Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other
- Coun 733: College Teaching in Counselor Education
- Edav 427: Educational Technology
- Edav 573: Org. & Direct. of Instruct. Media Center
- Edav 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edav 652: Advanced Individual Study
- Edav 676: The Use of Graphic Materials in Teaching
- Edav 697: Thesis
- Edav 767: Field Study
- Edav 797: Dissertation
- Edci 352: Education, Society, & the K-12 Learner
- Edci 353: Planning & Teaching Strategies for Effec
- Edci 419: Effective Classroom Mgmt & Assesment Pra
- Edci 443: Spec Meth I
- Edci 503: Msmt. & Eval. for the Classroom Teacher
- Edci 601: Advanced Curriculum Theory and Practice
- Edci 602: Curriculum Construction
- Edci 635: Reflective Teaching
- Edci 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edci 657: Information Tech. for Prof. Educators
- Edci 658: Trends and Issues in Teaching
- Edci 727: Internship
- Edel 520: Books and Related Materials
- Edel 601: Child Growth and Development
- Edle 417: Senior Practicum
- Edle 464: Student Teaching: Elementary Education
- Edle 467: Student Teaching: Exceptional Students
- Edle 471: Student Teaching: Art Education
- Edle 473: Student Teaching: Music Education
- Edle 480: Student Teaching: Secondary Education
- Edle 483: Student Teaching: Foreign Languages
- Edle 655: Super. for Home Econ. Teachers
- Edls 301: Children's Literature, K-8
- Edrd 090: Developmental Reading
- Edrd 100: Indiv Rdg Improvement
- Edrd 300: Foundations of Reading instruction
- Edrd 317: Diag. & Remediation of Reading Disa.
- Edrd 355: Early Literacy Instruction I and II
- Edrd 400: Reading Instruction in the Elementary Sc
- Edrd 414: Reading Diagnosis and Intervention
- Edrd 429: Reading in the Secondary School
- Edrd 600: Basic Skills in Reading
- Edrd 615: Mat & Meth of Rdg in the Elem. School
- Edrd 616: Diagnostic and Remedial Reading
- Edrd 617: Clinical Diag. & Correction of Rdg Prob.
- Edrd 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edrd 652: Advanced Individual Study
- Edse 442: Special Methods I: English
- Edse 443: Special Methods: Foreign Language
- Edse 444: Spc Meth-Voc Home Ec
- Edse 445: Special Methods I: Mathematics
- Edse 446: Special Methods I: Science
- Edse 447: Special Methods I: Social Studies
- Edse 448: Spc Meth-Speech
- Edse 453: Special Methods II: Foreign Language
- Edse 455: Special Methods II: Mathematics
- Edse 456: Special Methods II: Science
- Edse 457: Special Methods II: Social Studies
- Edse 525: Literature for Today's Teenagers
- Edse 633: Music in the Secondary School
- Edse 642: Advanced Methods of Teaching English
- Edse 644: Adv. Meth. of Teach Vocational Home Econ
- Edse 645: Advanced Meth. of Teaching Mathematics
- Edse 646: Advanced Methods of Teaching Science
- Edse 647: Adv. Methods of Teaching Social Studies
- Edse 648: Advanced Methods of Teaching Speech
- Edse 653: Workshop in Home Economics Education
- Edse 655: Trends in Young Adult Literature
- Edse 657: Seminar in Music Education
- Edse 665: Use of Technology in Secondary Math
- Edsp 308: Introduction to Special Education
- Edsp 327: Nature & Needs with Mild/Mod Disability
- Edsp 329: Nature & Needs with Severe Disabilities
- Edsp 335: Assessment of Exceptional Students
- Edsp 339: Oral Lang Meth & Mater w/Excep Students
- Edsp 401: Collaboration and Conference Strategies
- Edsp 402: Organization & Administration of Spec Ed
- Edsp 403: Instr Strat for Students with Severe Dis
- Edsp 405: Instr Strat for Students Mild/Mod Dis
- Edsp 407: Survey of Special Education Students
- Edsp 410: Seminar Instruction
- Edsp 411: Seminar in Selected Spec Ed Topics
- Edsp 452: Practicum & Field Exp w/Excep Children
- Edsp 541: Methods & Materials of Educ. Assessment
- Edsp 545: Cognitive Neuroscience & Education
- Edsp 552: Prac. & Field Exper. with Excep. Child
- Edsp 585: Education of Gifted Students
- Edsp 590: Methods & Materials for the Gifted
- Edsp 595: Differentiated Instruction Atypical Gift
- Edsp 628: Rehabilitation Techniques
- Edsp 631: Organization of Special Education
- Edsp 643: The Learning Brain
- Edsp 651: Advanced Individual Study
- Edsp 674: Seminar in Special Education
- Edsp 676: Educ. & Psy. of Indiv. with Emot. Distur
- Edsp 678: Intervention Proc. for Indiv. with Emoti
- Edsp 680: Directed Research with Exceptional Indiv
- Edsp 683: Readings in Research with Excep. Child
- Edsp 686: Educ. & Psy. of Ind. with Spc. Lrn. Dis
- Edsp 688: Educ. of Indiv. with Intellec. Disabil.
- Edsp 690: Curriculum and Program Development
- Edsp 697: Thesis
- Edsp 767: Field Study
- Educ 333: Special Topics in Education
- Educ 523: Group Study of Prob. In School Systems
- Educ 555: Special Topics in Education
- Educ 556: Special Topics in Education
- Educ 557: Special Topics in Education
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.