Course Index
- Phar 432: Concepts in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Phar 433: Industrial Pharmacy
- Phar 435: Pharmaceutical Stability
- Phar 436: Product Development
- Phar 541: Problems in Pharmaceutics
- Phar 542: Problems in Pharmaceutics
- Phar 543: Seminar in Current Pharm. Topics
- Phar 544: Seminar in Current Pharm. Topics
- Phar 545: Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
- Phar 547: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals
- Phar 548: Clinical Laboratory Data Analysis
- Phar 630: Pharm. Protein Design and Development
- Phar 650: Formulation Development
- Phar 651: Regulatory Science I
- Phar 652: Regulatory Science II
- Phar 654: Special Problems in Biopharmaceutics
- Phar 658: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Phar 696: Special Projects
- Phar 697: Thesis
- Phar 735: Analytical Pharmaceutics
- Phar 741: Advanced Pharmaceutics
- Phar 744: Stability of Pharmaceutical Systems
- Phar 749: Product Development
- Phar 750: Applied Pharmaceutics
- Phar 760: Applied Pharmacokinetics
- Phar 797: Dissertation
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