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B.S.E.E. in Electrical Engineering

Degree Requirements

The academic regulations for this degree program, as entered in the University of Mississippi Catalog, are in effect for the current or selected academic year and semester. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change rules for registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time.

B.S.E.E. in Electrical Engineering

General Education

Requirement Hours Description
Chem 105 3 Complete Chem 105 with a passing grade.
Chem 115 1 Complete Chem 115 with a passing grade.
Econ 310 3 Complete Econ 310 with a passing grade.
First Year Writing I 3 Complete Hon 101, Writ 100 or Writ 101 with a passing grade.
First Year Writing II 3 Complete one of the following courses with a passing grade: Liba 102, Writ 102 or Hon 102.
Math 261 3 Complete Math 261 with a passing grade.
Math 262 3 Complete Math 262 with a passing grade.
Math 263 3 Complete Math 263 with a passing grade.
Math 264 3 Complete Math 264 with a passing grade.
Math 353 3 Complete Math 353 with a passing grade.
Phys 211 3 Complete Phys 211 with a passing grade.
Phys 212 3 Complete Phys 212 with a passing grade.
Phys 221 1 Complete Phys 221 with a passing grade.
Phys 222 1 Complete Phys 222 with a passing grade.
3 hrs fine arts/humanities 3 Complete 3 additional hours in any of the humanities or fine arts categories defined by the School of Engineering general education requirements.
3 hrs fine arts 3 Student must successfully complete 3 hours in the fine arts. The course may be chosen from art history, art appreciation, and criticism of art, dance, music, and theatre arts. Courses emphasizing the enhancement of skills and performance are not acceptable.
3 hrs general education work 3 Complete 3 hrs General Education work chosen from the following: additional fine art, additional social science, additional humanities, As 301, As 302, Bus 250, Bus 271, Edld 110, Edld 111, Edld 120, Edld 220, Engr 400, Mgmt 371, Msl 102, Nsc 211, Spch 102, or Spch 105.
3 hrs humanities 3 Complete 3 hrs of humanities choosing from course work in classics, literature, history, modern language, philosophy, religion, Southern studies, African American Studies, and Gender Studies.
3 hrs social sciences 3 Complete 3 hours of social sciences choosing from the following; economics, anthropology, political science, psychology, and sociology.

Major Requirements

Requirement Hours Description
El E 100 or Engr 100 3 Complete El E 100 or Engr 100 with a passing grade.
El E 331 3 Complete El E 331 with a passing grade.
El E 235 3 Complete El E 235 with a passing grade.
El E 236 1 Complete El E 236 with a passing grade.
El E 341 3 Complete El E 341 with a passing grade.
El E 351 3 Complete El E 351 with a passing grade.
El E 352 3 Complete El E 352 with a passing grade.
El E 353 1 Complete El E 353 with a passing grade.
El E 385 3 Complete El E 385 with a passing grade.
El E 367 3 Complete El E 367 with a passing grade.
El E 386 1 Complete El E 386 with a passing grade.
El E 391 3 Complete El E 391 with a passing grade.
El E 431 3 Complete El E 431 with a passing grade.
El E 461 1 Complete El E 461 with a passing grade.
El E 462 2 Complete El E 462 with a passing grade.
Engr 309 3 Complete Engr 309 with a passing grade.
Engr 310 3 Complete Engr 310 with a passing grade.
Engr 321 3 Complete Engr 321 with a passing grade.
Engr 360 3 Complete Engr 360 with a passing grade.
Engr 361 1 Complete Engr 361 with a passing grade.
EL E 340,237 4 Complete EL E 340,237 with a passing grade.
School of Engineering GPA Must be at least a 2.0
Enroll in a BSEE emphasis Enroll in an emphasis within the BSEE program.

Emphasis - General Program

Requirement Hours Description
Csci 259 3 Complete Csci 259 with a passing grade.
Csci 251 3 Complete Csci 251 with a passing grade.
El E 447 3 Complete El E 447 with a passing grade.
El E 485 2 Complete El E 485 with a passing grade.
El E 486 1 Complete El E 486 with a passing grade.
14 hrs technical electives 14 Complete 14 hours of technical elective courses. Technical elective courses may be chosen from El E 313, 314, 413, 414, 415, 425, 433, 441, 443, 447, 451, 453, 482, 487, 523, 525, 533, 534, 535, 536, 586; Engr 597; CSci 361, 423, 521, 530, 551,561. A maximum of 6 hrs. of 300+ level courses from CSCI, Math, Phys can be counted as technical electives, subject to approval by the Chair of ECE.
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.