Minor - Manufacturing Engineering
Minor - Manufacturing Engineering
Students in the School of Accountancy and the School of Business Administration may choose to minor in engineering with an emphasis in manufacturing.
Course Requirements
For students in business or accounting that would like to obtain a minor in engineering with an emphasis in manufacturing, 18 hours of specialized course work are required. Also, the basic math and science courses would be specified within the minor as follows: Math 261-262 to satisfy thier school math requirement; Physics 211-212 plus 221-222 labs to satisfy their science/lab experience; plus the following required 18 credit hours: Math 263 - Calculus, Math 263, Engr 313 - Introduction to material Science and Engineering, Manf 251 - Manufacturing Processes, Manf 254 - The Art and Science of Manufacturing, Accy/Bus equivalent of manf 450 - Senior Design Team Course (as an accounting/business student team member), Accy/Bus equivalent of Manf 451 - Senior Design Team Course (as an accounting/business team member).