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M.A. in Political Science


The M.A. degree provides students with an intensive study of the different fields, theories, and research methods in contemporary political science. The degree prepares students for doctoral study in political science, and for careers in education, government, or policy analysis. Two options are offered: One, which requires a written thesis, is for students primarily interested in political science research; the other, which replaces the thesis with a written comprehensive examination, is for students who are more concerned with the practical application of their political science expertise.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 30

Course Requirements

The M.A. in political science can be completed as either a thesis or nonthesis program.

Thesis Option: Thirty graduate-level semester hours, including 6 hours of methods/tools courses (Pol 550, 551) and a thesis carrying 6 credit hours constitute the minimum requirement. Each candidate for the M.A. must pass an oral examination after the other requirements for the degree have been fulfilled. The examination may include the student’s course work as well as the thesis. All requirements for the M.A. degree normally must be completed within four years from the date of enrollment.

Nonthesis Option: Thirty graduate-level semester hours, including 6 hours of methods/tools courses (Pol 550, 551) and a written comprehensive examination in the student’s major subfield constitute the minimum requirement. Each candidate for the M.A. must pass an oral examination after the other requirements for the degree have been fulfilled. The examination may include the student’s course work as well as the written examination. All requirements for the M.A. degree normally must be completed within four years from the date of enrollment.

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