Course Index
- Phcl 202: Environmental Health Perspectives
- Phcl 341: Human Pathophysiology I
- Phcl 342: Human Pathophysiology II
- Phcl 343: Biochemical Foundations of Therapeutics
- Phcl 344: Physiological Foundation of Therapeutics
- Phcl 345: Nutritional Pharmacology
- Phcl 346: Immunological Basis for Therapeutics
- Phcl 347: Introduction to Environmental Toxicology
- Phcl 348: Principles of Life Science Research
- Phcl 351: Drugs and Human Performance
- Phcl 352: Case Studies in Immunology
- Phcl 381: Introduction to Toxicology
- Phcl 443: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology I
- Phcl 444: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology II
- Phcl 501: Principles of Life Science Research
- Phcl 503: Lab Meth in Pharmacology & Toxicology I
- Phcl 504: Lab Meth in Pharmacology & Toxicology II
- Phcl 505: Modern Phcl: Novel Drugs Clinical Trials
- Phcl 541: Problems in Pharmacology
- Phcl 547: Introduction to Environmental Toxicology
- Phcl 563: Introductory Pharmacology I
- Phcl 564: Introductory Pharmacology II
- Phcl 569: Drug Abuse Education
- Phcl 581: Introduction to Toxicology
- Phcl 586: Receptors and Channels
- Phcl 611: Teaching in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 612: Teaching in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 641: Unified Lab in Pharm, Tox & Phys Chem
- Phcl 642: Unified Lab in Pharm, Tox & Phys Chem
- Phcl 643: Seminar: Curr Topics in Pharm & Tox
- Phcl 651: Directed Studies in Pharm and Tox
- Phcl 652: Directed Studies in Pharm and Tox
- Phcl 661: Advanced Physiology
- Phcl 662: Advanced Physiology
- Phcl 663: General Pharmacology I
- Phcl 665: Human Neurobiology
- Phcl 668: Externship in Pharmacology
- Phcl 669: Physiological Chemistry
- Phcl 675: Gen Princ of Pharmacology & Toxicology I
- Phcl 676: Gen Princ - Pharmacology & Toxicology II
- Phcl 677: Advanced Topics
- Phcl 679: Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 681: Sel Topics - Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Phcl 685: Externship in Toxicology
- Phcl 697: Thesis
- Phcl 797: Dissertation
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