Physics, General
- Engr 611: Aeroacoustics
- Engr 612: Aeroelasticity
- Engr 613: Exp Method in Aerodynamics/Aeroacoustics
- M E 325: Intermediate Dynamics
- Phys 101: Introduction to Contemporary Physics I
- Phys 102: Introduction to Contemporary Physics II
- Phys 107: Conceptual Physics I
- Phys 108: Conceptual Physics II
- Phys 201: Physics Toolbox I
- Phys 202: Physics Toolbox II
- Phys 211: Physics for Science & Engineering I
- Phys 212: Physics for Science & Engineering II
- Phys 213: General Physics I
- Phys 214: General Physics II
- Phys 221: Lab Physics for Science & Engineering I
- Phys 222: Lab Physics for Science & Engineering II
- Phys 223: Laboratory Physics I
- Phys 224: Laboratory Physics II
- Phys 301: Intro to Physics Careers and Research
- Phys 309: Thermodynamics
- Phys 310: Mechanics
- Phys 313: Physics & Biophysics of Air & Water
- Phys 317: Introduction to Modern Physics I
- Phys 318: Introduction to Modern Physics II
- Phys 321: Electronics
- Phys 401: Electromagnetic Theory I
- Phys 402: Electromagnetic Theory II
- Phys 413: Introduction to Biophysics
- Phys 417: Modern Physics Laboratory
- Phys 422: Digital Electronics & Microprocessors
- Phys 427: Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
- Phys 451: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- Phys 461: Senior Seminar
- Phys 463: Senior Research Project
- Phys 464: Senior Research Project
- Phys 498: Senior Review
- Phys 501: Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory I
- Phys 502: Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory II
- Phys 503: Selected Topics in Physics
- Phys 507: Directed Research
- Phys 510: Physics and Astronomy Colloquium
- Phys 511: Physical Acoustics Seminar
- Phys 514: Physics of Medical Imaging
- Phys 525: Ultrasonics
- Phys 530: Independent Study in Physics I
- Phys 533: Survey of Topics in Physics I
- Phys 534: Survey of Topics in Physics II
- Phys 540: Introduction to Scientific Computing
- Phys 629: Special Topics in Physics
- Phys 630: Independent Study in Physics II
- Phys 634: Electronics in Research
- Phys 637: Fluid Dynamics
- Phys 695: Physics Research Project
- Phys 697: Thesis Research in Physics
- Phys 709: Advanced Mechanics I
- Phys 710: Advanced Mechanics II
- Phys 711: Quantum Mechanics I
- Phys 712: Quantum Mechanics II
- Phys 717: Modern Physics I
- Phys 718: Modern Physics II
- Phys 721: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory I
- Phys 722: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory II
- Phys 727: Adv Thermodynamics/Statistical Mech I
- Phys 728: Adv Thermodynamics/Statistical Mech II
- Phys 735: Gravitational Physics
- Phys 749: Advanced Topics in Physics
- Phys 750: Independent Study in Physics III
- Phys 795: Advanced Physics Research Project
- Phys 797: Dissertation
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.