Pharmacy (PharmD - USA - PharmD, BS/BPharm - Canada)
- Acad 591: Academia Advanced Practice Experience
- Ambc 591: Ambulatory Care Clerkship
- BMS 472: Spanish for Pharmacists
- BMS 473: Medical Cannabis
- BMS 475: Molecular Basis of Future Medicines
- Bari 591: Bariatric Advanced Pharmacy Practice Exp
- Biot 591: Biotech Pharmacy Services Advanced Pharm
- Card 591: Cardiology Clerkship
- Comm 591: Community Pharmacy Clerkship
- Crit 591: Critical Care Clerkship
- Dinf 591: Drug Information Clerkship
- Emer 591: Emergency Medical Clerkship
- Gera 591: Geriatrics Clerkship
- Home 591: Home Infusion Advanced Pharmacy Practice
- Hst 478: History of Pharmacy
- Inad 591: Institutional Administration Advanced Ph
- Indy 591: Pharmaceutical Industry Clerkship
- Infd 591: Infectious Disease Clerkship
- Info 591: Informatics Practice Experience
- Inop 591: Institutional Out-Patient Practice Exper
- Manc 591: Managed Care Clerkship
- Medc 317: Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacoimmunology
- Medc 415: Chemical Neurosci. Prin. of Drug Abuse
- Medc 416: Intro to the Principles of Med Chem I
- Medc 417: Intro to the Principles of Med Chem II
- Medc 591: Medicine Clerkship
- Mgmt 591: Pharmacy Management Advanced Pharmacy Ph
- Neon 591: Neonatology Advanced Pharmacy Practice E
- Neur 591: Neurology Clerkship
- Nucl 591: Nuclear Medicine Advanced Pharmacy Pract
- Nutr 591: Nutrition Clerkship
- Oncl 591: Oncology Clerkship
- Pain 591: Pain Management Advanced Pharmacy Practi
- Peds 591: Pediatric Clerkship
- Phad 393: Learning & Teaching: A Professional Elec
- Phad 470: Phy & Psychosoc Aspects Women's Health
- Phad 492: Current Issues in Health Care
- Phad 495: Techniques of Pharmaceutical Sales
- Phad 496: Principles of Pharmaceutical Marketing
- Phar 437: 3D Printing of Pharmaceutical Dosage For
- Phcg 422: Natural Product Derived Pharmaceuticals
- Phcg 425: Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms
- Phcl 341: Human Pathophysiology I
- Phcl 342: Human Pathophysiology II
- Phcl 343: Biochemical Foundations of Therapeutics
- Phcl 345: Nutritional Pharmacology
- Phcl 440: Physiologic Case Study for Therapeutics
- Phcl 441: Pharmacology: Novel Drugs in Clin Trials
- Phcl 442: Clinical Toxicology
- Phcl 443: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology I
- Phcl 444: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology II
- Phcl 445: Nutritional Pharmacology
- Phcy 100: Introduction to Pharmacy
- Phcy 470: Distributive Intro Pharmacy Practice Exp
- Phcy 471: Institutional Immersion IPPE I
- Phcy 481: Pharmacy Practice Applications I
- Phcy 482: Pharmacy Practice Applications II
- Phcy 501: Infectious Diseases Intensive
- Phcy 502: Integrated Systems: Cardiovascular
- Phcy 503: Integrated Systems: Respiratory
- Phcy 504: Integrated Systems: Renal
- Phcy 505: Integrated Systems: Neuromuscular
- Phcy 506: Integrated Systems: CNS/Psych
- Phcy 507: Integrated Systems: Endocrine System
- Phcy 508: Integrated Systems: GI/Nutrition
- Phcy 509: Integrated Systems: DERM/EENT
- Phcy 550: Integrated Institutional IPPE
- Phcy 560: Personal and Professional Development II
- Phcy 561: Interprofessional Collaboration II
- Phcy 581: Pharmacy Practice Applications III
- Phcy 582: Pharmacy Practice Applications IV
- Phcy 601: Multisystem Complex Patient Care I
- Phcy 602: Hematology/Oncology/Immunology
- Phcy 603: Integrated Genitourinary & Reproductive
- Phcy 604: Pediatrics and Geriatrics
- Phcy 605: Integrated Selective IPPE
- Phcy 606: Population and Rural Health
- Phcy 607: Practice Law Application
- Phcy 608: Multisystem Complex Patient Care II
- Phcy 650: Integrated Comm & Ambulatory IPPE
- Phcy 651: Integrated Inst & Specialty IPPE
- Phcy 660: Personal & Professional Development III
- Phcy 661: Interprofessional Collaboration III
- Phcy 681: Pharmacy Practice Applications V
- Phcy 682: Pharmacy Practice Applications VI
- Pkin 591: Pharmacokinetics Clerkship
- Pmtm 591: Pharmacy Medication Therapy Management
- Pois 591: Poison Control Clerkship
- Prct 470: Introduction to Nuclear Pharmacy
- Prct 471: Advanced Topics in Cardiology
- Prct 472: Life After Graduation
- Prct 473: Beyond Dispensing
- Prct 474: Advanced Infectious Diseases
- Prct 475: Nutrition Support
- Prct 476: Wellbeing & Resiliency for Student Pharm
- Prct 488: Advanced Topics in Diabetes Care
- Prct 490: Landmark Trials
- Prct 541: Problems in Clinical Pharmacy
- Prct 543: Community Pharmacy Practice III
- Prct 544: Institutional Pharmacy Practice III
- Prct 545: Specialty Pharmacy Practice Elective
- Prct 552: Preventive Medicine and Public Health
- Prct 553: Clinical Externship (community)
- Prct 554: Clinical Externship (institutional)
- Prct 555: Pharmaceutical Care I: Knowledge & Compr
- Prct 556: Pharmaceutical Care I: Problem-Solvin
- Prct 557: Pharmaceutical Care I: Group
- Prct 558: Pharmaceutical Care II:Knowledge & Comp
- Prct 559: Pharmaceutical Care II: Problem-Solving
- Prct 560: Pharmaceutical Care II: Group
- Prct 561: Pharmaceutical Care III:Knowledge & Comp
- Prct 562: Pharmaceutical Care III: Problem-Solving
- Prct 563: Pharmaceutical Care III: Group
- Prct 564: Pharmaceutical Care IV: Knowledge & Comp
- Prct 565: Pharmaceutical Care IV: Problem-Solving
- Prct 566: Pers & Prof Dev - Seminar Skills
- Prct 567: Pers & Prof Dev - NAPLEX Review
- Prct 568: Pediatric Pharmacotherapy
- Prct 569: Pharmaceutical Care IV: Group
- Prct 570: Patient-Caregiver-Provider Education
- Prct 577: Practice Skills Laboratory V
- Prct 586: Adult Medicine Clerkship
- Prct 587: Ambulatory Care Clerkship
- Prct 591: Elective Clerkship
- Prct 592: Elective Clerkship
- Prct 593: Elective Clerkship
- Prct 599: Clinical Trials Skills
- Psyc 591: Psychiatry Clerkship
- Pubh 591: Public Health Advanced Pharmacy Practice
- Rsch 591: Research Advanced Pharmacy Practice Exp
- SBOP 591: State Board of Pharmacy Practice Exp
- Spec 591: Specialty Pharmacy Practice Experience
- Surg 591: Surgery Clerkship
- TOCP 591: Transitions of Care Patient Care APPE
- Tran 591: Organ Transplant Advanced Pharmacy Pract
- Vetp 591: Veterinary Medicine Advanced Pharmacy Pr
- Womh 591: Women's Health Advanced Pharmacy Practic
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.