B.A.E. in Early Childhood Education


This degree program prepares candidates to become effective early childhood educators who use innovative and collaborative practices for children with and without disabilities. Opportunities to apply knowledge and skills are embedded in all coursework and practical experiences in a variety of settings with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarteners. As local, state, and national advocates, graduates will promote the education and wellbeing of young children. Candidates completing the B.A.Ed. in Early Childhood Education program will be effectively prepared to become professionals in a variety of roles, such as working in classroom settings, managing childcare programs and more, within the field of early childhood education.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 124

General Education Requirements

General Education Course Requirements: The core/general education requirements for the B.A.Ed. degree are as follows: 6 hours of English composition (Writ 101 and Writ 102 or Liba 102); 6 hours of English literature; 6 hours of history; 3 hours college algebra or higher; a 3-4 hour biological science course with laboratory; a 3-4 hour physics, astronomy, or physical science II course with laboratory; a 3-4 hour course in geology, chemistry, or physical science I; a 3- hour course in fine arts, one additional 3-hour course in mathematics (MATH 245 or MATH 246), a 3-hour course in geography (GEOG 101), a 3-hour course in sociology or political science. Note: The core requirements are subject to change due to mandates from the Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) and the Mississippi Department of Education. Therefore, it is important for all students to meet with School of Education advisers in the Student Advising and Field Experience Office for the most recent information on the core.

Course Requirements

Requirements for the B.A.Ed. with a major in early childhood education include:

Core Curriculum (39- 42 hours):

English Composition (6 hours): WRIT 101 (3 hours), WRIT 102 or LIBA 102 (3 hours) Social / Behavioral Science (12 hours): SOC or POL (3 hours), HIS (100 level suggested, 3 hours), HIS (100 level suggested, 3 hours), GEOG 101 Introduction to Geography (3 hours). Mathematics / Science (12-15 hours): MATH 121 (College Algebra) or higher (3 hours), Physical Science w/ lab (Physics, Astronomy or Phys. Science II, 3-4 hours), Biological Science w/ lab (BISC 102/ lab 103 suggested, 3-4 hours), Science Elective (Geology, Chemistry or Phys. Science I,3-4 hours). Humanities / Fine Arts (9 hours): English Literature Elective (ENG 200 levels, 3 hours), English Literature Elective (ENG 200 levels, 3 hours), Fine Arts Elective (AH 101, 102, 201, 202; DANC 200; MUS 102, 103; THEA 201, 3 hours).

General Education (12 hours):

  • MATH 245 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I -or- MATH 246 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II (3 hours)
  • EDEC 323 Special Education for Early Childhood Development (3 hours)
  • EDEC 301 Introduction to Early Childhood (3 hours)
  • EDEC 324 Early Language and Literacy (3 hours)

Professional Education Requirements (73 hours)

  • CSD 201 Introduction to Communicative Disorders (3 hours)
  • EDEC 326 Socio-Emotional Competencies (3 hours)
  • EDEC 321 Early Childhood Development I (3 hours)
  • EDCI 352 Education, Society, & the K-12 Learner (2 hours)
  • EDSP 308 Introduction to Special Education (3 hours)
  • EDSP 327 Classroom Management & Behavioral Interventions (3 hours)
  • EDRD 355: Early Literacy Instruction I and II (6 hours)
  • EDEC 320 Early Childhood Methods (3 hours)
  • EDEC 312 Action Lab - ECE Child Guidance / Classroom Management (2 hours)
  • EDCI 353 Planning & Teaching Strategies for Effective Classroom Practice (3 hours)
  • EDEC 327 Social Studies in Early Childhood Education (3 hours)
  • EDSP 335 Assessment of Exceptional Students (3 hours)
  • EDSP 407 SPED Law and Procedures (3 hours)
  • EDEC 402 Action Lab Placement in ECE Preschool (3 hours)
  • EDSP 410 Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom (3 hours)
  • EDEC 328 Infant & Toddler Development and Programming (3 hours)
  • EDEC 304 Action Lab - Infant and Toddler Settings (3 hours)
  • EDEC 400 Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Art (STEAM) in ECE (3 hours)
  • EDEC 401 Integrating Arts into the Curriculum (3 hours)
  • PPL 363 Early Childhood Policy in the U.S. (3 hours)
  • EDEC 404 Assessment for Early Childhood (3 hours)
  • EDLE 463 Student Teaching: Early Childhood (9 hours)

Other Academic Requirements

Note: A minimum grade of C is required in all professional education courses, content courses, and related courses. If this minimum of C is not met, the course(s) must be retaken before enrolling in the next level of professional education courses.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.