Hotel/Motel Administration/Management
- NHM 215: Introduction to Hospitality Management
- NHM 261: Principles of Hotel Operations
- NHM 360: Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry
- NHM 363: Foodservice Procurement
- NHM 441: Food Systems Management and Leadership
- NHM 464: Marketing in the Hospitality Industry
- NHM 467: Hospitality Services Financial Mgmt
- NHM 468: Nutrition/Hospitality Mgmt Study Tour
- NHM 484: Internship in Hospitality
- NHM 550: Seminar in Entrepreneurship
- NHM 566: Human Resource Development in Services
- NHM 628: Organizational Behavior in Hospitality
- NHM 671: Advanced Service Quality Management.
- NHM 676: Adv. Hospitality Information Technology
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