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Emphasis - Materials Science and Engr.

Ph.D. in Engineering Science


The Ph.D. in engineering science is offered in a number of emphasis areas: aeroacoustics, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computational hydroscience, computer science, electrical engineering, electromagnetics, environmental engineering, geology, geological engineering, hydrology, mechanical engineering, and material science and engineering.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 54

Course Requirements

A student must complete the requirements for one of the emphasis areas. All doctoral programs require completion of a comprehensive examination, dissertation prospectus, and a dissertation. See the department chair or adviser for specific requirements for an emphasis area.

Emphasis - Materials Science and Engr.


A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in materials science and engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as physics or chemistry.

Course Requirements

The Ph.D. with an emphasis in materials science and engineering requires 30 semester hours of course work beyond the master's degree as specified and approved by the student’s advisory committee, plus 12 hours of research and 18 dissertation hours.

Other Academic Requirements

Written and oral qualifying examinations, comprehensive examinations, a dissertation prospectus, and the dissertation defense are required. Before admission to candidacy, the student must pass the written and oral comprehensive exams.

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