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B.A. in Religious Studies


Religious studies aims to critically explore the means by which human beings have expressed themselves religiously, both historically and cross-culturally. Through the study of myths, rituals, symbols, divine figures, and sacred scriptures, the academic study of religion promotes the phenomenon of religion itself as a prominent component of human life and culture.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 124

General Education Requirements

See the 'General Education/Core Curriculum' for the College of Liberal Arts.

Course Requirements

A B.A. in religious studies consists of 30 semester hours that must include Rel 101, 309, 324, and 497; one course in sacred texts chosen from Rel 310, 312, 327, 352; one course on Asian religions chosen from 308, 311, 320, 325, Inst 323; and 12 additional hours of religion courses from a list consisting of any Rel courses (including the courses listed above) as well as a maximum of 6 hours from the following approved electives taught outside the department: AH 330, 332; Anth 308, 312, 323, 327, 404; Engl 372, 427; His 319, 337, 356, 374, 375. Philosophy courses that are not cross-listed with religion do not count toward a religious studies major.

Other Academic Requirements

A grade of C or higher is required in all courses applied toward the major.

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