Concentration - Creative Writing

Ph.D. in English


The Ph.D. in English literature is a specialist degree that prepares students for teaching in postsecondary education as well as for literary interpretation and scholarly pursuits. Upon completion of the degree, graduates should be aware of the richness inherent in literature written in English and to have honed to a high level both interpretive thinking and oral and written competencies.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 54

Course Requirements

The requirements for the Ph.D. in English include 24 hours of coursework beyond the master's degree or 42 hours of coursework beyond the bachelor's degree (additional courses may be required by the Graduate Admission Committee on an individual basis); 18 hours of dissertation; successful completion of an Advanced Candidacy Examination (comprehensive); an approved dissertation prospectus; and successful oral defense of a dissertation. For students admitted to the doctoral program with a bachelor's degree, the M.A. may be awarded upon successful completion of the Ph.D. candidacy exam. All students pursuing coursework for the Ph.D. should expect to meet with the director of graduate studies at least once a year to discuss their progress. During the Advanced Candidacy Exam, the student's Advisory Committee will vote on whether to award an M.A. in passing and whether to approve the student's admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree. The coursework must include Eng 600 during a student's first fall semester. Coursework must also include 6 hours in English or American literature before 1800; 6 hours in English or American literature after 1800; and up to 6 hours in related disciplines outside traditional English department courses. Of those 6 hours, up to 3 can be independent study or directed reading. All coursework must be completed before a student may submit any section of the Advanced Candidacy Examination. Graduate instructors teaching in the composition program are required to complete Eng 617 (Teaching College English).

Students may receive a Ph.D. with specialization in Renaissance and Early Modern studies by completing 21 hours of graduate course work in Renaissance and Early Modern studies, including a minimum of 9 hours in the Department of English and a minimum of 9 hours outside the department, and submitting a dissertation on a Renaissance or Early Modern subject. With the exception of the 6-hour requirement in literature after 1800 and the 6-hour limit on graduate course work in related disciplines, students pursuing this specialization must also satisfy all other general requirements for the Ph.D. in English.

Advanced Candidacy: Admission to advanced candidacy follows the successful completion of the Advanced Candidacy Examination, which is both a written and oral examination. See the Department of English website for further detail.

Dissertation prospectus: Soon after admission to advanced candidacy, the candidate is expected to submit a dissertation prospectus to the Ph.D. committee and an outside (extradepartmental) examiner.

Dissertation: The candidate is required to complete a book-length research project that makes an original and significant contribution to the field of literary studies. Candidates must successfully defend their dissertation before the Ph.D. committee and the outside examiner.

Foreign Languages: Although there is no foreign language requirement for the Ph.D. per se, the members of the dissertation committee may, depending on the student's dissertation topic, require that the student demonstrate competence in one or more foreign languages.

Other Academic Requirements

Ph.D. Committee-Each student, working in collaboration with the director of graduate studies, puts together a Ph.D. committee, composed of three members of the Department of English graduate faculty. The student and his or her Ph.D. committee design an individual program of study. The responsibilities of the Ph.D. committee include setting, administering, and evaluating the Advanced Candidacy Examination process; evaluating the dissertation prospectus; supervising and approving dissertation work; conducting and evaluating the oral dissertation defense; and recommending the conferral of the degree. A fourth (extradepartmental) examiner works with the committee to evaluate the candidate's work from the prospectus stage forward.

Concentration - Creative Writing


The Ph.D. in English with Creative Writing Concentration (C.W.C.) is designed to prepare creative writers who have completed a creative writing M.F.A. to teach university-level literature and writing classes. The program will provide an academically rigorous set of requirements designed to expand students’ knowledge of both a literary-historical field and some of the theoretical and aesthetic questions relevant to their own creative work and teaching interests. The objective is to prepare students to teach creative writing at the graduate and undergraduate level and literature courses at the undergraduate level. The C.W.C. program will only consider applicants who have completed an accredited M.F.A. program. The C.W.C. program is designed to grant students a Ph.D. in three years.

B.A. to Ph.D. (with M.F.A. awarded along the way)

Especially promising applicants to the M.F.A. program may be offered, at the time of their admission, a place in the Ph.D. C.W.C. program. The offer remains valid provided they complete all requirements for the M.F.A. degree within three years of their admission and remain in good academic standing. Completion of the B.A. to Ph.D. program will take six years. At the three-year point, when students have completed all requirements for the M.F.A. degree, they will be granted an M.F.A. and enrolled in the Ph.D. C.W.C. program. Students who wish to exit the B.A. to Ph.D. program with an M.F.A. after three years can do so, provided they have completed all M.F.A. degree requirements.


Course Requirements

The requirements for the Ph.D. in English with a Creative Writing

Concentration include:

  • 33 hours of coursework beyond the M.F.A. (additional courses may be required by the Graduate Admission Committee on an individual basis)  
  • 21 hours of dissertation credit
  • Successful completion of an Advanced Candidacy/Area Examination
  • Successful oral defense of a dissertation.

All students pursuing coursework for the Ph.D. should expect to meet with the director of graduate studies at least once a year to discuss their progress. All coursework must be completed before a student may submit any portion of the Advanced Candidacy Examination.

Specific course requirements:

  • 6 hours of coursework in English, American, or world literature before 1800   
  • 6 hours of English, American, or world literature after 1800  
  • 6 hours of creative writing workshop
  • 15 hours of electives, including Eng 681/683 Form, Craft, & Influence, repeatable for credit once. Students may also count 6 hours of graduate coursework in related disciplines and/or directed reading toward their required hours.

Other Academic Requirements

Each student will assemble a Ph.D. committee, composed of four members of the English department graduate faculty whose teaching and research interests complement the student’s own plans for doctoral study. Two faculty members will be from the creative writing side and two will be from the literature side. The student and his or her Ph.D. committee are expected to design an individual program of study that contributes significantly to the student’s familiarity with the practice of creative writing as well as the broad scope of literary history, including areas such as theory, methodology, criticism, canonicity, and the reciprocities between literature and culture.

The responsibilities of the Ph.D. committee include setting, administering, and evaluating the Candidacy Examination and admitting the student to candidacy; supervising and approving dissertation work; conducting and evaluating the oral dissertation defense; and recommending the conferral of the Ph.D. degree. A fifth (extra-departmental) examiner works with the committee to evaluate the candidate’s work from the prospectus stage forward.

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