Biomolecular Sciences
- BMS 345: Anatomical Foundations in Human Health
- BMS 401: Honors Introduction to Cancer Research
- BMS 470: Antimicrobial Resistance Mechanisms
- BMS 471: Targeting Neurodegenerative Diseases
- BMS 472: Spanish for Pharmacists
- BMS 473: Medical Cannabis
- BMS 474: Pandemics and Society
- BMS 475: Molecular Basis of Future Medicines
- BMS 476: Intro to AI & Applications in Pharmacy
- BMS 601: Graduate Student Survival Strategies
- BMS 602: Techniques in BioMolecular Sciences
- BMS 605: Original Research Proposal BMS
- BMS 608: Scientific Writing for BioMolecular Scie
- BMS 610: Carbohydrates and Glycoconjugates
- BMS 641: BioMolecular Sciences Seminar
- BMS 643: BioMolecular Sciences Seminar
- BMS 651: Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytoc
- BMS 652: Regulation of Dietary Supplements
- BMS 653: Formulation and Manufacturing of Dietary
- BMS 654: Identification and Authentication of Die
- BMS 655: Pharmacology and Toxicology of Dietary S
- BMS 661: Cannabis Identification, Genomics, & Eng
- BMS 662: Cannabis Policy & Law Syllabus
- BMS 663: Formulation & Manufacturing of Cannabis
- BMS 664: Chemistry & Standardization of Cannabis
- BMS 665: Pharmacology & Toxicology of Cannabinoid
- BMS 725: Mass Spectrometry: Fundamentals
- BMS 767: Advanced Topics in Toxicology
- Medc 317: Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacoimmunology
- Medc 318: Chemical and Biological Terrorism
- Medc 319: Computer-Aided Drug Design
- Medc 411: Medicinal Chem of Therapeutic Agents I
- Medc 412: Medicinal Chem of Therapeutic Agents II
- Medc 415: Chemical Neurosci. Prin. of Drug Abuse
- Medc 416: Intro to the Principles of Med Chem I
- Medc 417: Intro to the Principles of Med Chem II
- Medc 418: Neuroscience Principles of Drug Abuse
- Medc 419: Special Topics in Oncology
- Medc 501: Advanced Medicinal Chemistry I
- Medc 502: Advanced Medicinal Chemistry II
- Medc 503: Medicinal Chemistry Research Methodology
- Medc 507: Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis
- Medc 541: Problems in Medicinal Chemistry
- Medc 542: Problems in Medicinal Chemistry
- Medc 610: Selected Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
- Medc 621: Theory of Technology Development
- Medc 622: Early Stages of Technology Development
- Medc 623: Fostering Creative Environments
- Medc 625: Applied Igert Problems
- Medc 630: Pharmaceutical Protein Design & Devel
- Medc 697: Thesis
- Medc 711: Drug Action & Design I: Intro to Com-Aid
- Medc 712: Drug Action & Design II: Quantit Struct-
- Medc 713: Drug Action & Design III: Drugs Affectin
- Medc 714: Drug Action & Design IV: Chemotherapy of
- Medc 718: Drug Action & Design Vi: Bioorganic Chem
- Medc 797: Dissertation
- Phcg 320: Special Topics in Oceans & Human Health
- Phcg 321: Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
- Phcg 329: Herbal Supplements & Alternative Therapy
- Phcg 422: Natural Product Derived Pharmaceuticals
- Phcg 425: Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms
- Phcg 426: Cancer Chemo - Targets and Discovery
- Phcg 427: Drug Discovery I
- Phcg 428: Drug Discovery II
- Phcg 450: Career/Achievements in BMS: Nat.Prod.Res
- Phcg 451: Probiotics in Pharmacy
- Phcg 541: Problems in Pharmacognosy
- Phcg 542: Problems in Pharmacognosy
- Phcg 545: Individual Study in Pharmacognosy Res
- Phcg 546: Individual Study in Pharmacognosy Res
- Phcg 550: Careers/Achievements in BMS
- Phcg 620: Selected Topics in Pharmacognosy
- Phcg 627: Natural Product Chemistry
- Phcg 628: Natural Product Chemistry
- Phcg 630: Advanced Topics
- Phcg 631: Analysis of Natural Product Drugs I
- Phcg 632: Analysis of Natural Product Drugs II
- Phcg 633: Analysis of Natural Product Drugs III
- Phcg 634: Biosynthesis of Plant Constituents
- Phcg 635: Introduction to Molecular Cell Biology
- Phcg 636: Fermentation Chemistry
- Phcg 697: Thesis
- Phcg 797: Dissertation
- Phcl 202: Environmental Health Perspectives
- Phcl 340: Animal Cells: Testing New Drugs
- Phcl 341: Human Pathophysiology I
- Phcl 342: Human Pathophysiology II
- Phcl 343: Biochemical Foundations of Therapeutics
- Phcl 344: Physiological Foundation of Therapeutics
- Phcl 345: Nutritional Pharmacology
- Phcl 346: Immunological Basis for Therapeutics
- Phcl 347: Introduction to Environmental Toxicology
- Phcl 348: Principles of Life Science Research
- Phcl 349: Specialized Topics in Environ. Health
- Phcl 351: Drugs and Human Performance
- Phcl 352: Case Studies in Immunology
- Phcl 381: Introduction to Toxicology
- Phcl 382: Fundamentals of Cancer
- Phcl 440: Physiologic Case Study for Therapeutics
- Phcl 441: Pharmacology: Novel Drugs in Clin Trials
- Phcl 442: Clinical Toxicology
- Phcl 443: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology I
- Phcl 444: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology II
- Phcl 445: Nutritional Pharmacology
- Phcl 501: Principles of Life Science Research
- Phcl 503: Lab Meth in Pharmacology & Toxicology I
- Phcl 504: Lab Meth in Pharmacology & Toxicology II
- Phcl 505: Modern Phcl: Novel Drugs Clinical Trials
- Phcl 541: Problems in Pharmacology
- Phcl 547: Introduction to Environmental Toxicology
- Phcl 563: Introductory Pharmacology I
- Phcl 564: Introductory Pharmacology II
- Phcl 569: Drug Abuse Education
- Phcl 581: Introduction to Toxicology
- Phcl 586: Receptors and Channels
- Phcl 611: Teaching in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 612: Teaching in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 641: Unified Lab in Pharm, Tox & Phys Chem
- Phcl 642: Unified Lab in Pharm, Tox & Phys Chem
- Phcl 643: Seminar: Curr Topics in Pharm & Tox
- Phcl 651: Directed Studies in Pharm and Tox
- Phcl 652: Directed Studies in Pharm and Tox
- Phcl 661: Advanced Physiology
- Phcl 662: Advanced Physiology
- Phcl 663: General Pharmacology I
- Phcl 665: Human Neurobiology
- Phcl 668: Externship in Pharmacology
- Phcl 669: Physiological Chemistry
- Phcl 675: Gen Princ of Pharmacology & Toxicology I
- Phcl 676: Gen Princ - Pharmacology & Toxicology II
- Phcl 677: Advanced Topics
- Phcl 679: Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 681: Sel Topics - Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 685: Externship in Toxicology
- Phcl 697: Thesis
- Phcl 797: Dissertation
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.