Course Index
School of Pharmacy
- Phcy 100: Introduction to Pharmacy
- Phcy 400: Becoming a Pharmacist
- Phcy 401: Foundations of BioMolecular Sciences I
- Phcy 402: Foundations of BioMolecular Sciences II
- Phcy 411: Human Physiology/Pathophysiology I
- Phcy 412: Human Physiology/Pathophysiology II
- Phcy 421: Pharmaceutics and Calculations I
- Phcy 422: Pharmaceutics and Calculations II
- Phcy 431: Social and Administrative Pharmacy I
- Phcy 432: Social and Administrative Pharmacy II
- Phcy 441: Pharmacists' Patient Care Process I
- Phcy 442: Pharmacists' Patient Care Process II
- Phcy 451: Pharmacogenomics
- Phcy 452: Pharmacoimmunology
- Phcy 460: Personal and Professional Development I
- Phcy 461: Interprofessional Collaboration I
Pharmacy Practice
School of Pharmacy
- Phcy 501: Infectious Diseases Intensive
- Phcy 502: Integrated Systems: Cardiovascular
- Phcy 503: Integrated Systems: Respiratory
- Phcy 504: Integrated Systems: Renal
- Phcy 505: Integrated Systems: Neuromuscular
- Phcy 506: Integrated Systems: CNS/Psych
- Phcy 507: Integrated Systems: Endocrine System
- Phcy 508: Integrated Systems: GI/Nutrition
- Phcy 509: Integrated Systems: DERM/EENT
Pharmacy Practice
School of Pharmacy
- Phcy 550: Integrated Institutional IPPE
- Phcy 560: Personal and Professional Development II
- Phcy 561: Interprofessional Collaboration II
- Phcy 601: Multisystem Complex Patient Care I
- Phcy 602: Hematology/Oncology/Immunology
- Phcy 603: Integrated Genitourinary & Reproductive
- Phcy 604: Pediatrics and Geriatrics
- Phcy 605: Integrated Selective IPPE
- Phcy 606: Population and Rural Health
- Phcy 607: Practice Law Application
- Phcy 608: Multisystem Complex Patient Care II
- Phcy 650: Integrated Comm & Ambulatory IPPE
- Phcy 651: Integrated Inst & Specialty IPPE
- Phcy 660: Personal & Professional Development III
- Phcy 661: Interprofessional Collaboration III
Pharmacy Practice
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.