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Minor - Medieval Studies

Minor - Medieval Studies


The minor in medieval studies is an interdisciplinary course of study that covers the period from 476 to 1517. Students will be encouraged to take courses from a wide range of disciplines, which makes this minor well-suited to many majors. They will come to understand that "the Middle Ages" in fact includes a wide variety of cultures, artistic trends, literatures, languages, philosophies, and religious practices. In developing a deeper appreciation for the past, students will come to a better understanding of the foundation of our fast-paced, ever- changing present-day world.

Course Requirements

The minor in medieval studies consists of 18 semester hours, including Hst 309 or Eng 316 or Mlll 375. Students must complete 15 hours at the 300 level or above from the approved list of courses below. The 18 semester hours must be taken in at least three different areas (e.g., English, Spanish, German), with 15 hours in an area different from the student's major. The same course may not satisfy requirements for both the major and the minor.

Medieval Studies Course Work
AH 330 Medieval Art
AH 332 Early Christian, Byzantine & Islamic Art
AH 334 Early Medieval Art and Archaeology
AH 336 Viking Art and Archaeology
AH 338 Romanesque and Gothic Art
AH 530 Topics in Medieval Art
Eng 317 Chaucer
Eng 318 Medieval Romance
Eng 319 Medieval Drama
Eng 320 The Heroic Age
Eng 321 Literature of Medieval Europe
Eng 322 Studies in Medieval Literature
Eng 417 Early Middle English
Eng 418 Advanced Studies in Chaucer
Eng 419 14th Century English Literature
Eng 420 Anglo-Saxon and Celtic Literature
Eng 421 Literature of Medieval Europe
Eng 422 Literature of Medieval Piety
Eng 423 Special Topics in Medieval Literature
Eng 424 Medieval Forms and Genres
Eng 506 Old English I
Eng 507 Old English II
Eng 508 History of the English Language II
Fr 574 History of French Language
Fr 577 Survey of French Literature I
Fr 582 Medieval and Renaissance French Lit
Germ 574 History of the German Language
Germ 577 Survey of German Lit. & Culture I
Hst 307 History of Ancient Christianity
Hst 309 The Middle Ages
Hst 310 History of Medieval Christianity
Hst 311 Medieval Church and Empire
Hst 317 Late Middle Ages and Renaissance
Ital 331 Intro to Italian Lit & Literary Analysis
Lat 329 Medieval Latin
Mus 501 Music of the Medieval/Renaissance Period
Phil 301 History of Philosophy I
Phil 307 Medieval Philosophy
Rel 323 Islam
Rel 326 Saints and Sexuality
Rel 372 Rise of Christianity
Rel 385 Western Mysticism
Span 574 History of Spanish Language
Span 577 Survey of Spanish Literature I
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.