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Minor - Society and Health

Minor - Society and Health


The minor in society and health focuses on the socioeconomic, cultural, and psychological factors associated with human health at multiple levels of society, coupled with their implications for ethical health care practice and policy. Students will develop an interdisciplinary social science and humanities-based approach to understanding health and an appreciation for the value of interprofessional, team-based problem-solving to improve health care and health outcomes.

Course Requirements

The minor in society and health is interdisciplinary and consists of 18 credit hours, including Math 115 or Psy 202; one of the two following courses: Soc 370/Hon 315 or SoHe 329; and 12 credit hours from the following list of advanced social science and humanities courses. Students must take courses from at least two different departments when completing the last requirement of 12 credit hours of advanced social science and humanities courses. The same course may not satisfy requirements for both the major and the minor. Students who complete relevant internships, special topics, study abroad, or directed study courses must consult with the director prior to enrollment in the course for approval. Students must receive a grade of C or higher on all courses to be applied to the minor.

Advanced Courses (12 hours from at least two different departments)

  • Phad 395. Pharmacy Ethics
  • Phil 328. Biomedical Ethics
  • Rel 363. Religious Perspectives on Aging and Death
  • Rel 388. Religion, Illness, and Healing
  • Psy 301. Developmental Psychology
  • Psy 311. Abnormal Psychology
  • Psy 321. Social Psychology
  • Psy 410. Health Psychology
  • Psy 417. Disasters and Mental Health
  • Psy 460/G St 460. Psychology of Human Sexuality
  • Psy 465 [565]/G St 465. Psychology of Gender
  • SW 326. Gerontology
  • SW 427. Psychosocial Aspects of Loss Death Grief
  • Soc 301. The Family
  • Soc 310. Sociology of Disability
  • Soc 311. Social Problems
  • Soc 345. Population Trends and Problems
  • Soc 370/Hon 315. Society and Population Health/Explorations in Population Health
  • Soc 411. Environment, Technology, and Society
  • Soc 413. Race and Ethnicity
  • Soc 427. Social Stratification
  • Soc 455. Population Studies Applied Research
  • Anth 349. Medical Anthropology
  • IMC 585/Jour 585. Health Communication
  • NHM 311. Principles of Nutrition
  • NHM 323. Human Development
  • NHM 328. Child Development
  • NHM 417. Community Nutrition
  • LA 411. Elder Law
  • SoHe 301. Topics in Society and Health Abroad
  • SoHe 302. Topics in Society and Health
  • SoHe 329. Medical Humanities
  • SoHe 495. Society and Health Internship
  • SoHe 497. Directed Study in Society and Health

Other Academic Requirements

Admission to the minor in society and health is based on submission and approval of an application. Students must officially apply to the minor after having completed either Society and Population Health (Soc 370/Hon 315) or Medical Humanities (SoHe 329) with a grade of C or higher. The application process will consider a student's performance in the initial required course, overall GPA, and essay on academic and professional goals related to society and health.

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