- Bus 101: Business for a Better World
- Bus 300: Undergraduate Business Internship
- Bus 330: Ethical Management and Decision Making
- Bus 395: Honors Thesis in Business
- Ent 101: Social Entrepreneurship
- Ent 321: Entrepreneurial Pitching
- Ent 331: Social Influencing in Sport
- Ent 351: Design Thinking for Innovation
- Ent 352: Entrepreneurial Law
- Ent 356: Quickbooks
- Ent 380: Topics in Entrepreneurship Abroad
- Ent 381: Arts Entrepreneurship
- Ent 382: Franchising
- Ent 386: Digital Marketing
- Ent 387: Digital Marketing II
- Ent 388: e-Commerce Strategy for Entrepreneurs
- Ent 395: Honors Thesis in Entrepreneurship
- Ent 396: Business Venturing
- Ent 411: Project Management for PMI Certification
- Ent 412: Basics of Applied International Trade
- Ent 422: Blockchain and the Modern Economy
- Ent 426: Venture Ideas
- Ent 436: Business Strategy and Modeling
- Ent 446: Corporate Innovation
- Ent 451: Biomedical Entrepreneurship
- Ent 456: Venture Finance
- Ent 466: Regulation in New Ventures
- Ent 476: Entrepreneurial Leadership
- Ent 486: Family Business Management
- Ent 498: Executive Perspectives on Dealmaking
- Ent 499: Venture Accelerator
- Ent 651: Business Planning and Entrepreneurship
- Ent 652: Addressing Your Market
- Ent 653: Innovation, and Design Thinking
- Ent 654: Venture Accelerator
- GB 101: Design Thinking for Innovation
- GB 310: Information Technology in Business
- GB 320: Essentials of Supply Chain Management
- GB 330: Essentials of Finance
- GB 350: Essentials of Marketing
- GB 370: Entrepreneurship and Management
- GB 490: General Business Topics Review
- Mgmt 101: Leadership for the Future
- Mgmt 310: Alternative Sports Management
- Mgmt 311: High Performance Work Teams
- Mgmt 351: Health Systems Management
- Mgmt 352: Health Innovation and Information
- Mgmt 353: Healthcare Regulation and Policy
- Mgmt 371: Principles of Management
- Mgmt 380: Topics in Management Abroad
- Mgmt 383: Human Resource Management
- Mgmt 391: Organizational Behavior
- Mgmt 392: Intercultural Business Communication
- Mgmt 395: Honors Thesis in Management
- Mgmt 484: Training and Development
- Mgmt 485: Selection and Placement
- Mgmt 493: Management of Strategic Planning
- Mgmt 494: Compensation Management
- Mgmt 495: Leadership and Group Dynamics
- Mgmt 496: Modern Management Skills
- Mgmt 527: Advanced Human Resource Management
- Mgmt 578: History of Management Thought
- Mgmt 581: Collective Bargaining
- Mgmt 582: Employee Relations
- Mgmt 583: Labor Relations
- Mgmt 585: Strategic Human Resource Management
- Mgmt 587: Organization Theory
- Mgmt 595: International Business Management
- Mgmt 606: Advanced Organization Behavior
- Mgmt 620: Advanced Directed Study
- Mgmt 664: Advanced Management Research
- Mgmt 670: Advanced Readings in Management
- Mgmt 671: Guided Research in Management
- Mgmt 673: Seminar in Human resource Management
- Mgmt 675: Seminar in Employee Relations
- Mgmt 676: Seminar in Organizational Behavior
- Mgmt 678: Seminar in Group Process
- Mgmt 679: Theoretical Foundations of Management
- Mgmt 695: Special Topics in Management
- Mgmt 697: Thesis
- Mgmt 797: Dissertation
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.