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Emphasis - Printmaking

M.F.A. in Art


The M.F.A. is the terminal degree in studio art and is the professional degree preparing students to teach at the university level. Students choose a specialization in ceramics, painting, printmaking, or sculpture.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 61

Course Requirements

The M.F.A. in art degree requires the successful completion of Art 692 (taken during the fall semester of the first year of residence); 6 hours of Art 697 (Thesis); 12 hours of art history, including AH 503 (Art Theory and Criticism); 18 hours of a specific studio specialization (ceramics, painting, printmaking, or sculpture); 15 semester hours from at least two studio areas other than the area of specialization; and 9 hours of electives. A minimum of 6 hours must be taken in drawing, either as part of the 15 hours of secondary specialization or as electives.

Other Academic Requirements

After completing at least half of the degree requirements, a student may be advanced to candidacy after being reviewed favorably by the graduate faculty in the general review of all students, which takes place each semester. During the last semester in residence, each student is required to register for Art 697 (Thesis) and to install a thesis exhibition with the advice of the student's thesis director. It is required that the candidate successfully pass an oral examination, open to all faculty and graduate students, and a written analytical and critical exposition of the creative thesis. In addition to the illustrative matter accompanying the written thesis, a minimum of five images must be deposited with the Department of Art for purposes of documentation. The candidate’s thesis committee may recommend the collection of a thesis work for the Department of Art's permanent collection of art. (Note: This is according to the College Art Association (CAA) policies.   Documentation and Retention of Student Work Documentation of MFA exhibitions should be required and kept by the institution as a matter of record. Weighing considerations of maintenance and media, institutions should be encouraged to purchase one or more examples of work for the permanent collection, if possible. CAA, in its resolution of April 29, 1972, has discouraged the all-too- prevalent past practice of institutions demanding, without compensation, examples of student work. The acquisition of student work assumes the existence of adequate display and/or storage facilities for artwork. The issues of conservation and restoration should also be considered before student work is purchased.

Emphasis - Printmaking

Degree Requirements

The academic regulations for this degree program, as entered in the University of Mississippi Catalog, are in effect for the current or selected academic year and semester. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change rules for registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time.

M.F.A. in Art

Requirement Hours Description
AH 503 - C min 3 Complete AH 503 with a grade of C or better.
Art 692 3 Complete Art 692.
Art 697 6 Complete at least 6 hours of thesis credit (Art 697).
9 add'l hrs art history 9 Complete 9 additional hours of art history coursework approved by the student's GPC/Chair. Each course must be completed with a grade of C or better.
Elective courses 9 Student must complete 9 hours of electives. The student must also complete 6 hours in drawing, either as part of the 15 hours of secondary specialization or as part of these electives hours. All courses must be approved by the student's GPC/Chair.
Image documentation In addition to the illustrative matter accompanying the written thesis, a minimum of five images must be deposited with the Department of Art for purposes of documentation. The candidates's thesis committee may recommend the collection of a thesis work for the Department of Art's permanent collection of art.
Oral examination Student must pass an oral examination.
Secondary special 15 Student must complete 15 hours of courses from at least two studio areas other than the area of specialization. The student must also complete 6 hours in drawing, either as part of his/her secondary specialization or as part of the 9 hours of electives. All courses must be approved by the student's GPC/Chair.
Select an emphasis Student must enroll in one of the MFA in Art emphasis areas: ceramics, painting, printmaking, or sculpture.
Submit Thesis Student must submit a thesis to his/her GPC/Chair. Regulations governing the style, format, paper, abstract and other matters may be found in "A Manual of Thesis and Dissertations" available in the Graduate School Office. After the oral examination has been accepted, the student must present to the Graduate School two unbound copies of the thesis. A copy of the abstract and the thesis binding fee receipt must accompany the copies of the thesis.
Thesis exhibition Student must install a thesis exhibition with the advice of the student's thesis director.
GPA requirements A cumulative average of not less than 3.0 (B) must be achieved in all graduate work taken.
Liberal Arts Dean's approval This Degree Audit program is an advising tool only. The student must still apply for a degree by returning a completed Degree Application Form to the dean's office before the last day to add classes in the semester preceding the semester in which the stuent expects to graduate. The Dean's Office will make the final certification that the courses listed on the application qualify the student for graduation. The Dean's Office will also determine if other university requirements (GPA, etc.) have been met.

Emphasis - Printmaking

Requirement Hours Description
18 hrs course work 18 Student must complete 18 hours of printmaking course work as approved by his/her GPC/Chair.
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.