Course Index
- G E 234: Intro. to Geol. Engr. Field Methods
- G E 301: Geological Eng. Design Field Camp 1
- G E 305: Geomechanics
- G E 401: Geological Eng. Design Field Camp 2
- G E 402: Professionalism in Geological Engr.
- G E 405: Engineering Geophysics
- G E 413: Prob. & Stat. Analyses in Eng. Design
- G E 415: Petroleum Geology
- G E 420: Subsurface Site Characterization
- G E 421: Geological Engineering Design
- G E 430: Geological Field Studies I
- G E 431: Geological Field Studies II
- G E 436: Field Camp G E Design
- G E 437: Geological Engineering Design Field Camp
- G E 440: Rock Mechanics
- G E 450: Hydrogeology
- G E 460: Fundamentals of Waste Management
- G E 470: Intro. to Geographic Information System
- G E 490: Directed Studies and Projects
- G E 500: Introduction to Geochemistry I
- G E 502: Construction Geological Engineering
- G E 503: Environmental Geochemistry
- G E 504: Envi. Geochemistry Lab & Field Methods
- G E 506: Geomechanics for Geologists
- G E 507: Regional Geological Engineering
- G E 510: Remote Sensing
- G E 511: Spatial Analysis
- G E 513: Economic Geology
- G E 520: Geol. & G.E. Computer Applications
- G E 525: Engineering Seismology
- G E 530: Advanced Geomechanics
- G E 535: Advanced Rock Mechanics
- G E 560: Waste Disposal I
- G E 561: Design of Waste Repositories
- G E 577: Geophysics I
- G E 591: Special Topics
- G St 103: Women In Antiquity
- G St 201: Women, Gender, and Society
- G St 202: Introduction to Queer Studies
- G St 301: Gender and Culture
- G St 302: History of Culture
- G St 303: The Family
- G St 304: Men, Women, and Greek Life
- G St 310: Women in the South
- G St 311: Women and the Goddess in Asian Religions
- G St 312: Women in United States History
- G St 321: Race Gender Courtship African Amer. Hist
- G St 322: Race, Gender, Science in Early America
- G St 324: Men and Masculinities
- G St 325: Sociology of Gender
- G St 326: Saints and Sexuality
- G St 327: Genocide and Women
- G St 328: African American Feminist Thought
- G St 329: Queer Playwriting and American Culture
- G St 333: Gender Theory
- G St 336: Women in Southern History
- G St 337: The South and Sexuality
- G St 338: Masculinities/Femininities in America
- G St 344: Women and Politics
- G St 346: Gender and Power in Latin America
- G St 348: Women Who Ruled in European History
- G St 350: Gender on Film
- G St 351: Topics in Latin American Studies
- G St 352: Hemispheric Voices: Women Writers of Am.
- G St 353: Gender and Sexuality in the Media
- G St 354: Power, Knowledge, and Gender
- G St 356: Women in the Rabbinic Tradition
- G St 359: Sex and Gender in Medieval Literature
- G St 360: Women in Literature
- G St 362: African American Women's History
- G St 363: Gender in Latin America
- G St 364: Gender/Sexuality in East Asian History
- G St 365: Gay and Lesbian Literature and Theory
- G St 366: Women of the Judeo-Christian Bible
- G St 368: Feminism, Women, and Religion
- G St 380: Society and the Sexes in Modern Europe
- G St 382: Intro to Gender and Sexuality Studies
- G St 383: Studies in Gender and Feminism
- G St 385: Western Mysticism
- G St 386: Gender on Film
- G St 390: Women and Philosophy
- G St 391: Women, Gender, and the Environm
- G St 395: Topics in Gender Studies Abroad
- G St 396: Exploring the Feminist Nonprofit
- G St 399: Special Topics in Gender Studies
- G St 402: Advanced Queer Studies
- G St 414: Race, Place, and Space
- G St 421: Readings in Black Feminism
- G St 424: Women and Avant-garde Performance
- G St 425: Religion, Gender, and Sexuality
- G St 427: US Sexuality History
- G St 433: Theories of Gender and Sexuality
- G St 438: Language and Gender
- G St 444: Queer Theory
- G St 460: Psychology of Human Sexuality
- G St 465: Psychology of Gender
- G St 482: Renaissance Women Writers
- G St 488: Special Topics Gender/Sexuality Studies
- G St 494: Seminar on Literature and Gender
- G St 496: Gender Studies Capstone
- G St 497: Internship in Gender Studies
- G St 498: Special Topics in Gender Studies
- G St 499: Directed Readings in Gender Studies
- G St 599: Directed Readings in Gender Studies
- G St 601: Gender Theory
- G St 605: Feminist Pedagogy
- G St 615: Readings-Sexuality in Modern US History
- G St 641: Readings in Global History: Gender
- G St 698: Special Topics in Gender Studies
- G St 699: Directed Readings in Gender Studies
- GB 101: Design Thinking for Innovation
- GB 310: Information Technology in Business
- GB 320: Essentials of Supply Chain Management
- GB 330: Essentials of Finance
- GB 350: Essentials of Marketing
- GB 370: Entrepreneurship and Management
- GB 490: General Business Topics Review
- Geol 101: Physical Geology
- Geol 102: Historical Geology
- Geol 103: Earth Dynamics
- Geol 104: Environmental Geology - Hazards
- Geol 105: Environmental Geology - Resources
- Geol 107: Introduction to Oceanography
- Geol 111: Physical Geology Laboratory
- Geol 112: Historical Geology Laboratory
- Geol 114: Environmental Geology-Hazards Laboratory
- Geol 115: Environmental Geology - Resources Lab
- Geol 120: Dinosaurs
- Geol 203: Earth Dynamics Laboratory Content
- Geol 221: Mineralogy
- Geol 222: Elementary Petrology
- Geol 225: Mineralogy & Elementary Petrology
- Geol 303: Structural and Tectonic Geology
- Geol 305: Geomorphology
- Geol 309: Invertebrate Paleontology
- Geol 314: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- Geol 406: Petrology
- Geol 410: Coastal and Reef Dynamics
- Geol 420: Optical Mineralogy
- Geol 500: Intro. to Geographic Information Systems
- Geol 505: Hydrogeology
- Geol 506: Advanced Petrology
- Geol 515: Directed Studies
- Geol 517: Global Tectonics
- Geol 518: Quantitative Methods in Geo. & Geo Eng
- Geol 520: Advanced Igneous and Metamorphic Petrolo
- Geol 530: Geology Field Studies
- Geol 535: Geochemistry
- Geol 550: Oceanography and Marine Geology
- Geol 555: Geology and Geol. Engineering Seminar
- Geol 603: Earth Sciences I
- Geol 604: Earth Sciences II
- Geol 609: Earth Science Projects
- Geol 611: Advanced Studies in Geology
- Geol 613: Instrumental and Analytical Procedure
- Geol 614: Advanced Geographic Information Systems
- Geol 615: Geostatistics
- Geol 630: Coastal Plain Geology
- Geol 641: Clay Petrology
- Geol 642: X-Ray Diff Analysis Inorg Crys Materials
- Geol 643: Advanced Geomorphology
- Geol 644: Advanced Paleontology
- Geol 645: Advanced Sedimentation
- Geol 646: Advanced Stratigraphy
- Geol 647: Sedimentary Petrology
- Geol 648: Metamorphic Petrology
- Geol 649: Pedology
- Geol 690: Scientific Writing Seminar
- Geol 697: Thesis
- Germ 101: Elementary German I
- Germ 102: Elementary German II
- Germ 103: Practical Review of Elem German I
- Germ 104: Practical Review of Elem German II
- Germ 111: Intensive Elementary German
- Germ 198: Elementary German Study Abroad
- Germ 199: Special Topics in German
- Germ 201: Intermediate German I
- Germ 202: Intermediate German II
- Germ 205: Scientific German
- Germ 211: Intensive Intermediate German
- Germ 298: Intermediate German Study Abroad
- Germ 299: Special topics in German
- Germ 303: Conversation and Composition I
- Germ 304: Conversation and Composition II
- Germ 311: Business German
- Germ 321: German Culture and Civilization
- Germ 330: Introduction to German Linguistics
- Germ 331: Intro to Lit /Literary Analysis in Germ
- Germ 361: German Cinema
- Germ 394: German Internship
- Germ 398: Upper-Level German Study Abroad
- Germ 399: Special Topics in German
- Germ 431: German Studies
- Germ 432: German Studies
- Germ 529: Contemporary German
- Germ 546: Intensive Advanced German in Germany
- Germ 561: Advanced Topics in German Cinema
- Germ 571: Advanced Grammar and Composition
- Germ 572: German Phonetics and Phonology
- Germ 574: History of the German Language
- Germ 575: Topics in Applied Linguistics
- Germ 577: Survey of German Lit. & Culture I
- Germ 578: Survey of German Lit. & Culture II
- Germ 584: The Age of Goethe
- Germ 585: Nineteenth-Century German Literature
- Germ 586: Twentieth-Century Literature & Culture
- Germ 587: German Fairy Tales
- Germ 593: Topics in Cultural Studies
- Germ 598: Advanced German Study Abroad
- Germ 599: Special Topics
- Germ 601: Professional Issues in Graduate Study
- Germ 611: Intensive Elem German for Graduate St
- Germ 671: Research Methods
- Germ 672: Resrch. & Prac. in Clsrm. Sec. Lan. Acq.
- Germ 673: Seminar
- Germ 697: Thesis
- Gr 101: Introduction to Greek I
- Gr 102: Introduction to Greek II
- Gr 201: Intermediate Greek I
- Gr 202: Intermediate Greek II
- Gr 321: Greek Prose
- Gr 322: Greek Historians
- Gr 323: Greek Rhetoric
- Gr 324: Plato
- Gr 329: Koine Greek
- Gr 331: Greek Poetry
- Gr 332: Homer
- Gr 334: Greek Lyric
- Gr 336: Greek Tragedy
- Gr 337: Greek Comedy
- Gr 507: Special Reading
- Gr 621: Greek Prose
- Gr 622: Greek Historians
- Gr 623: Greek Rhetoric
- Gr 624: Greek Philosophers
- Gr 629: Koine Greek
- Gr 631: Greek Poetry
- Gr 632: Homer
- Gr 634: Greek Lyric
- Gr 636: Greek Tragedy
- Gr 637: Greek Comedy
- Gr 697: Thesis
- Grad 600: Research Ethics
- Grad 603: Graduate Student Teaching Practicum
- Grad 604: Research Practicum
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.