy
  • Clc 305. Topics in Classical Mythology
  • Clc 307. Survey of Greek Literature
  • Clc 308. Survey of Roman Literature
  • Clc 309. Greek and Roman Epic
  • Clc 315. Egyptian Art and Archaeology
  • Clc 316. Bronze Age Aegean Art & Archaeology
  • Clc 317. Etruscan Art and Archaeology
  • Clc 318. Greek Vase Painting
  • Clc 319. Greek Sculpture
  • Clc 320. Greek Architecture
  • Clc 321. Greek Art and Archaeology
  • Clc 322. Roman Art and Archaeology
  • Clc 323. Art & Archaeology of Pompeii
  • Clc 328. Ancient Art on Location
  • Clc 333. Poetry and Politics at Rome

Department of Sociology and Anthropology

  • Anth 302. Anthropological Films
  • Anth 305. Archaeology
  • Anth 306. Archaeology of the Ancient Celts
  • Anth 308. Death and Dying of the Ancient Celts
  • Anth 324. North American Archaeology
  • Anth 332. Early Medieval Art and Archaeology
  • Anth 335. Archaeological Field Session
  • Anth 336. Viking Art and Archaeology
  • Anth 337. Anthropology of Blues Culture
  • Anth 339. Art & Archaeology of Pompeii
  • Anth 412. Ceramic Analysis
  • Soc 315. Leisure and Popular Culture
  • Soc 440. Sociology of Music

Department of Theatre and Film

  • Thea 305. Screenwriting I
  • Thea 321. Theatre History I
  • Thea 322. Theatre History II
  • Thea 325. Playwriting
  • Thea 329. Queer Playwriting & American Culture
  • Thea 406. Screenwriting II
  • Thea 421. Musical Theatre History and Literature I
  • Thea 422. Musical Theatre History and Literature II
  • Thea 463. Writing from Stage to Screen

Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies

  • G St 330. Queer Rhetorics
  • G St 350. Gender and Sexuality in Cinema
  • G St 353. Gender and Sexuality in the Media
  • G St 442. Feminist Rhetorics

Department of History

  • Hst 456. Southern Music History
  • Hst 481. Topics in History and Film
  • Hst 482. Samurai in Film

Department of Philosophy & Religion

  • Phil 320. Aesthetics
  • Phil 355. Philosophy of Film
  • Rel 386. Religion and Film

Department of Writing & Rhetoric

  • Rhet 330. Queer Rhetorics
  • Rhet 442. Feminist Rhetorics
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.