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Emphasis - Special Education Online

M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction


The M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction is offered with four emphasis areas: elementary education, special education, literacy education, and secondary education. The latter emphasis can also be completed with one of four specializations: English education, mathematics education, science education (biology, physics, and chemistry), and social studies education. For each program, candidates engage in readings, research, discussions, simulations, reflections, applications, and field experiences/clinical practices intended to help them grow as reflective education professionals.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 30

Goals/Mission Statement

The philosophy of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, as it applies to the preparation of teachers, is reflected by the belief that teachers should be prepared to - Develop and engage in appropriate teaching strategies by studying, interacting, practicing, and reflecting; - Collaborate in identifying and meeting the broad range of goals for which schools are responsible in today’s society; - Show by modeling and encouraging students the dispositions of leading, thinking, problem solving, and lifelong learning; - Respect and serve culturally diverse populations and communities; and - Assume responsibility for the quality and effectiveness of their professional lives.

Course Requirements

The M.Ed. degree requires 30 semester hours of course work with emphasis in elementary, secondary, literacy or special education. All candidates for the degree must take Educational Research I (Edrs 605) and Advanced Curriculum Theory and Practice (Edci 601).

Emphasis - Special Education Online


The Department of Curriculum and Instruction offers the Master of Education (M.Ed.) and Educational Specialist (Ed.S.), with emphases in elementary education, secondary education, literacy education, special education, and special education online, the Master of Arts (M.A.) (Teacher Corps option), the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in elementary education, and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in secondary education.

Course Requirements

Entrance to all M.Ed. programs requires the following:

  1. Verification of National Board Certification OR an OFFICIAL COPY of passing Praxis II scores on either the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) (minimum score 156) OR the required subject area exam according to department requirements. Contact the department for test codes and minimum scores. GRE scores are required for spring 2009 applicants. Praxis II scores and National Board Certification will not be accepted after fall 2008.

  2. A copy of the Class A (standard five-year) license OR proof of eligibility to hold a standard teaching license.

  3. Minimum GPA of 3.0 on all previous course work.

  4. Two disposition assessment forms completed as indicated on form. Contact the department for copies of these forms.

Note: A decision regarding admission will not be made until all required paperwork is on file at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction office.

Admission to the M.Ed. in literacy education is competitive, with admissionÕs openings limited in number and dependent upon the availability of faculty mentors. Candidates admitted to the program will be assigned a faculty mentor upon admittance. The admission requirements for the program are as follows: - 3.0 GPA on the last 60 hours of undergraduate work - Competitive GRE scores - Statement on philosophy of education (including an assignment and rubric for grading) - Two letters of recommendation - Hold or be eligible to hold an educatorÕs license

Applications must be received before March 15 for the first summer term admission. Candidates are admitted only during the spring semester with course work beginning the first summer term.

Other Academic Requirements

Candidates who are conditionally admitted or who elect to enroll as nondegree-seeking students may take only 9 hours and are NOT eligible for financial aid.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.