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Emphasis - Chemistry

B.A.Ed. in Science Education


The B.A.E. degree with a major in science education can be completed with an emphasis in biology, chemistry, or physics. The degree prepares graduates to be eligible for certification in Mississippi to teach one of these science subjects in grades 7-12. Graduates may also teach other subjects by gaining supplemental endorsements. (See an advisor for more information.)

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 122

General Education Requirements

General Education Course Requirements: The core/general education requirements for the B.A.E. degree are as follows: 6 hours of English composition (Writ 100 or Writ 101 and Writ 102 or Liba 102); 6 hours of literature; 6 hours of history; college algebra or higher; a 3-4 hour biological science course with laboratory; a 3-4 hour physics, astronomy, or physical science II course with laboratory; a 3-4 hour course in geology, chemistry, or physical science I; a 3-hour course in fine arts (appreciation or history of); one additional 3-hour course in mathematics or science (Secondary Education majors and Special Education majors only); Psy 201 (Special Education and Secondary Education majors only); one additional 3-hour course in fine arts (Special Education majors only); 3 hours of humanities (from among classics, modern languages, philosophy, religion, literature, history, Southern studies, gender studies, linguistics, or African American studies) (Secondary Education and Special Education majors only); a 3-hour course in geography (Elementary Education majors only); a 3-hour course in sociology or political science (Elementary Education majors only).

Note: The core requirements are subject to change due to mandates from the Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL) and the Mississippi Department of Education. Therefore, it is important for all students to meet with School of Education advisers in the Student Advising and Field Experience office for the most recent information on the core.

Course Requirements

In addition to completion of the core curriculum, the requirements for the B.A.E. in science education include the professional education courses shown below, plus the content courses and related area courses to satisfy an emphasis in biological science, chemistry, or physics.

Professional Education Courses (30 hours) Edsp 308, Edci 352, Edsp 327, Edci 353*, Edse 400*, Edse 446*, Edle 480 *, and Edci 419*

(*Admission to Phase II of the Teacher Education Program is required before taking these courses.)

Note: A minimum grade of C is required in all professional education courses, content courses, and related courses. If this minimum of C is not met, the course(s) must be retaken before enrolling in the next level of professional education courses.

Other Academic Requirements

Admission to Phase II: Professional Education Core

Requirements for admission to teacher education are as follows:

  1. Completion of core curriculum. Students responsible for submitting grades to the Office of the Dean for courses taken at other institutions . *Music education majors must complete the 45 hours from the liberal arts general education core and Mus 301, 302, 305, and 311.

  2. Applicants who apply for admission to Phase II must have a 2.75 grade-point average.

  3. Passing scores on Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (CORE)*

*Exemption: Students who provide proof of an ACT score of at least a 21 overall composite are exempt from taking the Praxis CORE. We do not superscore for the ACT and/or SAT. View the SAT Equivalency Scoring sheet for more information.

  1. Courses Edci 352, Edsp 308, and Edsp 327 are the only professional education courses that may be taken prior to admission to Phase II. Elementary education majors may also take Edrd 355. A minimum grade of "C" in all professional education courses is required.

Note: A minimum grade of "C" is expected in all professional education courses, content courses, and related courses. If this minimum of "C" is not met, the course(s) must be retaken before enrolling in the next level of professional education courses.

Admission to Phase III: Student Teaching

Applications are available through the Student Advising and Field Experience Office and are due the semester prior to student teaching. To be admitted to student teaching, a student must meet the following requirements:

  1. Admission to the Teacher Education Program.

  2. A minimum grade of "C" in all professional education courses, content courses and related courses with the exception of those required during student teaching. If this minimum of "C" is not met, the course(s) must be retaken before enrolling in the next level of professional education courses.

  3. During the student teaching semester, students must register for student teaching and EDCI 419 Effective Classroom Management and Assessment Practices. In addition, one 3-hour elective may be taken.

  4. Completion of 15 hours in residency at The University of Mississippi (includes Tupelo, Booneville, Grenada, and DeSoto campuses).

  5. Correspondence courses in education are not accepted.

  6. Evidence of professional liability insurance.

Emphasis - Chemistry


Graduates in science education with an emphasis in chemistry are eligible for certification in Mississippi to teach in grades 7-12. Graduates may also teach other subjects by gaining supplemental endorsements. (See an advisor for more information.)

Course Requirements

In addition to completion of the core curriculum, the B.A.E. in science education with an emphasis in chemistry requires the professional education courses (30 hours) plus the following content area, related areas, and electives to reach a minimum of 123 semester hours.

Content Area Courses (33 hours) Chem 105/115; 106/116; 221/225; 222/226; 314; 331 or 334; 351; 381; and 382

Related Areas (19 hours total): Bisc 160/161 (4 hours) Phys 213/223 (3 hours) Phys 214/224 (3 hours) Astr/Geol (6 hours) Math 261 (3 hours)

Degree Requirements

The academic regulations for this degree program, as entered in the University of Mississippi Catalog, are in effect for the current or selected academic year and semester. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change rules for registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time.

B.A.Ed. in Science Education

General Education

Requirement Hours Description
First Year Writing I 3 Complete Hon 101, Writ 100 or Writ 101 with a passing grade.
First Year Writing II 3 Complete one of the following courses with a passing grade: Liba 102, Writ 102 or Hon 102.
6 hrs history 6 Complete 6 hours of History coursework with a passing grade.
3 hrs math 121+ 3 Complete a mathematics course (Math 121 or higher) with a passing grade. Does not include Math 245 or Math 246.
Physical science 3 Sucessfully complete 3-4 hour course with laboratory in physics, astronomy, or physical science II.
Physical sci lab 1 Complete a physical science lab to accompany physical science course.
Biological science 3 Successfully complete a biological science course with an accompanying lab.
Biological sci lab 1 Complete a biological science lab to accompany biological science course.
3-4 hrs science 3 Complete a 3-4 hours course in geology, chemistry, or physical science I.
6 hrs literature 200+ 6 Complete 6 credit hours of literature at the 200 level or higher.
3 hrs fine arts, apprec or hist 3 Successfully complete 3 hours in the fine or performing arts. The course may be chosen from art history, music, dance, and theatre arts. Studio and workshop courses cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.

General Education II

Requirement Hours Description
Psy 201 3 Complete Psy 201 with a passing grade.
Add'l math/science 3 Successfully complete an additional 3-hour course in mathematics or science.
3 hrs humanities 3 Successfully complete 3 semester hours in courses chosen from the following areas: classics, modern languages, philosophy, religion, literature, history, southern studies, gender studies, linguistics, or African American studies.

Major Requirements

Requirement Hours Description
Edsp 308 - C min 3 Complete Edsp 308 with a grade of C or better.
Edci 352 - C min 2 Complete Edci 352 with a grade of C or better.
EDSP 327 3 Complete EDSP 327 with a grade of C or better.
Edci 353 - C min 3 Complete Edci 353 with a grade of C or better.
Edse 400 - C min 3 Complete Edse 400 with a grade of C or better.
Edse 446 - C min 3 Complete Edse 446 with a grade of C or better.
Edle 480 - C min 9 Complete Edle 480 with a grade of C or better.
Edci 419 - C min 3 Complete Edci 419 with a grade of C or better.
Select an emphasis Select an emphasis area within the BAE in Science Education program.

Emphasis - Chemistry

Requirement Hours Description
Bisc 160 - C min 3 Complete Bisc 160 with a grade of C or better.
Bisc 161 - C min 1 Complete Bisc 161 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 105 - C min 3 Complete Chem 105 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 106 - C min 3 Complete Chem 106 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 115 - C min 1 Complete Chem 115 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 116 - C min 1 Complete Chem 116 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 221 - C min 3 Complete Chem 221 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 222 - C min 3 Complete Chem 222 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 225 - C min 1 Complete Chem 225 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 226 - C min 1 Complete Chem 226 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 314 - C min 4 Complete Chem 314 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 331 or 334 - C min 3 Complete one of the following courses with a grade of C or better: Chem 331 or Chem 334.
Chem 351 - C min 3 Complete Chem 351 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 382 - C min 4 Complete Chem 382 with a grade of C or better.
Chem 381 - C min 4 Complete Chem 381 with a grade of C or better.
Phys 224 - C min 1 Complete Phys 224 with a grade of C or better.
Phys 214 - C min 3 Complete Phys 214 with a grade of C or better.
Phys 223 - C min 1 Complete Phys 223 with a grade of C or better.
Phys 213 - C min 3 Complete Phys 213 with a grade of C or better.
Math 261 - C min 3 Complete Math 261 with a grade of C or better.
6 hrs astronomy/geology - C min 6 Complete 6 hours of Astr or Geol coursework with a grade of C or better.
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.