Course Index
- Edrs 405: Introduction to Educational Research
- Edrs 501: Educational Statistics I
- Edrs 557: Computers and Education
- Edrs 604: Foundations of Qualitative Research Meth
- Edrs 605: Educational Research I
- Edrs 606: Program Evaluation I
- Edrs 607: Program Evaluation II
- Edrs 608: Survey Research
- Edrs 633: Special Topics in Educational Research
- Edrs 673: Data Led Curriculum and Assessment
- Edrs 699: Internship in Program Evaluation
- Edrs 700: Models of Inquiry and Literature Review
- Edrs 700: Models of Inquiry and Literature Review
- Edrs 701: Educational Statistics II
- Edrs 702: Instit Research & Planning in Higher Edu
- Edrs 703: Advanced Methods of Applied Research
- Edrs 704: Foun. of Qualitative Research Method
- Edrs 705: Educational Research II
- Edrs 706: Applications of Qualitative Research
- Edrs 710: Design of Experiments
- Edrs 733: Special Topics in Educational Research
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