


253 Holman Hall
University, MS 38677


The School of Business Administration offers the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) in the emphasis areas of banking and finance, economics, management, management information systems, managerial finance, marketing, marketing communications, real estate, and risk management and insurance.

At the graduate level, the school offers both a residential and a professional Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the emphasis areas of finance, management, marketing, management information systems, and production operations management.


Vision - The UM School of Business Administration will deliver rigorous and meaningful programs designed to provide personal growth and professional development opportunities to individuals who aspire to lead modern organizations to competitive success in a challenging global business environment. All of the school’s programs and initiatives will be - Enlightened and invigorated by the most current business research; - Inspired by the highest standards of ethical stewardship of the valuable resources entrusted to all members of the Ole Miss business community; and - Characterized by an abiding commitment to finding new and innovative ways to improve the effectiveness of every operational process used to fulfill the school’s mission.

Mission - Our mission is to deliver excellent business instruction, to conduct important theoretical and relevant applied business research, and to provide outstanding scholarly and professional community service to enhance learning, economic development, and business growth in Mississippi, the region, and the nation.

Core Values - The school is a learning community that embraces its mission in a collegial environment characterized by respect for all members of the SBA team, as we work to provide extraordinary service to each other, to our students, to the research community, and to society, with a commitment to excellence in all endeavors that we undertake. To uphold these values, the school is steadfastly devoted to - Sustaining excellence in teaching, research, and service, characterized by our belief in broad-based business education, our recognition and commitment to the importance of contemporary research that enhances the body of business knowledge, and our commitment to effectively serving the school, the university, and the larger academic, state, regional, and national communities; - Fostering intellectual growth through supporting a diverse community of faculty, students, and staff dedicated to the development of a culture of learning that fosters high ethical standards and respect for one another, and providing an environment that is conducive to learning, scholarship, and cooperative interaction to stimulate the enrichment of teaching, research, and lifelong professional development; - Responding to its constituents by fulfilling the obligation to support continuous improvement in the quality of its students, faculty, learning environment, and resources to meet the changing needs of students, faculty, staff, employers, parents, alumni, friends, and others who care about the growth of the school, the local community, and the state of Mississippi, and serving as a faithful and prudent steward of resources that have been entrusted to the school by the university, the state, alumni, friends, corporations, and other stakeholders who have invested in supporting the mission of the school.

Other Information

Academic Workload - Business students are expected to spend three hours studying and working on course-related activities for each hour spent in the classroom (i.e., a 12-credit-hour class schedule typically requires 36 hours of work outside the classroom each week).

Class Attendance - Students must attend all class meetings of every course in which they are enrolled during the first week of the semester unless they have previously obtained departmental approval for any planned absences. Without such approval, a student who is absent may be dropped from that course during the first week by the dean of the school or college responsible for the course.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.