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Emphasis - Linguistics

M.A. in Modern Languages


The Department of Modern Languages offers the M.A. in modern languages with emphases in French, German, linguistics, Spanish, and teaching English as a second language (TESOL).

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 36

Course Requirements

Students must satisfy the requirements for either the emphasis in French, German, linguistics, Spanish, or TESOL.

Emphasis - Linguistics


Students who specialize in linguistics will be exposed to a broad range of linguistic inquiry and will then be encouraged to develop a specific research agenda. With its strong emphasis on research and academic writing, this degree prepares students for doctoral study in general, theoretical, or applied linguistics.

Course Requirements

Three options for completing the degree are available. All options require 36 credit hours, including Lin 603; 6 credit hours of theoretical linguistics courses, which are Lin 604, 605, 610, and 620; and 6 credit hours of language diversity courses, which are Lin 511, 520, 552, 561 and 571. These three options are as follows:

  1. 36 hours of graduate-level coursework in Lin;
  2. a minimum of 24 hours of graduate-level course work in Lin plus 6-12 hours of coursework in a departmentally approved subfield; or
  3. a minimum of 24 hours of graduate-level coursework in Lin and 6-12 hours of thesis work. Students who wish to choose the thesis option are additionally required to take either Lin 690 or 691.

Other Academic Requirements

Students must maintain a B average in their course work or be subjected to probation and/or expulsion from the program.

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