School of Applied Sciences
School of Applied Sciences
- AT 501: Foundations of Biomechanics
- AT 502: Musculoskeletal & Movement Biomechanics
- AT 503: Clinical Applications & Injury Biomechan
- AT 504: Applied Biomechanics and Measurement
- AT 601: Foundations in Athletic Training
- AT 602: Clinical Experience in AT I
- AT 603: Clinical Evaluation in AT I: LE
- AT 604: Therapeutic Interventions in AT I
- AT 605: Clinical Experience in AT II
- AT 606: Clinical Evaluation in AT II: UE
- AT 607: Clinical Evaluation in AT IV: MC
- AT 608: Therapeutic Interventions in AT II
- AT 609: Clinical Experience in AT III
- AT 610: Clinical Experience in AT IV
- AT 611: Administration in AT
- AT 612: Selected Topics in Athletic Training
- AT 613: Clinical Experience in AT V
- AT 614: Integration to Practice in AT
- AT 620: Research & Evidence-Based Practice in AT
- AT 630: Applied Anatomy in Athletic Training
- AT 640: Physiology of Sport & Exercise
- AT 660: Sports Performance
- AT 697: Thesis
- AT 698: Capstone in Athletic Training
- SAS 101: Discovering Careers in Applied Sciences
- SAS 600: NCAA Governance
- SAS 601: Internal Ops - Intercollegiate Athletics
- SAS 602: External Ops - Intercollegiate Athletics
- SAS 603: Leadership in Intercollegiate Athletics
- SAS 604: Academic Advising, Support in Athletics
- SAS 605: Eligibility, PTD and Certification
- SAS 606: Academic Reform and APP
- SAS 607: NCAA Rules & Monitoring Systems
- SAS 608: NCAA Enforcement & Infractions Cases
- SAS 609: Contemporary Issues in NCAA Compliance
Applied Gerontology
- Ger 290: Programs and Services in Gerontology
- Ger 310: End-of-Life Issues
- Ger 326: Gerontology: Social Welfare Aspects
- Ger 344: Aging in the 21st Century
- Ger 390: Special Topics
- Ger 411: Elder Law
- Ger 493: Applied Gerontology Internship
Communication Sciences & Disorders
- ASL 101: Elementary ASL I
- ASL 102: Elementary ASL II
- ASL 111: Intensive Elem American Sign Language
- ASL 201: Intermediate ASL III
- ASL 202: Intermediate ASL IV
- ASL 211: Intensive Interme American Sign Language
- ASL 311: Advanced American Sign Language
- ASL 400: American Sign Language Interpreting I
- ASL 401: American Sign Language Interpreting II
- ASL 402: American Sign Language Interpreting Prac
- CSD 201: Introduction to Communicative Disorders
- CSD 202: Statistics for CSD
- CSD 205: Anatomy and Physiology
- CSD 211: Introduction to Phonetics
- CSD 216: Normal Development of Communication
- CSD 301: Introduction to Speech Sound Disorders
- CSD 302: Research Methods for CSD
- CSD 303: Communication Deficits in Older Adults
- CSD 304: Introduction to Hearing Conservation
- CSD 316: Language and Learning Disorders
- CSD 351: Basic Audiology
- CSD 356: Principles of Auditory (Re)Habilitation
- CSD 359: Manual Communication
- CSD 360: Study USA ASHA Convention & Site
- CSD 401: Diagnostic Procedures
- CSD 405: Fluency and Voice Disorders
- CSD 430: Practices in Audiology
- CSD 452: Fundamental Speech & Hearing Science
- CSD 455: Neuroanat & Neurophys of Speech & Hearin
- CSD 494: Honors Thesis I
- CSD 495: Introduction to Clinical Science
- CSD 496: Honors Thesis II
- CSD 498: Undergrad Practicum in SLP/Audiology
- CSD 499: Directed Research Practicum
- CSD 505: Neurophysiology and Genetics of Communic
- CSD 506: Anat/Phys/Path Aud Sys
- CSD 513: Speech Science
- CSD 521: Disorders of Fluency
- CSD 523: Speech Sound Disorders
- CSD 526: Aphasia and Adult Language Disorders
- CSD 531: Special Problems in CD
- CSD 541: Child Lang Development & Assessment
- CSD 557: Audiology for the SLP
- CSD 560: Manual Communication I
- CSD 562: Manual Communication II
- CSD 592: Cl Sem/Speech-Lang Path
- CSD 601: Directed Study
- CSD 602: Assessment and Diagnosis
- CSD 605: Counseling Thry/Prac
- CSD 612: Advanced Clinical Audiology
- CSD 613: Rsch Design & Anal
- CSD 615: Electrophysiologic Evaluation
- CSD 620: Assessment and Treatment of Dysphagia
- CSD 621: Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing
- CSD 622: Voice and Resonance Disorders
- CSD 624: Craniofacial Anomalies
- CSD 625: Autism and Developmental Disabilities
- CSD 626: Aphasia
- CSD 627: Neurogenic Disorders of Speech & AAC
- CSD 632: Workshop in Comm Sciences & Disorders
- CSD 642: Child Lang Diagnostics & Intervention
- CSD 643: Birth to Five
- CSD 644: Language and Literacy
- CSD 681: Professional Issues: Seminar I
- CSD 690: Prof. Ethics, Licensure, and Curr Trends
- CSD 691: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 692: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 693: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 694: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 695: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 697: Thesis
Criminal Justice & Legal Studies
- CJ 100: Introduction to Criminal Justice
- CJ 110: Introduction to Law Enforcement
- CJ 115: Introduction to Homeland Security
- CJ 120: Introduction to Corrections
- CJ 155: Law Enforcement Tactical Operations
- CJ 160: Law Enforcement Patrol Procedures
- CJ 202: Statistics in Criminal Justice
- CJ 210: Criminal Law
- CJ 230: Principles of Investigation
- CJ 270: Juvenile Justice
- CJ 285: Foundations of Terrorism
- CJ 300: Ethics in Legal Studies
- CJ 310: Law Enforcement Process and Policy
- CJ 315: Drug Abuse Enforcement and Criminality
- CJ 320: Correctional Treatment Strategies
- CJ 322: Criminal Justice Communications
- CJ 324: Theories of Criminal Behavior
- CJ 325: Emergency Management and CJ
- CJ 330: Hate Crimes and Enforcement
- CJ 340: Homicide and Death Investigations
- CJ 345: Cold Case Investigations
- CJ 360: Independent Study
- CJ 370: Domestic Crimes and Family Law
- CJ 376: Elite Forces and Special Operations
- CJ 390: Special Topics
- CJ 399: Social Justice and Community Service
- CJ 400: Homeland Security Operations
- CJ 410: Criminal Procedure
- CJ 415: Forensic Science & Crime Scene Analysis
- CJ 420: Homeland Security Law
- CJ 421: Selected Topics in Criminal Justice II
- CJ 422: Probation, Parole & Community Correction
- CJ 425: Sex Crimes and Investigations
- CJ 435: Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century
- CJ 444: Law of Corrections
- CJ 445: Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
- CJ 450: Criminal Justice Research
- CJ 460: The Correctional Experience
- CJ 465: Criminal Profiling and Serial Offenders
- CJ 470: Border Security
- CJ 490: Criminal Justice Internship
- CJ 499: Colloquium in Criminal Justice
- CJ 585: Current Topics in Criminal Justice
- CJ 600: Criminal Justice Administration
- CJ 601: Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis
- CJ 602: Criminal Justice Research Methods
- CJ 606: Ethics and Human Subjects Research
- CJ 620: Criminal Justice in American Society
- CJ 621: Seminar in Law Enforcement
- CJ 622: Seminar in Courts & Sentencing
- CJ 623: Seminar in Corrections
- CJ 624: Theories of Criminal Behavior
- CJ 625: Criminal Justice Theory
- CJ 630: Seminar in Homeland Security
- CJ 631: Seminar in Emergency Management
- CJ 632: Seminar in Extremism and Terrorism
- CJ 634: Emergency Response Mgmt Policy & Plannin
- CJ 636: Critical Infrastructure Security
- CJ 641: Transnational Crime
- CJ 642: Cybercrime and Cyber Security
- CJ 643: Legal Issues in Criminal Justice
- CJ 645: Criminal and Intelligence Analysis
- CJ 646: Special Topics in Criminal Justice
- CJ 649: Independent Study
- CJ 651: Special Topics in HSEM
- CJ 652: Comparative CJ Systems & Policy
- CJ 659: Data Management & Data Science
- CJ 660: Operational and Staff Planning
- CJ 661: CJ Policy and Program Evaluation
- CJ 662: Emer Mgmt and Homeland Sec Policy Eval
- CJ 663: ST in CJ Stats & Research
- CJ 664: GIS and Crime Mapping Analysis
- CJ 667: Qualitative Research Design & Analysis
- CJ 668: Analytic Writing
- CJ 669: Big Data Analytics
- CJ 670: Intelligence and Homeland Security
- CJ 671: Communications for Criminal Justice Lead
- CJ 672: Conflict Resolution and Decision Making
- CJ 673: Criminal Justice Evidence-Based Decision
- CJ 674: Budgeting & Finance
- CJ 675: Topics in Judicial Administration
- CJ 676: Principles of Leadership
- CJ 678: Diversity and Inclusion
- CJ 679: Special Topics in CJ Leadership
- CJ 680: Personnel Management
- CJ 681: Law & Public Policy
- CJ 682: Intro to EBPR
- CJ 683: Innovation & Reform in Policing
- CJ 684: Police & Community Partnerships
- CJ 688: Police Technology & Policy
- CJ 690: Applied Criminal Justice Graduate Projec
- CJ 692: Criminal Justice Capstone 1
- CJ 693: Criminal Justice Capstone 2
- CJ 697: Thesis
- CJ 701: Proseminar in CJ Policy Studies
- CJ 702: Advanced Criminal Justice Statistics
- CJ 703: Advanced Criminological Theory & Policy
- CJ 704: Advanced Criminal Justice Policy Studies
- CJ 705: Advanced CJ Research Methods
- CJ 749: Independent Study
- CJ 797: Dissertation
- CR 412: Judicial Reporting Procedures
- LA 102: Ethics in the Legal Environment
- LA 103: Logic & Crit Analysis in Legal Reasoning
- LA 104: Public Speaking in the Legal Environment
- LA 201: Introduction to Law
- LA 202: Law Office Environment
- LA 204: Legal Research/Writing I
- LA 205: Legal Research/Writing II
- LA 303: Civil Litigation I
- LA 304: Civil Litigation II
- LA 305: Criminal Law and Procedure
- LA 308: Administration of Wills and Estates
- LA 310: Real Property and Abstracting
- LA 360: Independent Study in Legal Studies
- LA 392: Law School Prep Seminar
- LA 401: Commercial and Contractual Relations
- LA 402: Torts
- LA 403: Bankruptcy Law
- LA 404: Administrative Law
- LA 405: Business Organizations
- LA 406: Domestic Law
- LA 408: Medical Law and Terminology
- LA 410: Alternative Dispute Resolution
- LA 411: Elder Law
- LA 421: Special Topics in Legal Studies
- LA 440: Issues in Access to Justice
- LA 490: Advanced Seminar in Legal Studies
- LA 491: Advanced Studies in Law
- LA 495: Internship
Health, Exercise Sci & Recreation Mgmt
- EL 100: Wilderness Living Techniques
- EL 103: Ropes Courses and Climbing Basics
- EL 105: Self Defense Activities
- EL 111: Cycling
- EL 117: Volleyball
- EL 118: Beginning Fencing
- EL 119: Archery
- EL 120: Intro to Lifetime Leisure Activities
- EL 124: Racquetball
- EL 129: Body Contouring and Conditioning
- EL 132: Canoeing
- EL 133: Backpacking
- EL 134: Kayaking
- EL 137: Bowling
- EL 139: Golf
- EL 142: Open Water Scuba Diving
- EL 147: Tennis
- EL 148: Introduction to Pickleball
- EL 149: Introduction to Pickleball and Tennis
- EL 151: Weight Lifting
- EL 153: Sports Conditioning
- EL 154: Coaching Soccer
- EL 155: Walking I
- EL 156: Jogging
- EL 158: Low Impact Aerobics
- EL 159: High Impact Aerobics
- EL 169: Aqua Exercise
- EL 170: Beginning Swimming
- EL 171: Intermediate Swimming
- EL 172: Advanced Swimming
- EL 173: Lifeguarding
- EL 174: Water Safety Instructor
- EL 175: Lifeguarding Instructor
- EL 200: Teaching Techniques for Land-Based Adven
- EL 217: Advanced Volleyball
- EL 218: Advanced Fencing
- EL 219: Advanced Archery
- EL 224: Advanced Racquetball
- EL 229: Advanced Body Contouring & Conditioning
- EL 231: Teaching Techniques for Small Craft
- EL 233: Sports Officiating I
- EL 234: Sports Officiating II
- EL 237: Advanced Bowling
- EL 239: Advanced Golf
- EL 242: Advanced Open Water Scuba Diving
- EL 247: Advanced Tennis
- EL 251: Advanced Weight Lifting
- EL 253: Advanced Sports Conditioning
- EL 255: Coaching Tennis
- EL 269: Advanced Aqua Exercise
- EL 342: Master Diver
- EL 352: Coaching Football
- EL 353: Advanced Sports Conditioning
- EL 354: Coaching Basketball
- EL 355: Coaching Baseball-Softball
- EL 357: Coaching Volleyball
- EL 359: Coaching Track and Field
- EL 442: Dive Supervisor
- EL 453: Advanced Sports Conditioning
- ES 100: Introduction to Exercise Science
- ES 104: Sports in the Ancient World
- ES 200: Principles of Personal Training
- ES 201: Exercise as Medicine
- ES 319: Sport and Society
- ES 338: Neuroscience of Exercise
- ES 344: Aging in the 21st Century
- ES 346: Kinesiology
- ES 347: Kinesiology Lab
- ES 348: Physiology of Exercise
- ES 349: Physiology of Exercise Laboratory
- ES 350: Research Methods in HESRM
- ES 351: Measurement & Statistics in Exercise Sci
- ES 358: Exercise Testing and Prescription
- ES 359: Exercise Testing and Prescription Labora
- ES 391: Trends & Topics in Exercise Science
- ES 393: Experiential Learning
- ES 394: Therapeutic Exercise and Fitness
- ES 396: Allied Health Terminology
- ES 402: Found. of Health and Human Performance
- ES 440: Behavioral Aspects of Exercise
- ES 446: Biomechanics of Human Movement
- ES 452: Applied Sport Science
- ES 456: Clinical Exercise Testing & Prescription
- ES 458: Clinical Exercise Testing and Prescripti
- ES 471: Mgmt. of Health, Fitness and Sport Progr
- ES 473: Practicum
- ES 490: Independent Study
- ES 493: Internship
- ES 503: Data Analytics and Methodologies
- ES 511: Applied Statistics
- ES 514: Applied Electromyography
- ES 515: Stress and the Brain
- ES 542: Sports Psychology
- ES 544: The American Woman in Sports
- ES 574: Selected Problems in Special Populations
- ES 603: Data Analytics Methodologies
- ES 606: Ethics and Human Subjects Research
- ES 608: Methods & Procedures of Graded Exercise
- ES 609: Motor Behavior
- ES 610: Internship in Exercise Science
- ES 611: Exercise Physiology I
- ES 613: Health Aspects of Physical Activity
- ES 614: Cardiovascular Physiology
- ES 615: Physiological Aspects of Aging
- ES 616: Exercise Physiology II
- ES 618: Advanced Muscle Physiology
- ES 620: Selected Topics in Exercise Science
- ES 625: Research Design and Evaluation
- ES 626: Statistical Analysis I
- ES 632: Advanced Structural Kinesiology
- ES 644: Control of Human Voluntary Movement
- ES 650: Seminar In Exercise Science
- ES 651: Advanced Individual Study
- ES 652: Advanced Individual Study
- ES 653: Independent Research
- ES 655: Problems in PE/Health Education
- ES 697: Thesis
- ES 750: Advanced Seminar in Exercise Science
- Espr 797: Dissertation
- HK 606: Ethics and Human Subjects Research
- HK 710: Meta-Analysis
- HK 711: Measurement Theory and Practice
- HK 750: Seminar in Health and Kinesiology
- HK 751: Advanced Independent Study
- HK 752: Advanced Independent Study
- HK 797: Dissertation
- HP 303: Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries
- HP 403: Advanced Athletic Training
- HP 506: Current Topics
- SA 511: Applied Statistics
- SA 601: Measurement and Evaluation in Sport
- SA 602: Predictive Analytics in Sport
- SA 603: Big Data Analytics and Data Management
- SA 604: Quan and Qual Research Methods
- SA 605: Comm & Data Visualization in Sport
- SA 611: Sport Business
- SA 612: Sport Economic Analytics
- SA 613: Machine Learning in Sport
- SA 621: Data Analytics in Strength & Conditionin
- SA 622: Phys Aspects of Sport Perform & Monitor
- SA 623: Data Based Preven & Mgmt of Sport Injury
- SA 693: Sport Analytics Capstone
- SM 194: Foundations of Sport Management
- SM 211: Sport Marketing
- SM 225: Design and Maintenance of Facilities
- SM 270: The Business of Sport
- SM 316: Christianity and Sport
- SM 321: Special Topics in Sport Management
- SM 330: Sport Governance and Policy
- SM 361: Study USA in Sport Management
- SM 362: Study Abroad in Sport Management
- SM 370: Sport Economics and Finance
- SM 375: Recreational Sports Programming
- SM 390: Experiential Learning in Sport Managemen
- SM 475: Legal Aspects of Sport
- SM 490: Independent Study
- SM 621: Sport Policy
- SM 623: Advanced Study USA in Sport Management
- SM 624: Advanced Study Abroad in Sport Managemen
- SM 627: Internship
- SM 640: Assessment & Evalua. of Sport Programs
- SM 651: Advanced Independent Study
- SM 652: Advanced Independent Study
- SM 660: Sport Marketing
- SM 671: Management in Sport Services
- SM 672: Business Practices in Sport
- SM 673: Sport Finance
- SRA 194: Foundations of Sport Mgmt and Admin
- SRA 200: Recreation Program Leadership
- SRA 262: Therapeutic Recreation & Adaptive Sport
- SRA 270: The Business of Sport
- SRA 301: Planning & Evaluation in SRA
- SRA 302: Program Planning & Development
- SRA 311: Sport Marketing
- SRA 330: Sport Governance and Policy
- SRA 332: Outdoor Recreation
- SRA 370: Sports Economics and Finance
- SRA 371: Camp Leadership
- SRA 372: Procedures and Techniques in Therapeutic
- SRA 375: Recreational Sports Programming
- SRA 380: Current Issues in Travel & Tourism Mgmt.
- SRA 388: Assessment/Planning in Therapeutic Rec
- SRA 391: Practicum in Recreation Administration I
- SRA 392: Practicum in Rec. Administration II
- SRA 394: Therapeutic Exercise and Fitness
- SRA 401: Internship in Recreation Administration
- SRA 410: Senior Seminar: Professional Development
- SRA 425: Design and Maintenance of Facilities
- SRA 471: Admin. of Recreation Admin. Programs
- SRA 473: Supervision and Administration of Therap
- SRA 475: Legal Aspects of Sport and Recreation
- SRA 490: Independent Study
- SRA 497: Cooperative Field Practicum
- SRA 498: Cooperative Field Practicum
- SRA 499: Cooperative Field Practicum
- SRA 503: Data Analytics and Methodologies
- SRA 511: Applied Statistics
- SRA 574: Current Trends in Therapeutic Recreation
- SRA 580: Recreational Therapy for Older Adults
- SRA 600: Issues & Trends in Recreation Admin. Pro
- SRA 603: Data Analytics Methodologies
- SRA 625: Research Design and Evaluation
- SRA 626: Statistical Analysis I
- SRA 628: Qualitative Inquiry
- SRA 653: Independent Research
- SRA 654: Directed Event Programming
- SRA 691: Prinicples & Practices of Leisure & Recr
- SRA 697: Thesis
Nutrition & Hospitality Management
- NHM 101: Introduction to Food Studies
- NHM 114: Introduction to Health Professions
- NHM 150: Introduction to the FCS Profession
- NHM 208: Nutrition Science Laboratory
- NHM 209: Nutrition Science
- NHM 211: Introduction to Culinary Science
- NHM 212: Meal Management
- NHM 213: Introduction to Culinary Science Lab
- NHM 214: Introduction to Dietetics
- NHM 215: Introduction to Hospitality Management
- NHM 216: Foundations of the Event Industry
- NHM 221: Foundations of Tourism and Travel
- NHM 222: Hospitality Applied Experience
- NHM 261: Principles of Hotel Operations
- NHM 268: Culture, Cuisine, & Global Citizenship
- NHM 309: Menu Planning and Analysis
- NHM 310: Hospitality Industry Accounting
- NHM 311: Nutrition
- NHM 312: Social Events
- NHM 313: Honors Recitation
- NHM 314: Meeting and Conference Events
- NHM 319: Foundations in Sports Nutrition
- NHM 323: Human Development Across the Lifespan
- NHM 325: Family Relations
- NHM 327: Topics in Human Development
- NHM 328: Child Development
- NHM 329: Gender and Families
- NHM 331: Micro Environments
- NHM 360: Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry
- NHM 363: Foodservice Procurement
- NHM 368: Topics in Nutrition & Hospitality Abroad
- NHM 370: The Hospitalized Child
- NHM 371: Service Management
- NHM 373: Consumer and Food Economics
- NHM 376: Hospitality Information Technology
- NHM 381: Bar and Beverage Operations
- NHM 401: Special Topics in Medical Nutrition Ther
- NHM 402: Directed Studies in Nutrition Services
- NHM 403: New York Tour
- NHM 410: Fundamentals of Nutrition Assessment
- NHM 411: Medical Nutrition Therapy II
- NHM 412: Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology
- NHM 414: Professional Development in Nutrition
- NHM 415: Research in Culinary Science
- NHM 417: Community Nutrition
- NHM 418: First Choice Purchasing
- NHM 422: Administration of Child Development Prog
- NHM 425: Adolescents and Families
- NHM 427: Aging and Families
- NHM 441: Food Systems Management and Leadership
- NHM 443: Family Financial Management
- NHM 444: Strategic Issues in Hospitality
- NHM 451: Parenting Across the Life Span
- NHM 461: Foodservice Systems Management I
- NHM 462: Quantity Food Production and Service
- NHM 464: Marketing in the Hospitality Industry
- NHM 467: Hospitality Services Financial Mgmt
- NHM 468: Nutrition/Hospitality Mgmt Study Tour
- NHM 469: Orientation to Child Nutrition Managemen
- NHM 472: Quantity Food Production and Service Lab
- NHM 473: Family Life Education
- NHM 474: Study Tour in Human Development
- NHM 481: Merchandising Internship
- NHM 482: Practicum in Child and Family Life
- NHM 483: Applied Experiences in Dietetics
- NHM 484: Internship in Hospitality
- NHM 491: Hotel Management & Analytics
- NHM 493: Individual / Group Study
- NHM 511: Advanced Nutrition
- NHM 513: Demonstration Techniques
- NHM 515: Nutrition Along the Weight Continuum
- NHM 516: Nutrition in Aging
- NHM 518: Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition
- NHM 521: Family Seminar
- NHM 522: Nutrition Policy
- NHM 523: Early Childhood Education
- NHM 525: Research I - Principles of Research
- NHM 526: Statistics I in NHM
- NHM 527: Sem-Art / Music-Early Childhood
- NHM 531: Community Nutrition: Theory and App
- NHM 532: Nutrition Edu and Coun: Theory & Practic
- NHM 533: Foodservice Management: Theory and App
- NHM 534: Medical Nutrition Therapy: Theory and Ap
- NHM 535: Human Sexuality
- NHM 550: Seminar in Entrepreneurship
- NHM 566: Human Resource Development in Services
- NHM 571: Marriage and Family Therapy
- NHM 593: Individual Study
- NHM 595: Adv. Nutrition/Hospitality Study Tour
- NHM 606: Ethics and Human Subjects Research
- NHM 612: Nutrition & Exrcs in Hlth & Disease Mgmt
- NHM 613: Theoretical Application for Nutrtnl. Ed
- NHM 614: Foundations in Child Nutrition Managemen
- NHM 615: Advanced Financial Mgt. in Hospitality
- NHM 617: Advanced Foodservice Management
- NHM 619: Sports Nutrition
- NHM 620: Global Leadership in Service Orgs.
- NHM 621: Advanced Human Development
- NHM 623: Nutritional Epidemiology
- NHM 624: Advanced Marketing Hospitality Industry
- NHM 627: Topics in Hospitality and Leadership
- NHM 628: Organizational Behavior in Hospitality
- NHM 647: Seminar Home Management
- NHM 662: Advanced Hotel Operations
- NHM 671: Advanced Service Quality Management.
- NHM 676: Adv. Hospitality Information Technology
- NHM 691: Special Topics in Nutrition and Hospital
- NHM 693: Directed Independent Research
- NHM 697: Thesis
- NHM 698: Introduction to Dietetics Practice
- NHM 699: Supervised Practice
- NHM 701: Graduate Seminar
- NHM 702: Elements of Academic Development
- NHM 711: Macronutrients
- NHM 712: Community Food Systems
- NHM 714: Advanced Child Nutrition Management
- NHM 719: Adv. Assess. and App. in Sport Nutrition
- NHM 721: Micronutrients
- NHM 725: Research II - Advanced Research Methods
- NHM 726: Applied Regression Analysis in NHM
- NHM 728: Advanced Survey Data Analysis
- NHM 740: Consumer Behavior in the Hospitality Ind
- NHM 741: Strategic Mgmt in Hosp. & Serv. Ind
- NHM 791: Special Topics in Nutrition and Hospital
- NHM 797: Dissertation
Public Health
- PH 191: Personal and Community Health
- PH 195: Foundations of Public Health
- PH 203: First Aid and CPR
- PH 300: Environmental Health
- PH 305: Program Planning and Evaluation
- PH 307: Public Health Study USA
- PH 312: Behavioral Aspects of Weight Mgmt
- PH 317: Public Health Study Abroad
- PH 319: Global Health
- PH 352: Basic Epidemiology
- PH 391: Special Topics in Health
- PH 470: Practical Applications in Public Health
- PH 490: Independent Study
- PH 503: Data Analytics and Methodologies
- PH 505: Health Program Planning
- PH 511: Applied Statistics
- PH 515: Motivational Interviewing
- PH 528: Public Health Policy
- PH 555: Health Equity
- PH 595: Human Health and Illness
- PH 600: Foundations of Public Health
- PH 603: Data Analytics Methodologies
- PH 607: Public Health Study USA
- PH 610: Biostatistics for Public Health Practice
- PH 617: Public Health Study Abroad
- PH 625: Research Design and Evaluation
- PH 626: Statistical Analysis I
- PH 635: Theories in Health
- PH 646: Epidemiology
- PH 651: Advanced Independent Study
- PH 652: Advanced Individual Study
- PH 653: Independent Research
- PH 665: Special Topics in Health Behavior
- PH 670: Applied Epidemiology
- PH 674: Chronic Disease Epidemiology
- PH 675: Advanced Theoretical Appl Hlth Behavior
- PH 680: Infectious Disease Epidemiology
- PH 685: Health Program Evaluation
- PH 697: Thesis
- PH 698: Public Health Practicum
- PH 699: Public Health Capstone
Social Work
- SW 201: Introduction to Social Work
- SW 216: Social Welfare Policy I
- SW 220: Foundations in Maternal and Child Health
- SW 233: Juvenile Corrections
- SW 301: CAST: Child Maltreatment & Advocacy
- SW 321: Human Behav and the Soc Environment I
- SW 322: Human Behav and the Soc Environment II
- SW 325: The Helping Professional in Health Sett
- SW 326: Gerontology: Social Welfare Aspects
- SW 327: Compassion Fatigue: Strategies
- SW 330: Human Diversity and Social Work Practice
- SW 335: Social Work Practice I
- SW 340: Social Work Research
- SW 401: CAST: Responding to Child Trauma
- SW 402: Child Welfare Policies
- SW 417: Social Welfare Policy II
- SW 427: Psychosocial Aspects of Loss Death Grief
- SW 428: Social Aspects of Children at Risk
- SW 436: Social Work Practice II
- SW 437: Social Work Practice III
- SW 438: Social Work Practice IV
- SW 450: Fields of Social Work
- SW 459: Directed Study in Social Work
- SW 460: Directed Study in Social Work
- SW 495: Social Work Internship
- SW 496: Internship Seminar
- SW 498: Special Topics
- SW 575: Psychosocial Aspects of Aging
- SW 600: Human Diversity and Social Work Practice
- SW 601: Human Behavior in the Social Environment
- SW 602: Social Work Practice with Individuals
- SW 603: Social Work Research Methods
- SW 604: Social Welfare Policies and Programs
- SW 606: Ethics and Human Subjects Research
- SW 615: Practice with Families and Groups
- SW 620: Practice with Organizations/Communities
- SW 621: Field Instruction I
- SW 622: Field Instruction II
- SW 623: Field Instruction III
- SW 624: Field Instruction IV
- SW 630: Theories and Methods of Family Intervent
- SW 640: Advanced Clinical Social Work: Groups
- SW 641: Readings in Advanced Social Work
- SW 650: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis
- SW 651: Indiv Study Project
- SW 660: Clinical Practice and Supervision
- SW 670: Leadership & Administration
- SW 680: Evaluation Research
- SW 681: Forensic Social Work with Children
- SW 682: Clinical Practice in Child Welfare
- SW 683: Theories of Psychotherapy
- SW 684: Social Work in Health Care Settings
- SW 685: Gerontological Social Work
- SW 686: Traumatic Stress & Crisis Intervention
- SW 687: Substance Abuse and Addiction
- SW 701: Colloquium I
- SW 702: Research Design in Social Work
- SW 703: Topics with At-Risk Populations
- SW 704: Theories & Research in Neuro & Behaviora
- SW 705: Applied and Inferential Statistics
- SW 706: History of Social Welfare
- SW 708: Colloquium II
- SW 709: Social Policy Analysis
- SW 710: Issues & Research Problems in SW Interve
- SW 711: Qualitative Methods in Social Work Resea
- SW 712: Advanced Statistics in Social Work
- SW 713: Special Topics
- SW 715: Dissertation Seminar
- SW 719: Directed Independent Study
- SW 797: Dissertation
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.