Spanish Language and Literature
- Ling 572: Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
- Ling 573: Spanish Morphology and Syntax
- Ling 574: History of Spanish
- Ling 575: Topics in Applied Spanish Linguistics
- Span 101: Elementary Spanish I
- Span 102: Elementary Spanish II
- Span 111: Intensive Elementary Spanish
- Span 121: Accelerated Elementary Spanish
- Span 198: Elementary Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 199: Special Topics in Spanish
- Span 201: Intermediate Spanish I
- Span 202: Intermediate Spanish II
- Span 211: Intensive Intermediate Spanish
- Span 213: Intensive Intermed Span for Major/Minor
- Span 298: Intermediate Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 299: Special Topics in Spanish
- Span 303: Conversation and Composition I
- Span 304: Conversation and Composition II
- Span 305: Intensive Conversation and Composition
- Span 306: Spanish for Heritage Learner I
- Span 307: Spanish for Heritage Learners II
- Span 311: Business Spanish
- Span 321: Spanish Culture and Civilization
- Span 322: Spanish American Culture/Civilization
- Span 330: Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
- Span 331: Intro to Lit and Literary Analysis
- Span 341: Spanish in the U.S.
- Span 345: Spanish Language and the Law
- Span 361: Cinema in Spanish
- Span 362: Hispanic American Film
- Span 393: Cultural Studies
- Span 396: Intensive Spanish Grammar Review
- Span 397: Conversation for Upper-Level Spanish
- Span 398: Upper-Level Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 399: Special Topics in Spanish
- Span 529: Contemporary Spanish
- Span 565: Spanish American Women Writers
- Span 571: Spanish Sociolinguistics
- Span 571: Advanced Grammar & Composition
- Span 572: Spanish Phonetics & Phonology
- Span 573: Spanish Morphology and Syntax
- Span 574: The History of Spanish Language
- Span 575: Topics in Applied Spanish Linguistics
- Span 576: Advanced Spanish for Business
- Span 577: Survey of Spanish Literature I
- Span 578: Survey of Spanish Literature II
- Span 579: Survey of Spanish American Literature I
- Span 580: Survey of Spanish American Literature II
- Span 581: Medieval Literature
- Span 582: Cervantes
- Span 583: Golden Age Literature
- Span 585: 18th and 19th Century Spanish Lit
- Span 586: Modern Spanish Literature
- Span 587: Spanish American Short Story
- Span 588: Spanish American Poetry
- Span 589: Spanish American Novel
- Span 593: Topics in Cultural Studies
- Span 598: Advanced Spanish Study Abroad
- Span 599: Span St Special Topics
- Span 611: Intensive Elem Spanish for Grad Students
- Span 631: Seminar, Hispanic Studies I
- Span 632: Seminar, Hispanic Studies II
- Span 651: Instructed Second Language Acquisition
- Span 661: Graduate Seminar on Film in Spanish
- Span 671: Research Methods
- Span 672: Research & Practice in Clsrm Sec. Lang.
- Span 673: Seminar
- Span 677: Readings in Spanish Literature I
- Span 678: Readings in Spanish Literature II
- Span 697: Thesis
- Span 721: Capstone Doctoral Seminar
- Span 797: Dissertation
- Span 799: Independent Project
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.