Course Index
- SRA 194: Foundations of Sport Mgmt and Admin
- SRA 200: Recreation Program Leadership
- SRA 262: Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation
- SRA 270: The Business of Sport
- SRA 301: Planning & Evaluation in SRA
- SRA 302: Program Planning & Development
- SRA 311: Sport Marketing
- SRA 330: Sport Governance and Policy
- SRA 332: Outdoor Recreation
- SRA 370: Sports Economics and Finance
- SRA 371: Camp Leadership
- SRA 372: Procedures and Techniques in Therapeutic
- SRA 375: Recreational Sports Programming
- SRA 380: Current Issues in Travel & Tourism Mgmt.
- SRA 388: Assessment/Planning in Therapeutic Rec
- SRA 391: Practicum in Recreation Administration I
- SRA 392: Practicum in Rec. Administration II
- SRA 394: Therapeutic Exercise and Fitness
- SRA 401: Internship in Recreation Administration
- SRA 410: Senior Seminar: Professional Development
- SRA 425: Design and Maintenance of Facilities
- SRA 471: Admin. of Recreation Admin. Programs
- SRA 473: Supervision and Administration of Therap
- SRA 475: Legal Aspects of Sport and Recreation
- SRA 490: Independent Study
- SRA 497: Cooperative Field Practicum
- SRA 498: Cooperative Field Practicum
- SRA 499: Cooperative Field Practicum
- SRA 503: Data Analytics and Methodologies
- SRA 511: Applied Statistics
- SRA 574: Current Trends in Therapeutic Recreation
- SRA 580: Recreational Therapy for Older Adults
- SRA 600: Issues & Trends in Recreation Admin. Pro
- SRA 602: Assessment & Evalua. of Rec. Admin. Prog
- SRA 603: Data Analytics Methodologies
- SRA 621: Sport Policy
- SRA 625: Research Design and Evaluation
- SRA 626: Statistical Analysis I
- SRA 627: Internship
- SRA 628: Qualitative Inquiry
- SRA 651: Advanced Independent Study
- SRA 652: Advanced Independent Study
- SRA 653: Independent Research
- SRA 654: Directed Event Programming
- SRA 660: Sport and Leisure Economics
- SRA 671: Recreation Admin. Program Administration
- SRA 672: Business of Sport and Recreation
- SRA 691: Prinicples & Practices of Leisure & Recr
- SRA 697: Thesis
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