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Emphasis - Hospitality Management

Ph.D. in Nutrition and Hospitality Mgmt


The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree program in nutrition and hospitality management (NHM) at the University of Mississippi is designed to train and mentor students to become proficient teachers and researchers. The program has two emphasis areas: 1) nutrition (with concentrations in sport nutrition, nutrition policy, general nutrition); and 2) hospitality management. The program consists of 66 postbaccalaureate credit hours. Up to 6 credit hours may be transferred from another university, and up to 33 master's-level hours from the University of Mississippi may be counted toward the degree. However, 36 credits must be completed at the University of Mississippi, per Graduate School requirements. The requirements for the Ph.D. degree are 21 hours of core requirements; 27 hours of emphasis area and supporting course work (15-18 hours* of NHM courses in the nutrition or hospitality management emphasis area; 9-12 hours* of supporting course work); and 18 hours of dissertation.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 66

Course Requirements

All students are required to complete the following 21 hours: NHM 625, 626, 701 (repeated two times for a total of 3 hours), 702, 725, 726, and 3 hours of statistics or research methods at the 500-700 level.

Other Academic Requirements

After completing all course work, students must sit for a written comprehensive exam before proceeding to dissertation hours. Upon successful completion of the comprehensive exam, all students will be required to complete 18 hours of dissertation (NHM 797).

Emphasis - Hospitality Management


The hospitality management emphasis is designed to train and mentor students to become proficient teachers and researchers in hospitality management.

Course Requirements

Students enrolled in the nutrition emphasis must complete 15-18 hours of required course work within the emphasis. The requirements are NHM 611 and 711 and 9-12 hours selected from the following courses: NHM 612, 613, 614, 615, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 627, 662, 712, 714, 719, 740, and 741. The courses will be selected based on the students chosen concentration of either Sport Nutrition, Nutrition Policy, or General Nutrition.

Other Academic Requirements

Students will also be required to complete 9-12 hours of support courses. These courses may be selected from NHM graduate courses (500-700 levels), as well as graduate courses outside of NHM (500-700 level). There is no minimum number that must come from outside NHM. The list below is not exhaustive. Students may select other graduate courses that complement their area of interest/study. Additional courses will be approved by the adviser.

Chosen from: Mgmt 582, 583, 585, or other courses from the School of Business.

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