Course Index
- Coun 301: Child Psychology
- Coun 303: Measurement and Evaluation
- Coun 307: Educational Psychology
- Coun 309: Psychology of Adolescence
- Coun 333: Psychology of Human Growth and Developme
- Coun 503: Psychometric Principles
- Coun 523: Group Study of Problems
- Coun 539: Introduction to the Counseling Professio
- Coun 545: Lab-Interpers Comm Skl
- Coun 551: Individual Study
- Coun 570: Multicultural Issues in Counseling
- Coun 573: Learning Seminar
- Coun 593: Topics in Counseling I
- Coun 594: Topics in Counseling II
- Coun 595: Topics in Counseling III
- Coun 603: Advanced Educational Psychology
- Coun 605: Research in Counseling
- Coun 610: Addictions
- Coun 612: Foun. of Clin. Mental Health Counseling
- Coun 621: Assessment in Counseling I
- Coun 622: Assessment in Counseling II
- Coun 623: Individual Assessment I
- Coun 624: Individual Assessment II
- Coun 625: Practicum in School Psychometry
- Coun 626: Foundations of College Counseling
- Coun 627: College Stud. Deve. & College Counseling
- Coun 628: Issues & Interventions in College Couns.
- Coun 630: Foundations of School Counseling
- Coun 643: Group Procedures
- Coun 652: Advanced Individual Study
- Coun 653: Group Counseling Practicum
- Coun 660: Crisis Intervention
- Coun 661: School Counseling Practicum
- Coun 663: Internship in School Counseling
- Coun 670: Psychological Consultation
- Coun 672: Seminar: Issues and Ethics in Counseling
- Coun 674: Diagnostic Systems in Counseling
- Coun 680: Career Counseling
- Coun 682: Family Counseling
- Coun 683: Counseling Theory I
- Coun 685: Org/Adm & Consultation: Comm. Counseling
- Coun 686: Counsel/Child and Adolescents
- Coun 687: Seminar in Special Problems
- Coun 688: Org/Adm & Consultation: School Counselin
- Coun 690: Counseling Skills
- Coun 691: Pre-Practicum and Advanced Skills
- Coun 693: Practicum in Counseling
- Coun 695: Internship
- Coun 697: Thesis
- Coun 700: Advanced Topics in Counselor Education
- Coun 712: Play Diagnosis and Assessment
- Coun 730: Adv. Multicultural Counseling & Advocacy
- Coun 733: College Teaching in Counselor Education
- Coun 740: Advanced Career Theory and Practice
- Coun 750: Research & Publication in Counselor Ed
- Coun 751: Qualitative Perspectives in Counselor Ed
- Coun 752: Qualitative Methods & Analysis Counselor
- Coun 753: Supervision of Counseling Services
- Coun 754: Advanced Clinical Supervision
- Coun 760: Leadership, Program Eval & Accreditation
- Coun 764: Adv Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment
- Coun 767: Field Study
- Coun 784: Advanced Counseling Theory
- Coun 785: Supervision Internship
- Coun 790: Doctoral Teaching Internship in Coun. Ed
- Coun 793: Advanced Practicum
- Coun 794: Advanced Group Counseling
- Coun 795: Internship
- Coun 796: Graded Dissertation
- Coun 797: Dissertation
- Coun 798: Transitioning into the Professoriate
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.